Syntactic Differences of Classical Chinese and Modern English
一、意合与形合 (parataxis vs. hypotaxis)
子结构不完备或出现串句(run-on sentence)。
The scholar does not consider gold and jade to be treasures, butwidth的意思中文翻译 leal-heartedness and good faith; he does not desire lands and territory, but considers the establishment of righteousness as his domain; he does not desire a great accumulation of wealth, but looks on many accomplishments as his riches; it is difficult to win him, but easy to pay hi
m; it is easy to pay him, but difficult to retain him. As he will not show himself when the time is not proper for him to do so, is it not difficult to win him? As he will have no fellowship with what is not righteous, is it not difficult to retain him? As he must first do the work, and then take the pay, is it not easy to pay him? -such are the conditions of his close association with others.
                                              --trans. by James Legge
The men born before me surely know the truth before me, so I respect them as teachers,
whereas those born after me may also know the truth before me, I likewise respect them as teachers.
Mencius said, The people are the most important element in a nation; the spirits of the land and grain (state) are the next; the sovereign is the lightest.
Its the people that should always come first, the state second, and the ruler, last.
二、动词优势与名词、介词、分词优势(verbs prominence vs. nouns, prepositions and participles prominence)
In the year of Taiyuan of the Jin Dynasty, there lived a man in Wuling Prefecture who earn
ed his living by fishing. One day, he rowed his boat along a stream, unaware of how far he had gone when all of a sudden, he found himself in the midst of a wood full of peach trees in blossom. The wood extended several hundred footsteps along both banks of the stream. There were no trees of other kinds. The fragrant grass was fresh and beautiful and peach patals fell in riotous(茂盛的) profusion (大量). The fisherman was so curious that he rowed on, in hope of discovering where the trees ended.
At the end of the wood was the fountainhead of the stream. The fisherman beheld a hill, with a small opening from which issued a glimmer of light. He stepped ashore to explore the crevice (缺口). His first steps took him into a passage that accommodated only the width of one person. After he progressed about scores of paces, it suddenly widened into an open field. The land was flat and spacious. There were houses arranged in good order with fertile fields, beautiful ponds, bamboo groves (树丛), mulberry trees (桑树) and paths crisscrossing the fields in all directions. The crowing (鸣叫)of cocks and the barking of dogs were within hearing of each other. In the fields the villagers were busy with farm work. Men and women were dressed like people outside. They all, old and youn
g, appeared happy.
One day in the Taiyuan period of the Jin Dynasty, a native of Wuling Prefecture, being a fisherman by trade, was boating in a stream. Oblivious (不注意的)of the distance that he had covered, he came upon a peach grove, which lined the banks of the stream for several hundred paces. The grove was unmixed with any other trees and was carpeted with fragrant and tender grass, while the newly opened blossom was a riot of pink. The fisherman much wondered and proceeded further, hoping to reach the end of the grove, which turned out to be the head of the stream. There he was confronted with a crag (峭壁), which had a small orifice (小孔)looking as if it were lit by a dim light. Then he abandoned the boat and entered the opening.
At first the cave was very narrow, only passable for one person. After a further walk of several dozen paces, a broad view burst upon his sight. He saw an even and wide tract of land, on which some houses were arranged in good order, with fertile fields, beautiful pon
ds, mulberry trees and bamboos all around them. The fields were crisscrossed with ridged paths. The cocks and dogs heard and eachoed each other. The clothes worn by the men and women tilling (耕地)the land were identical with those of the outsiders. The aged and the adolescent all enjoyed themselves in blissful ease.
