同位语从句知识点讲解  高考英语语法总复习
- Mr. Jobs, our new boss, is very important to our company.我们的新老板乔布斯先生对我们公司非常重要。(our new boss 是 Mr. Jobs 的同位语)
John told me that his friend William was a world-famous scientist.约翰告诉我,他的朋友威廉是一位世界著名的科学家。(William 是 friend 的同位语)
- We Chinese people are brave and hardworking.我们中国人是勇敢的、勤劳的。(Chinese people 是 we 的同位语)
- The news that his child was safe eased his mind.孩子平安的消息使他放心了。(句子"that his child was safe" 是 news 的同位语)
- The question whether the doctor will come is a moot point.医生是否会来这个问题是个争执点。(句子 "whether the doctor will come" 是 question 的同位语)
- Tom had no idea what Dad meant.汤姆不知道爸爸是什么意思。(句子"what Dad meant" 是 idea的同位语)
Have you any idea how fast sound travels?你知道声音传播有多快吗?(句子 "how fast sound travels" 是 idea 的同位语)
同位语从句的引导词一共分为以下 4 类,即:
1、that ;2、whether ;3、疑问代词 ;4、疑问副词;
1、that 引导的同位语从句
that 引导同位语从句时,其仅仅起连接作用,无词义,也不用翻译,仅相当于一个冒号“:”,在同位语从句中不充当任何句子成分,通常不省略,举例:
- I just knew the fact that Jim went home.我刚刚得知吉姆回家了的事实。("that Jim went home" 是 fact 的同位语)
idea是什么意思英语翻译- The news that these products will no longer be available in the market must be true.这些产品将不再在市场上销售的消息一定是真的。("that these products will no longer be available in the market" 是 news 的同位语)
- I have an idea that I'll take care of your kids.我有一个想法,那就是由我来照顾你的孩子。("that I'll take care of your kids"是 idea 的同位语)
2、Whether 引导的同位语从句
当同位语从句要表达“是否”的含义时,引导词要用whether,并且不能用 if 进行替换,举例:
- Thomas hasn't made the decision whether he will go to the hospital.汤姆斯还没有决定他是否去医院。("whether he will go to the hospital" 是 decision 的同位语)
- I have no idea whether the boss will agree with us.我不知道老板是否会同意我们的观点。("whether the boss will agree with us" 是 idea 的同位语)
We have some doubt whether they can complete the task on time.我们怀疑他们是否能准时完成任务。("whether they can complete the task on time" 是 doubt 的同位语)
疑问代词指这些:who,whom,whose,whoever,what,whatever,which,whichever 等,它们在从句中充当句子成分,举例:
- Let’s talk about the matter who will go to the conference.下面我们来谈谈这个问题,谁去开会。("who will go to the conference" 是 matter 的同位语)
- I have no idea whose computer is making noises in front of me.我不知道谁的电脑在我面前发出噪音。("whose computer is making noises in front of me" 是 idea 的同位语)
- They haven’t solved the problem what went wrong with the server.服务器出故障的问题他们还没解决。("what went wrong with the server" 是 problem 的同位语)
I have no idea which car I should buy.我不确定买哪辆车。("which car I should buy" 是 idea 的同位语)
疑问副词指那些表示地点、时间、原因、方式等的词:where、when、how、why 等,它们在同位语从句中充当句子成分,作状语,举例:
- There's no question where Mr. Jobs belongs.毫无疑问,乔布斯属于哪里。("where Mr. Jobs belongs" 是 question 的同位语)
- I’ve no idea when Tom was born.我不确定汤姆什么时候出生的。("when Tom was born" 是 idea 的同位语)
- The question how we obtained such a high response rate will be discussed next week.我们如何获得如此高的回复率的问题将在下周讨论。("how we obtained such a high response rate" 是 question 的同位语)
I have no idea why the cost of the IT services can be so expensive.我不知道为何 IT 服务的成本会如此昂贵("why the cost of the IT services can be so expensive" 是 idea 的同位语)
注意:当when、where、why、how 作同位语从句时,虽然在从句中充当成分,但前面没有与其意义相当的先行词,否则就会变成定语从句了(今后讲定语从句时会专门讲这一块),仅举一例:
- I don’t know the time when he was born.我不知道他出生的时间。(这样就变成了定语从句,因为“when he was born” 成了修饰 time 的定语)
A: ability 能力; advice 建议; agreement 协议; answer 答案; arrangement 安排; assumption 设想;
B:belief 信念,相信;
C:command 命令; conclusion 结论; condition 条件;
D:decision 决定; demand 要求; desire 要求; determination 决定; discovery 发现; doubt 怀疑;
E:evidence 证据; explanation 解释;
F:fact 事实; fear 害怕; feeling 感觉;
H:hope 希望;
I:idea 主意; indication 指示; information 信息; insistence 主张; instruction 指令;
K:knowledge 知识;
L:likelihood 可能性;
M:message 消息; motion 议案;
N:news 新闻;
O:order 命令; opinion 观点;
P:phenomenon 现象; plan 计划; possibility 可能性; preference 偏爱; principle 原则; probability可能性; problem 问题; promise 答应,诺言; proof 证据; proposal 提议; proposition 提议;
Q:question 问题;
R:recommendation 推荐; reply 答复; report 报道; request 请求; requirement 要求; resolution 决议; rumor 谣言 传闻;
S:situation 情况; statement 声明; story 故事; suggestion 建议;
