摘    要    I
Abstract    II
引    言    1
1相关技术    3
1.1SpringBoot 框架    3
1.2MyBatis框架    3
1.3WebSocket技术    4
1.4Selenium技术    5
1.5EL-ADMIN技术    5
1.6Ajax 技术    5
1.7本章小结    6
2系统分析    7
2」功能需求分析    7
2.2非功能需求    9
2.3本章小结    10
3系统设计    11
3」系统总体设计    11
3.1.1系统体系结构    11
3.1.2系统层次结构    11
3.1.3系统功能结构    12
3.2系统详细设计    12
3.2.1数据库设计    12
3.2.2系统功能设计    15
3.3本章小结    20
4系统实现    21
4」开发环境    21
4.2开发规范    21
4.3数据库实现    21
4.4核心功能实现    21
4.5本章小结    24
5系统测试    25
5」测试计划    25
5.2用例测试    25
5.3压力测试    26
5.4本章小结    27
结    论    28
致    谢    29
参考文献    30
摘 要
随着改革开放、经济发展、城市化的推行,人们对医疗信息服务的 要求持续提升,然而医疗资源大多集中在一线城市,导致了医疗资源受 众不平衡、不均匀,故此十分有必要建设医疗资源共享服务平台。
目前未在网络上搜索到国外有关于医疗资源共享平台的相关信息, 到是国内近些年关于医疗资源共享计划的信息越来越多。然而从百度搜 索到的讯息,充满着大量的广告、莆田系医院等,往往把真实的、能够 帮助解决问题的链接和讯息挤在后面,有时甚至连第一个页
面都搜索不 到真正能够帮助解决问题的讯息。在这个鱼目混珠的讯息时代,非常迫 切的需要开发一款能够解决问题的基于SpringBoot的医疗资源共享平台。
通过对技术的调研,木项目使用SpringBoot+Mybatis构造系统架构, 使用Bootstrap+ELAdmin作为页而框架,使用MySQL作为后台数据库, 使用WebSocket作为实时通讯框架,使用Java+selenium作为爬虫工具, 使用Tomcat为应用服务器,运用瀑布模式设计并实现了基于SpringBoot 的医疗资源共享平台木文采用的技术,使开发变得更敏捷,使系统更加 高效、扩展性更好。通过系统性的开发编码,严谨的用例、压力测试, 基于SpringBoot的医疗资源共享平台己成功实现,并己投入使用。
关键词:Springboot WebSocket医疗资源共享平台
With the implementation of reform and opening up, economic development and urbanization, people's requirements for medical information services continue to improve However, most of the medical resources are concentrated in the first tier cities,
resulting in the imbalance and imbalance of the audience of medical resources. Therefore, it is very necessary to build a medical resources sharing service platform.
At present, no information about the medical resource sharing platform has been searched on the Internet. In recent years, more and more information about the medical resource sharing plan has been found in China However, the information searched from Baidu is full of advertisements, Putian hospitals, etc., which often crowd out the real links and information that can help solve the problem. Sometimes even the first page can't find the information that can help solve the problem In this information age, there is an urgent need to develop a spring boot based medical resource sharing platform that can solve the problem
Through the research of technology, this project will use springboot + mybatis to construct the system architecture, bootstrap + eladmin as the page framework, MySQL as the background database, Tomcat as the application server, websocket as the real-time communication framework, java + selenium as the crawler tool, waterfall development mo
de to design and implement the spring boot based medical treatment Resource sharing platform. The technology adopted in this paper makes the system have the characteristics of good cross platform, strong scalability, high reusability and rapid development. After specific coding implementation and system test, the medical resource sharing platform based on springboot has been successfully implemented and put into use.
Keywords: Springboot; WebSocket; Medical resource sharing platform
