Key Translation Default value Reviewed
aboutiReport 关于 iReport
activeConnectionDialog.buttonCancel 取消 Cancel
activeConnectionDialog.buttonCancelMnemonic c c
activeConnectionDialog.buttonOK 确定 OK
activeConnectionDialog.buttonOKMnemonic o o
activeConnectionDialog.label1 可用的连接 Available Connections
activeConnectionDialog.title 设置活动连接 Set
activeThreads 活动的线程 Active Threads
add 添加...
addFolder 添加文件夹 Add Folder
Addition 加(+) Addition (+)
addJAR 添加 JAR Add JAR
addModStyle 添加/修改样式 Add/Modify Style
addReportToProject 将报表加入到项目…… Add Report
addToClassPath 将 JAR/路径加入到类路径 Add JAR(s)/path to the classpath
addToFontsPath 将 JAR/路径加入到字体路径 Add JAR(s)/path to the fonts path
align 对齐 Align
alignBottom 下对齐 Align Bottom
alignCenter 居中对齐 Align Center
alignHorizontalAxis 水平对齐 Align Horizontal Axis
alignJustify 两端对齐 Align Justify
alignLeft 左对齐 Align Left
alignRight 右对齐 Align Right
alignToBandBottom 对齐字段最下方 Align to Band Bottom
alignToBandTop 对齐字段最上方 Align to Band Top
alignToMarginLeft 对齐到左边距处 Align to Margin Left
alignToMarginRight 对齐到右边距处 Align to Margin Right
alignTop 上对齐 Align Top
alignVerticalAxis 垂直对齐 Align Vertical Axis
allSectionsNoDetail 除了细节外所有的栏 All sections no detail
application.back < 后退 < back
application.builder 编译器 builder
application.close 关闭 close
application.launchQuery 启动查询 launch query
< 前进 > next >
application.ok 确定 ok
application.preferences.alwayQuoteIdentifiers 标识符总是在引号中 always quote identifiers
application.preferences.autoAlias 自动别名 auto alias
application.preferences.autoJoin 自动联合 auto join
application.preferences.language 语言 Language
application.preferences.useSchemaName 语法定义中使用方案名 use schema name in syntax definition
application.saveQuery 保存查询 sa
ve query
application.syntax 语法 syntax
application.syntaxChanged 语法已更改!你要保存更改吗(编译器需要重新加载)? syntax changed! do you want to apply changes (builder need to reload)?
Area 区域图 Area
arithmeticOperationHelper.buttonCancel 取消 Cancel
arithmeticOperationHelper.buttonCancelMnemonic c c
arithmeticOperationHelper.buttonOk 确定 OK
arithmeticOperationHelper.buttonOkMnemonic o o
arithmeticOperationHelper.dialog.title 算术运算 Arithmetic operation
arithmeticOperationHelper.label1 值 1 Value 1
arithmeticOperationHelper.label2 值 2 Value 2
arithmeticOperationHelper.labelAdv1 将该数值重新解释为: Interpret this number as:
arithmeticOperationHelper.labelAdv2 将该数值重新解释为: Interpret this number as:
arithmeticOperationHelper.labelReturnType 返回类型: Return type:
ArithmeticOperationHelper.msg1 在第一个列表中选择一个对象 Select an object in the first list
ArithmeticOperationHelper.msg2 在第二个列表中选择一个对象 Select an object in the second list
autoType 自动 Automatic
background 背景 Background
bandProperties 栏的属性 Band Properties
bands 栏 Bands
bandsDialog.bands 栏...
bandsDialog.button1 应用 Apply
bandsDialog.checkBoxSplitAllowed 允许分割 Split allowed
bandsDialog.label1 当表达式为真时输出 Print When expression
bandsDialog.label2 栏的高度 Band Height
bandsDialog.listBands 栏列表 List of bands
bandsDialog.panelBorder.BandProperties 栏属性 Band properties
Bar 柱状图 Bar
Bar 3D 三维柱状图 Bar 3D
barcodeTool 条码工具 Barcode tool
baseWizardPanel.buttonCancel 取消 Cancel
baseWizardPanel.buttonFinish 完成 Finish
baseWizardPanel.buttonNext 前进 > Next >
baseWizardPanel.buttonPrev < 后退 < Prev
baseWizardPanel.label1 步骤 Steps
baseWizardPanel.labelStep1 1. 子数据集选择 1. Subdataset selection
baseWizardPanel.labelStepDescription 步骤描述 Step description
beanInspectorPanel.button2 添加所选字段 Add Selected Field(s)
beanInspectorPanel.button3 清除字段列表 Clear Fields List
beanInspectorPanel.label1 Bean Bean
blankPage 空白页面 Blank Page
bold 加粗 Bold
bottom 底 Bottom
boxPanel.label3 左 Left
boxPanel.label4 顶 Top
boxPanel.label5 右 Right
boxPanel.label6 底 Bottom
boxPanel.panelBorder.Border 边框 Border
boxPanel.panelBorder.Padding 填充 Padding
bringToFront 置前 Bring to Front
Bubble 气泡 Bubble
build 构建 Build
cancel 取消 Cancel
Candlestick 烛光图 Candlestick
cascade 层叠 Cascade
categoryDatasetPanel.label1 类别 系列 Category Series
centerHorizontallyBandBased 水平置中 (字段为基准) Center Horizontally (band/cell based)
ontallyCellBased 水平居中(基于单元格) Center Horizontally (cell based)
centerInBackground 整体置中 Center in Background
centerInBand 字段中间 Center in Band/Cell
centerInBandHorizontal 栏内水平居中 Center in Band Horizontally
centerInBandVertical 栏内垂直居中 Center in Band Vertically
centerInCell 在单元格里居中 Center in Cell
centerVerticallyBandBased 垂直居中(基于栏/单元格) Center Vertically (band/cell based)
borderboxcenterVerticallyCellBased 垂直居中(基于栏) Center Vertically (cell based)
chartFactoryRequired 指定图表的工厂类 Specify the chart factory class.
chartPropertiesDialog.buttonAdd 添加 Add
chartPropertiesDialog.buttonAddParameter 添加 Add
chartPropertiesDialog.buttonClose 关闭 Close
chartPropertiesDialog.buttonDelete 删除 Delete
chartPropertiesDialog.buttonModify 编辑图表 Edit Chart
chartPropertiesDialog.buttonModParameter 修改 Modify
chartPropertiesDialog.buttonMoveDown 下移 Move Down
chartPropertiesDialog.buttonMoveUp 上移 Move Up
chartPropertiesDialog.buttonRemParameter 删除 Remove
chartPropertiesDialog.label26 参数 Map 表达式 Parameters Map Expression
chartPropertiesDialog.label41 连接/数据源表达式 Connection/Data Source Expression
chartPropertiesDialog.labelIncrementType1 子数据集 Subdataset
chartPropertiesDialog.labelIncrementType2 当表达式成立时递增 Increment When expression 背景 Alpha(%) Background Alpha (%) 背景 Backcolor 图例背景 Legend background color 图例字体 Legend font 图例文本颜 Legend text color 图表子标题表达式 Chart subtitle expression 图表子标题颜 Chart subtitle color 图表子标题字体 Chart subtitle font 图表标题表达式 Chart title expression 图表标题颜 Chart title color 图表标题字体 Chart title font 图表标题位置 Chart title position 自定义类 Customizer class 前景 Alpha(%) Foreground Alpha (%) 显示图例 Show legend 标签旋转 Label rotation
n 方向 Orientation 系列颜 Series colors
chartPropertiesDialog.propertySet.Common 普通 Common
chartPropertiesDialog.tablecolumn.axisPosition 轴位置 Axis position
chartPropertiesDialog.tablecolumn.chart 图表 Chart
pression 表达式 Expression
chartPropertiesDialog.tablecolumn.parameter 参数 Parameter
charts.angle 角度 Angle
charts.categoryAxisLabelColorPlot 类别轴标签颜 Category axis label color
charts.categoryAxisLabelExpressionPlot 类别轴标签表达式 Category axis label expression
charts.categoryAxisLabelFontPlot 类别轴标签字体 Category axis label font
charts.categoryAxisLineColorPlot 类别轴线条颜 Category axis line color
charts.categoryAxisTickLabelColorPlot 类别轴记号标签颜 Category axis tick label color
charts.categoryAxisTickLabelFontPlot 类别轴记号标签字体 Category axis tick label font
charts.categoryAxisTickLabelMaskPlot 类别轴记号标签掩码 Category axis tick label mask
charts.categoryExpression 类别表达式 Category expression
charts.closeExpression 关闭表达式 Close expression
charts.dataRangeHigh 最高数据范围表达式 Data range high exp
charts.dataRangeLow 最低数据范围表达式 Data range low exp
charts.dateExpression 数据表达式 Date expression
charts.depthFactor 深度因子 Depth Factor
charts.highExpression 最大值表达式 High expression
charts.highRangeHigh 最大值上限表达式 High range high exp
charts.highRangeLow 最大值下限表达式 High range low exp
charts.isCircular Circular
charts.isShowCloseTicksPlot 显示关闭记号 Show close ticks
charts.isShowLabelsBarPlot 显示标签 Show Labels
charts.isShowLinesPlot 显示线条 Show lines
charts.isShowOpenTicksPlot 显示打开记号 Show open ticks
charts.isShowTickLabelsBarPlot 显示记号标签 Show tick labels
charts.isShowTickMarksBarPlot 显示记号掩码 Show tick marks
charts.isShowVolumePlot 显示容量 Show volume
charts.labelExpression 标签表达式(可选) Label expression (optional)
charts.lowExpression 最小值表达式 Low expression
charts.lowRangeHigh 最小值上限表达式 Low range high exp
charts.lowRangeLow 最小值下限表达式 Low range low exp
颜 Needle color
charts.openExpression 打开表达式 Open expression
charts.pasteDataset 粘贴数据集 Paste dataset
charts.pasteseries 粘贴系列 Paste series
charts.scaleType.BothAxes 全部轴 Both axes
charts.scaleType.DomainAxis Domain 轴 Domain axis
charts.scaleType.RangeAxis Range 轴 Range axis
charts.scaleTypeBubblePlot 刻度类型 Scale type
charts.seriesExpression 序列表达式 Series expression
charts.shape.Chord 弦形 Chord
charts.shape.Circle 圆形 Circle
charts.shape.Pie 扇形 Pie
charts.shapeMeterPlot 形状 Shape
charts.showLinesPlot 显示线条 Show lines
charts.showShapesPlot 显示形状 Show shapes
charts.showValueLines 显示值线条 Show value lines
charts.startDateExpression 开始日期表达式 Start date expression
charts.tickColor 刻度线颜 Tick color
charts.tickInterval 刻度间隔 Tick interval
charts.timeAxisLabelColorPlot 时间轴标签颜 Time axis label color
charts.timeAxisLabelExpressionPlot 时间轴标签表达式 Time axis label expression
charts.timeAxisLabelFontPlot 时间轴标签字体 Time axis label font
charts.timeAxisLineColorPlot 时间轴线条颜 Time axis line color
charts.timeAxisTickLabelColorPlot 时间轴刻度标签颜 Time axis tick label color
charts.timeAxisTickLabelFontPlot 时间轴刻度标签字体 Time axis tick label font
charts.timeAxisTickLabelMaskPlot 时间轴刻度标签Mask Time axis tick label mask
charts.timePeriod 时间周期 Time period
charts.timePeriod.Day 日 Day
charts.timePeriod.Hour 时 Hour
charts.timePeriod.Milisecond 毫秒 Millisecond
charts.timePeriod.Minute 分 Minute
charts.timePeriod.Month 月 Month
charts.timePeriod.Quarter 刻 Quarter
charts.timePeriod.Second 秒 Second
charts.timePeriod.Week 周 Week
charts.timePeriod.Year 年 Year
charts.timePeriodExpression 时间周期表达式 Time period expression
charts.units 单位 Units
charts.valueAxisLabelColorPlot 数值轴标签颜 Value axis label color
charts.valueAxisLabelExpressionPlot 数值轴标签表达式 Value axis label expression
charts.valueAxisLabelFontPlot 数值轴标签字体 Value axis label font
charts.valueAxisLineColorPlot 数值轴线条颜 Value axis line color
charts.valueAxisTickLabelColorPlot 数值轴刻度标签颜 Value axis tick label color
charts.valueAxisTickLabelFontPlot 数值轴刻度标签字体 Value axis tick label font
charts.valueAxisTickLabelMaskPlot 数值轴刻度标签Mask Value axis tick label mask
charts.valueColor 数值颜 Value color
charts.valueExpression 数值表达式 Value expression
charts.valueFont 数值字体 Value font
charts.valuelocation 数值位置 Value location