Liquidation procedures 清算程序    senior executives 高层管理
Strict fit-and-proper tests 严格的任职资格测试   
criminal charge刑事犯罪  loan approval process贷款审批制度    Basel Capital Accord巴塞尔资本协议 
association bankers银行同业协会    transparency透明度
Internal controls 内控  deposit insurance system存款保险制度
Institutional building制度建设    bank claim 债权
Asset quality 资产质量    interest rate liberalization 利率自由化
Risk pricing风险定价    cross-border capital movement跨国资本流动
Financial innovation 金融创新    financial legislation 金融立法
Bankruptcy law破产法 integrated financial markets一体化的金融市场resource allocation资
源配置    capital market资本市场
Stock market股票市场    bond market债券市场    entity实体
Commodity market商品市场 written issuance of debts债务的书面证明
Financial derivatives market金融衍生品市场  futures market期货市场
Standardized futures contracts 标准化的期货合同 
underlying product原生产品  option 期权 insurance market保险市场  foreign exchange market外汇市场  primary market一级市场  secondary market二级市场  paper certificate 面证明
Electronic record电子记录  over-the-counter market场外交易/柜台交易  joint-stock company合资企业  go public上市
Legal framework法律框架  treasury bond 国库券 
convertible bond可转换的债券  warrant 认股权证
ETF:Exchange Traded Fund交易所交易基金
LOF:Listed Open-ended Fund上市开放式基金 
closed-end fund封闭式基金
Denominated in Chinese currency 以人民币标价的  subscribe申购
Securities investment fund证券投资基金  investment charter投资协议
Opening/closing market value 开/收盘价
SAR:Special Administrative Region 特别行政区
Fixed or variable interest rate固定或变化的利率  coupon息票
Maturity到期  fund sales outlets基金销售点
Pre-determined exercise price提前订好的价格  Securities Law证券法
SOE:state-owned-enterprises国有企业  modern enterprise system现代企业制度  shareholding corporation股份制企业 
The examination and approval system检查和审批制度
Quota system配额制度  verification system检验制度 
public offerings公开发行  raise capital筹资  listed company上市公司
Diversified investment instruments多元化的投资工具
Insurer保险人  insured被保险人 policyholder保单持有人
Insurance policy保单  premium保险费 
Fundamental and particular risk基本险和个别险
Pure and speculative risk纯粹风险和投机风险
Law of Large Numbers大数法则  risk transference 风险转移
Mortality table生命表  morbidity table健康表 
universal banking综合银行业务
Foreign exchange control外汇管制  state intervention 国家干涉 
highly centralized foreign exchange control system高度集中的外汇管理体制
evolution of the socialist market economy社会主义市场经济改革
conditional current account convertibility经常项目的可兑换性
unification of exchange market外汇市场的统一
adoption of a market based managed floating exchange rate以市场为基础的管理的浮动利率
payment in transfer of foreign exchanges外汇转移的支付
capital account transaction 资本项目下的交易
domestic enterprise国内企业  external debt administration外债管理
qualified foreign institution investors(QFII)合格的机构投资者
specified quota规定的配额  market access市场准入
Chinese-funded and foreign-funded banks中资外资银行
Multinational corporations跨国公司 
cross-border capital transfer跨国资本转移
RMB exchange rate regime人民币汇率体制  with a reference to参考
A basket of currencies一篮子货币 
spot foreign exchange market即期外汇市场
RMB forward and swap contract人民币远期、掉期交易
Forward trade 远期交易  balance of payment收支平衡
Regulations on Foreign Exchange Administration关于外汇管理的规定
State Administration of Foreign Exchange(SAFE)国家外汇管理局
Non-resident bank非居民银行  designated transaction指定的交易
Payment voucher支付凭证  banknote and coin纸币和铸币
Negotiable instrument可转换的票据 
bank certificate of deposit银行存款凭证 
certificate of postal savings邮政储蓄凭证 
Securities denominated in foreign currencies外币债券
Smargin rateuper-national currencies超国家货币
Special Drawing Rights(SDR)特别提款权
Foreign currency is prohibited from being calculated and shall not be quoted for pricing or settlement禁止外币流通、计价和结算
