通过本课程设计,使自己更加系统地理解和掌握数据结构的基本概念;能自如地根据实际要求,设计相应的数据结构,并运用java语言和SQL语言实现所设计的算法,编写较大型的程序,分析和解决实际应用问题,进一步加深、巩固所学专业课程的基本理论知识,理论联系实际,进一步培养自己综合分析问题和解决问题的能力。掌握java语言或sql server语言独立的编写、调试应用程序和进行其它相关设计的技能。
【关键词】java  项目  SQL  学生成绩管理系统
Title:Student achrevement management system
Through the curriculum design, make themselves more systematically understand and master the basic concepts of data structures; freely according to the actual requirements, the design of the corresponding data structure, and uses Java language and SQL language implementation of the algorithm, written in relatively large program, analyze and solve the practical problems, deepen further, consolidate the professional curriculum of basic theoretical knowledge, linking theory with practice, to further develop their comprehensive ability to analyze and solve problems. Master the Java language or SQL server language independent compilation, debugging applications and other related design skills.This project is mainly to investigate our structure, array, documents and other specific operations, as well as on the Java language grammar, so make this project requires relatively high design requirement, on the whole are very familiar generalizations, and the debugging process is very important, the program interface requirements are relatively high, to design reasonable but also a, to humanized description clearly you each function, stick out a mile, for other users of this procedure is simple to understand, this can the cost of procedure or the system is successful.For student achievement management system, the project each year there are students t
o do, but in other projects talent showing itself, but also has its own characteristics of the design, using simple language to describe in detail the function of the system, this is the key.This design can be used to practice our understanding and use of structured program design thinking and methods, master development of a practical
计算机专业javasystem of small basic method, learn to debug a relatively long process of the basic method, at the same time, master the writing program design and development capability of document.
【Key Words】java project SQL Student achrevement management system
1题目分析析或需求分析 (1)
1.1题目分析 (1)
1.2需求分析 (1)
1.2.1需求分析概述 (1)
1.2.2组织结构调查 (2)
1.2.3系统需求分析 (2)
1.2.4 系统用户分析 (3)
1.2.5 其他需求分析 (3)
2设计方案 (3)
2.1系统开发方案的选择 (3)
2.2系统开发环境 (4)
2.2.1程序设计语言选择 (4)
2.3学生成绩管理系统的功能 (7)
2.3.1软件的具体功能 (7)
2.3.2软件模块划分 (7)
3数据库设计 (10)
4编程开发和调试过程 (11)
5效果分析与课题小节 (12)
总结 (14)
致谢 (15)
参考文献 (16)
学生成绩管理系统可以实现管理员对整个学成绩的添加,修改,删除,查询等操作,对教师用户的添加,修改,删除,查询等操作。可以将学生成绩的数据库发布到网上,教师的信息发布到网上,方便学生,教师进行查询,达到资源共享的目的。教师能够在一定的权限内对所有学生成绩的查询,所有教师信息的查询,留言信息的添加,删除,修改是,查看等,对的自己的联系信息进行更新,登录密码的修改.学生可以在自己的权限内对对自己成绩的查询,以及个人信息的查询, 登录密码的修改,留言的查看,提交留言信息的相关操作。
在21 世纪的科技时代,科学技术突飞猛进,信息社会的高科技时代,商品经济化的高效益,计算机的应用已普及到经济和社会生活的各个领域.计算机虽然与人类的关系愈来愈密切,还有人由于计算机操作不方便继续用手工劳动.为了适应现代社会人们高度强烈的时间观念,学生成绩管理系统为教学办公带来了极大的方便.该学生成绩管理系统是以JAVA语言和SQL数据查询语言编写,其系统功能在内部IIS 服务器上运行.系统管理员,教师,学生只需通过简单的操作,用户都可以了解本系统软件的基本工作原理.用户只需进行输入一些简单的汉字,数字,或用鼠标点击即可达到自己想要的目标。
