css属性(css properties)
CSS properties Daquan
Font properties: (font)
Size font-size: X-LARGE; (large) XX-Small; (minimal) general Chinese can not be used, as long as the value can be, units: PX, PD
Style font-style: oblique; (partial italic) Italic; (italic) normal; (normal)
Line height line-height: normal; (normal) units: PX, PD, EM
The thickness of font-weight: (BOLD) bold; lighter; normal; (Figure) (normal)
Variant font-variant: small-caps; (small capitalization) normal; (normal)
Case text-transform: capitalize; (initial uppercase) uppercase; (uppercase) lowercase; (lowe
r case) none; (no)
Modify text-decoration: underline; (underline) overline; (line up) line-through; (delete line) blink; (blinking)
Commonly used fonts: (font-family)
"Courier, New", Courier, monospace, Times, New, Roman, Times, serif, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana
Font projection effect: filter:dropshadow (color=#FFFFFF, offx=1, offy=1, positive=1);
Background properties: (background)
Color background-color: #FFFFFF;
Picture background-image:, URL ();
Repeat background-repeat: no-repeat;
Scroll background-attachment: fixed; (fixed) scroll; (scroll)
Position background-position: left (horizontal) top (vertical);
Shorthand method, background:#000, URL (...) repeat, fixed, left, top;
Block properties: (Block)
Word spacing letter-spacing: normal; numeric value
Yes, Liu text-align: justify; (align at the end) left; (left aligned) right; (right aligned) center; (centered)
Indent the text-indent: value px;
Vertically aligned vertical-align: baseline; (baseline) sub; (subscript) super; (subscript) top; text-top; middle; bottom; text-bottom;
Word spacing word-spacing:, normal; numerical value
Space white-space: pre; (reserved) nowrap; (no line feed)
Display:block (block); inline; list-item; (embedded) (list) run-in (additional); compact (compact); marker; table;
inline-table (marker); table-raw-group; table-header-group; table-footer-group; table-raw; table-column-group;
table-column; table-cell; table-caption; (table title)
Box properties: (Box)
Width:; height:; float:; clear:both; padding:; margin:; order: right, left, left
Border properties: (Border)
Border-style: dotted; (dot line) dashed; (dotted line) solid; double; (double line) groove; (slot line) ridge; (ridged) inset; (SAG) outset;
Border-width:; border width
Shorthand method border:width, style, color;
List properties: (List-style)
Type list-style-type: disc; (DOT) circle; (circle) square;
(Fang Kuai) decimal; (number) lower-roman; (Ronaldinho number) upper-roman; lower-alpha; upper-alpha;
Location list-style-position: outside; (external) inside;
Image list-style-image:, URL (...);
Location attributes: (Position)
Position: absolute; relative; static;
Visibility: inherit; visible; hidden;
Overflow: visible; hidden; scroll; auto;
Clip:, Rect (12px, auto, 12px, auto) (cut)
CSS property code Guinness
One CSS text property:
Color: #999999; / * * / text color
Font-family: Arial, sans-serif; / * * / text font
Font-size: 9pt; / * * / text size
Font-style:itelic; / * * / italic text
Font-variant:small-caps; / * * / small font
LETTER-SPACING: 1pt; / * * / distance between words
Line-height: 200%; / * * / set the row
Font-weight:bold; / * * / bold text
Vertical-align:sub; / * * / word.
Vertical-align:super; / * * / word.
Text-decoration:line-through; / * * / strikethrough
Text-decoration:overline; / * and * / top line
Text-decoration:underline; / * * / underline
Text-decoration:none; / * * / delete link underline
Text-transform: capitalize; / * * / first character uppercase 文本转换:大写;/ * * /英文大写
文本转换:小写;/ * * /英文小写
文本对齐:右;/ * * /文字右对齐
文本对齐:左;/ * * /文字左对齐
文本对齐:中心;文字居中对齐/ * * /
文本对齐:对齐;/ * * /文字分散对齐
垂直对齐:顶;/ * * /垂直向上对齐
垂直对齐:底部;/ * * /垂直向下对齐
垂直对齐:中部;/ * * /垂直居中对齐
垂直对齐:文字/ * * /文字垂直向上对齐顶;垂直对齐:文字/ * * /文字垂直向下对齐底;布局:垂直流/ * * /文字竖着排列表意
填料:10px;/ * * /上边框留空白
填充右:10px;/ * * /右边框留空白
座垫:10px;/ * * /下边框留空白
目录样式类型:无;/ * * /不编号
目录样式类型:十进制;/ * * /阿拉伯数字
目录样式类型:低/ * * /小写罗马数字罗马;
目录样式类型:大写罗马数字;/ * * /大写罗马数字目录样式类型:低α;/ * * /小写英文字母
目录样式类型:上α;/ * * /大写英文字母
目录样式类型:盘;/ * * /实心圆形符号
目录样式类型:圆;/ * * /空心圆形符号
目录样式类型:广场;/ * * /实心方形符号
列表样式图像:URL(/点。GIF);/ * * /图片式符号目录样式位置:外凸排;/* */
列表样式的位置:在缩进;/ * * /
背景颜:# f5e2ec;/ * * /背景颜