—What is your major?
A. Li Mei .
B. A fresh man .
C. Education.
—Hi, Wang Xin,nice to meet you! 
—Hi, Liu Hui, _____________________
A. nice to meet you too.
B. how do you do?
C. I'm fine, thank you.
解析:本题考核“互相问候”情境下的交际用语。第一说话人以nice to meet you(见到你很高兴)问候对方时,应用nice to meet you too来回应,所以选A。正确答案是:nice to meet you too.
I _____________ an Open University student.
A. am
B. are
C. is
I would _________ any weakness and any fear.
A. come
B. overcome
C. throw
解析:overcome意为“克服”,可与problem or a feeling(如fear,despair等)搭配,符合题意;come意为“来”;throw意为“丢,抛”。正确答案是:overcome
Social workers should learn how to _________ people.
A. look at
B. look into
C. look after
解析:look after sb意为“照顾某人”; look at sb意为“看着某人”;look into意为“调查”。根据句意,应选择look after.正确答案是:look after
    Social work helps people to have a  1  life. In many cases this requires the social worker to help people to overcome the negatives in their lives. Social work includes from helping a  2  to get into college to counseling a person with illness. In most cases the role of a social worker is to help people to  3  the skills.
  Most of the time a social worker is going to be dealing  4  people who are having a difficult time. Often poverty plays a big part in the need for the services of social worker. Social workers often interview people to get an understanding of the problem. From there the social worker will help them to come up with a plan to  5  their situation.
1. A. good                        B. better                C. rich
2. A. student                    B. doctor                C. lawyer
3. A. take                        B. think                  C. develop
4. A. with                          B. on                      C. in
5. A. change                    B. meet                  C. improve
1. 从句意上讲,社工是帮助人们过一种更好的生活。因此应该用good的比较级better, 所以选B。
2. 从句意上看,社工的工作是帮助哪类人进入大学?应该是“学生”,而不是医生和律师,所以选A。
3. develop意为“发展”,develop the skills的意思是“发展技能”,符合句意。think意为“思考”;take意为“拿,取”,与skills搭配,意思不通,所以选C。该句句意为“大多数情况下社工的角是帮助人们发展技能”。
4. 词组deal with意为“与…打交道;处理”,介词只能用with,因此选A。该句意为“社工的大多数时间是与有困难的人打交道。”
– I can show you around, if you like.
– ________________
A. I can't wait.
B. Sure. Thank you.
idea是什么意思英语翻译C. Let's go.
正确答案是:Sure. Thank you.
– What is so special about this Social Work Center?
– _________________
A. It offers help to homeless people.
B. It has nothing special.
C. I like working here.
正确答案是:It offers help to homeless people.
- Are you a member of the _________? 
- I'm her brother.
A. house
B. household
C. home
They must try to _________ the boundaries of knowledge.
A. extend
B. increase
C. enrich
Well, I heard him _________ he'd cover the afternoon shift.
A. say
B. said
C. to say
解析:此处考查了“感官动词加宾语再加动作”的基本句型。感官动词宾语后的动作可以接原形或者ing形式。A项正确。类似的词还有see, watch, notice, listen to等。正确答案是:say
1. Susan Brown was in a family way when she was seventeen.
A. 17岁时,苏珊正在回家的路上。
B. 17岁时,苏珊就怀孕了。
C. 17岁时,苏珊就结婚了。
解析:“be in a family way”是“怀孕”的委婉说法。因此B项正确。
2. Growing up, for Susan, was not exactly a fairy tale.
A. 对苏珊来说,成长是一帆风顺的。
B. 对苏珊来说,成长像童话故事一样美好。
C. 对苏珊来说,成长的过程充满艰辛。
解析:“fairy tale”意思是“童话故事”,此处用以比喻美好的成长历程。“not exactly a fairy tale”可以翻译为“充满艰辛”或者“并不是一帆风顺的”。因此,C项最合适。
3. In those years, a very young mother was not as common as it is now.
A. 那些年,年轻的妈妈比现在普遍。
B. 那些年,年轻的妈妈不如现在普遍。
C. 那些年,年轻的妈妈跟现在一样普遍。
解析:“not as +形容词/副词+as”用以表达前者不如后者。在这里正确的翻译应该是“不如现在普遍”。因此B项正确。
4. Her father put Susan into the hands of her grandmother.
A. 她的父亲将苏珊交给祖母抚养。
B. 她的父亲将苏珊交到祖母手里。
C. 她的父亲让苏珊赡养祖母。
解析:“put sb. into sb’s hands”字面意思是“将某人放到某人手里”,此处仍然是隐喻用法,指“将苏珊交给祖母抚养”。A项为正确选项。
5. A large family may have more than two generations, and there are more than two adults from different generations of a family.
A. 一个大家庭的成员至少包括两代、含有超过两个来自不同辈分的成年人。
B. 一个大家庭的成员至少包括三代、含有至少两个来自不同辈分的成年人。
C. 一个大家庭的成员至少包括三代、含有超过两个来自不同辈分的成年人。
解析:本题主要考查对“more than”的理解和翻译。“more than”意思是“超过、多于”,我们如果用“至少”来翻译时,需注意将数字进行变化。B为正确选项。
