html仪表盘模版,【Mintonv1.0.0】管理后台仪表盘HTML5模板Minton是⼀个功能齐全的⾼级管理后台仪表盘HTML5模板,建⽴在强⼤的Bootstrap 4.5.2和Vue+Nuxt Js之上。它有许多现成的⼿⼯制作的组件。Minton⽀持多语⾔和Dark+RTL模式。该模板是完全响应和易于定制。该代码⾮常容易理解,并赋予任何开发⼈员在
Vue+Nuxt JS中将此模板转换为真正的web应⽤程序的能⼒。
Minton is a fully featured premium admin template built on top of awesome Bootstrap 4.5.2 and Vue + Nuxt Js. It has many ready to use hand crafted components. Minton is multi language and Dark +RTL mode supported. The template is fully responsive and easy to customize. The code is super easy to understand and gives power to any developer to turn this template into real web application in Vue + Nuxt JS.
