Tri-Prism Long Noodle
The first step to make Trip-Prism Long Noodle is to press the dough into a sheet with a thickness of half a centimeter and width of five inches. Then fold these dough sheets up into four or five layers and put them on the chopping board. When all is prepared, cookers hold the special kitchen knife with both hands and begin to cut noodles and put them into the pot at the same time. The kitchen knife shines; noodles fly into the pot with “pa pa” sound. You will be impressed by the making process.
Main ingredient: 300 g wheat flour, 750 g beef shank;
Minor ingredient: hawthorn, spring onion, ginger, water, star anise;
Seasoning: cooking oils, yellow soybean paste, sauce, sugar
Dish Characteristics:
Tri-Prism Long Noodle in Shanxi also has the characteristics of external entity, internal emptiness, flexibility, smoothness and easy to digest. Along with its convenience and sim
plicity, it really becomes a kind of cooked wheaten food that is very popular.
1. 面粉300克和水120-130克,将其倒入面盆里,用水和好(水温:冬春秋温,夏凉),揉至面团光滑,盖湿布子饧30分钟
2. 饧过的面团在揉一会,然后揉成椭圆形,用擀面杖擀成三毫米厚的长面片,在上面撒些面粉,从下向上折叠成两层,双手执刀,一刀一刀往前拨出面条,拨面时刀与面的角度约成60度,在斜拨的基础上要将刀直立并向前甩面条,使拨出的面条甩离原位六七十厘米面远,一根一根,整整齐齐,粗细均匀地排列在面案上
3. 最后将切好的面条放入开水锅中煮一两分钟
4. 煮熟捞出浇上红烧牛肉卤
Making Methods:
1. Mix together with 300 g flour and 120-130 water and stir into ear like small parts. After that, it should be kneaded into round dough. The third step, the dough should be covered with a piece of wet cloth for half an hour.
2. The qualified chef stands in front of a big pot of boiling water rolling the thin with 3mm thick. With a piece of kneaded dough about the size of a thick bamboo trunk in one hand and a special shaving knife in the other hand, meanwhile, the angle between the special knife and the dough is about 60 degrees. The noodles just like a joyful fish making a big splash into the pot is really a wonderful performance.
3. Put the noodles into the boiling water and boil the noodles for 1-2minutes.
4. Boil the noodles and take it out from the pot. After that, the sauce of stewed beef is covered.width的意思中文翻译
The making method of sauce of stewed beef and beef jerky:
1) Clean the beef shank and cut into chunks. Before boil the beef shank in the pot, you firstly blanch it. After the water boiled, take it out from the pot.
2) When the oil is hot, add star anise and yellow soybean paste to stir-frying, and add some rice wine and sugar, and then put some water.
3) When the water is boiled, add beef shank, green onion, ginger, and hawthorn.
4) Boil about 2 hours, finally add some salt.
1. 小麦面粉:面粉富含蛋白质、碳水化合物、维生素和钙、铁、磷、钾、镁等矿物质,有养心益肾、健脾厚肠、除热止渴的功效,主治脏躁、烦热、消渴、泄痢、痈肿、外伤出血
Nutrition function:
1. The flour contains rich carbohydrate, Protein, vitamins and calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and other minerals, and can provide enough energy. Meanwhile, it is benefit for your heart, kidney and intestines and stomach. It is mainly used for the treatment of hypomania, irritability, thirst quenching, diarrhea, carbuncle swelling, trauma bleeding and scald.
2. Beef is rich in high quality protein, essential fatty acids, especially L-Cysteine not only provides the hemoglobin and promote the absorption of iron element, but also improves iron deficiency anemia and strengthen kidney function. Compared with other meats like p
ork or chicken, all kinds of people are suitable for eating because of fat-free and less cholesterol.