micropython也有这个功能,不过这个⽂件的扩展名是mpy,也不能在运⾏时⾃动⽣成,需要⼀款软件:,这是micropython官⽅提供的,可以⽤python pip直接安装,安装完成后,可以运⾏ pythonfile,py,就可以⽣成⼀个pythonfile.mpy的字节码⽂件,这⽂件使⽤跟py⽂件是等效的。把所有⽂件⽣成mpy,可以在⼀定程度上保护你的代码。
Cross-installing packages with freezing
For the low-memory , the process described in the previous section does not provide the most efficient resource usage,because the packages are installed in the source form, so need to be compiled to the bytecome on each import. This compilation requires RAM, and the resulting bytecode is also stored in RAM, reducing its amount available for storing application data. Moreover, the process above requires presence of the filesystem on a device, and the most resource-constrained devices may not even have it.
The bytecode freezing is a process which resolves all the issues mentioned above:
The source code is pre-compiled into bytecode and store as such.
The bytecode is stored in ROM, not RAM.
Filesystem is not required for frozen packages.
Using frozen bytecode requires building the executable (firmware) for a given  from the C source code. Consequently, the process is:
1. Follow the instructions for a particular port on setting up a toolchain and building the port. For example, for ESP8266 port, study
instructions in ports/esp8266/README.md and follow them. Make sure you can build the port and deploy the resulting
executable/firmware successfully before proceeding to the next steps.
2. Build  and make sure it is in your PATH and you can execute micropython.
3. Change to port’s directory (e.g. ports/esp8266/ for ESP8266).
4. Run make clean-frozen. This step cleans up any previous modules which were installed for freezing (consequently, you need to skip this
step to add additional modules, instead of starting from scratch).
5. Run micropython -m upip install -p modules <packages>... to install packages you want to freeze.
6. Run make clean.
7. Run make.
After this, you should have the executable/firmware with modules as the bytecode inside, which you can deploy the usual way.
