Hello ,class of 2015.I am so honest to be here today.Dean Khurana ,faculty ,parents ,and most especially graduating students.Thank you so much for inviting me.I have to admit that today ,even 12years after graduation.I ’m still insecure about my own worthless.I have to remind myself today you ’re here for a reason.
Today I feel much like I did when I came to Harvard Yard now so much affected as to make it almost impossible for her to appear tolerably cheerful.
Their engagements at Rosings were as frequent during the last week of her stay as they had been at first.The very last evening was spent there ;and her Ladyship again enquired minutely into the particulars of their journey ,gave them directions as to the best method of packing ,and was so ur
gent on the necessity of placing gowns in the only right way ,that Maria thought herself obliged ,on her return ,to undo all the work of the morning ,and pack her trunk afresh.
When they parted ,Lady Catherine ,with great condescension ,wished them a good journey ,and invited them to come to Hunsford again next year ;and Miss De Bourgh exerted herself so far as to curtsey and hold out her hand to both.
我今天的感受跟我1999年初到哈佛成为曼Natalie Portman 81
very coveted toys in my life including a not so plastic ,not so crappy one :an Oscar.So we bump up against the common troll I think of the commencement address people who have achieved a lot telling you that the fruits of the achievement are not always to be trusted.But I think that contradiction can be reconciled and is in fact instructive.Achievement is wonderful when you know why you ’re doing it.And when you don ’t know ,it can be a terrible trap.
In contrast to my inability to declare myself ,on my first day of orientation freshman year ,five sepa
rate students introduced themselves to me by saying ,I ’m going to be president.Remember I told you that.Their names ,for the record ,were Bernie Sanders ,Marco Rubio ,Ted Cruz ,Barack Obama ,Hilary Clinton.In all seriousness ,I believed every one of them.Their bearing and self-confidence alone seemed proof of their prophecy where I couldn ’t shake my self-doubt.I got in only because I was famous.This was how others saw me and it was how I saw myself.Driven by these insecurities ,I decided I was going to find something to do in Harvard that was serious and meaningful that would change the world and make it a better place.
At the age of 18,I ’d already been acting for 7years ,and assumed I find a more serious and profound path in college.So freshman fall I decided to take neurologist and advanced modern Hebrew literature because I was serious and intellectual.Needless to say ,I should have failed both.I got Bs.But as I was fighting my way through Aleph Bet Yod Y shua in Hebrew and the different mechanisms of neuro-response ,I saw friends around me writing papers on sailing and pop culture magazines ,and professors teaching classes on fairy tales and The Matrix.I realized that seriousness for seriousness ’s sake was its own kind of trophy ,and a dubious one ,a pose I sought to counter some half-imagined argument about who I was.There was a reason that I was an actor.I love
年仅18岁的我已经演了7年戏,以为自己在大学里到一条更加严肃和深刻的路,所以大一那年秋天我决定修神经生物学和高等现代希伯来文学,因为我很严肃、很智慧。不用说,我两科都应该挂掉。顺便说下,我拿到了B 。但当我为了希伯来语课的ABC 以及神经应答的不同机制而挣扎时,我看到朋友们写关于帆船的论文,写流行文化杂志,看到教授讲童话故事和黑客帝国,我发现,为了严肃而严肃,这本身就是一种虚荣,是一种模棱两可,是为
most popular place in town.Our local friends explain to us that all the best restaurants in Tokyo are th
at small ,and do only one type of dish :sushi or tempura or teriyaki.Because they want to do things well and beautiful.And it ’s not about quantity.It ’s about taking pleasure in the perfection and beauty of the particular.I ’m still learning now that it ’s about good and maybe never done.And the joy and work ethic and virtuosity we bring to the particular can impart a singular type of enjoyment to those we give to ,and of course to ourselves.
By the time I got to making Black Swan ,the experience was entirely my own ,I felt immune to the worst things anyone could say or write about me.And to whether the audience felt like to see my movie or not.It was instructive for me to see ballet dancers ,once your technique gets to a certain level ,the only thing that separates you from others is your quirks or flaws.One ballerina was famous for how she turned slightly off balanced.You can never be the best ,technically.Someone will always have a higher jump or a more beautiful line.The only thing you can be the best at is developing your own self.Authoring your own experience was very much what Black Swan itself was about.I worked with Darren Aronofsky the director whom changed my last line in the movie to :It was perfect.Because my character Nina is only artistically successful when she finds perfection and pleasure for herself ,not when she was trying to be perfect in the eyes of others.So when Black Swan was successful financially and I began receiving accolades.I felt honored and grateful to have
connected with people.But the true core of my meaning I had already established.And I needed it to be independent of people ’s reactions to me.People told me that Black Swan was an artistic risk.A scary challenge to try to portray a professional ballet dancer.But it didn ’t feel like courage or daring that drove me do it.I was so oblivious to my own limits that I did things I was woefully unprepared to do.And so the very inexperience that in college had made me feel insecure ,and made me want to play
后一句台词改成了:这真完美。因为我的角Nina 在艺术上的成功,只在为自己到完美和愉悦之时出现,而不是为了试图在别人眼中变得完美。所以当《黑天鹅》取得商业上的成功,而我也开始得到赞扬之时,我觉得荣耀和感恩的是,我接触到了人心,我已经建立了自己价值的真正核心,我需要它不受别人反应的影响。大家告诉我《黑天鹅》是艺术上的冒险,演艺职业芭蕾舞者是恐怖的挑战,但我觉得促使我去演的并非是勇气或胆量,而是我对自身局限的毫无所知。我对所做之事压根没有准备。无经验让我在大学时缺乏自信,让我愿意遵循他人的规则。如今,它让我敢于接受挑战,那些我根本没意识到是挑战的挑战。当导演问我是否能演芭蕾舞者时,我跟他说我基本