把你的光标放到相应文字上查看效果 | 要注意光标的实际效果依赖于用户的系统设置,与你在这里看到的效果并不一定一致。 | cursor: crosshair; | | 十字准心 | The cursor render as a crosshair 游标表现为十字准线 | cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; 写两个是为了照顾IE5,它只认hand。 | | 手 | The cursor render as a pointer (a hand) that indicates a link 游标以暗示(手指)的形式来表明有一个连接 | cursor: wait; | | 等待/沙漏 | The cursor indicates that the program is busy (often a watch or an hourglass) 游标暗示当前程序正忙(一般为一块表或是一个沙漏) | cursor: help; | | 帮助 | The cursor indicates that help is available (often a question mark or a balloon) 游标暗示当前位置可得到帮助(一般为问号或是气球) | cursor: no-drop; | | 无法释放 | cursor: no-drop; | cursor: text; | | 文字/编辑 | The cursor indicates text 游标暗示当前所处位置为文字内容 | cursor: move; | | 可移动对象 | The cursor indicates something that should be moved 游标暗示一些东西应该被移动 | cursor: n-resize; | | 向上改变大小(North) | The cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved up (north) 边缘可向上移动(北) | cursor: s-resize; | | 向下改变大小(South) | The cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved down (south) 边缘可向下方移动(南) | cursor: e-resize; | css鼠标点击样式 | 向右改变大小(East) | The cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved right (east) box边缘可向右(东)边移动 | cursor: w-resize; | | 向左改变大小(West) | The cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved left (west) 边缘可向左移动(西) | cursor: ne-resize; | | 向上右改变大小(North East) | The cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved up and right (north/east) 游标暗示box的边缘可向右上方移动(东北方向) | cursor: nw-resize; | | 向上左改变大小(North West) | The cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved up and left (north/west) 边缘可向左上方移动(西北) | cursor: se-resize; | | 向下右改变大小(South East) | The cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved down and right (south/east) 边缘可向右下方移动(东南) | cursor: sw-resize; | | 向下左改变大小(South West) | The cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved down and left (south/west) 边缘可向左下方移动(西南) | cursor: auto; | | 自动 | The browser sets a cursor 浏览器设置一个游标 | cursor:not-allowed; | | 禁止 | cursor:not-allowed; | cursor: progress; | | 处理中 | cursor: progress; | cursor: default; | | 系统默认 | The default cursor (often an arrow) 默认的游标状态(通常为一个箭头) | cursor: url(' # '); # = 光标文件地址 (注意文件格式必须为:.cur 或 .ani)。 | | 用户自定义(可用动画) | The url of a custom cursor to be used. 自定义游标的url位置 Note: Always define a generic cursor at the end of the list in case none of the url-defined cursors can be used 注意:在定义完自定义的游标之后在末尾加上一般性的游标,以防那些url所定义的游标不能使用 | | | | |