与覆衬,业内人士通常称后一种做法为挖驳头工艺。在胸部和肩部同样选用优质黑碳衬、高密度马尾衬和胸绒制成的组合胸衬。用这种工艺制作的西服,衣身较为轻薄、流畅,穿着合体舒适。与传统工艺西服相比,它的做法相对简便、省时,加工成本有所降低,但成衣的保形性不及传统工艺西服                                                                                                      三、粘合衬工艺是在半毛衬工艺基础上的再简化,在半毛衬基础上取消了驳头衬和纳驳头的工艺,生产成本较前两者最低,适合工业化大批量生产。以满足工薪阶层的需求。
Full canvas,
The modelling is based on the suit’s woolcanvas including the body,lapel and facing with no mucilage glue canvas.All chest canvas and lapel are made by high quality black carbon canvas. In this craft ,it can be more fit ,more confortable and the outline is more fluency,the third dimension is stronger,espcially the chest is very satiation.As the craft takes handmade as the principal thing,it needs more time, the fabric and accessory are top grade ,the costs of conversion is higher.This craft is the fist choose for the MTM and f
amous brand suit . The full canvas craft need high process requirements and equipment,many factory can not make the full canvas ,bu we can do it.
half canvas
The half canvas is more simply than full canvas, it keeps almost characteristics of the full canvas .Usually it has two styles :  the front part  has woven fused as the body, but the lapel is used black carbon canvas ; the other’s body is same as first one ,but the main chest canvas and lapel are made by high quality black carbon canvas. The chest canvas and lapel can be tailored at the same time , they can also be tailed respectively. The chest canvas and shoulder are made by combined interlining which is made up by high quality black carbon canvas, high density horsehair interlining and woolen. In this craft, the cloth is more frivolous, fluency and comfortable and the CMT is lower, but the style is less than traditional craft suit.
The fused
The fused is more simplify than half canvas, it cancel the craft of lapel canvas and lapel , the cost is lower than the others ,it is  suitable  for industrialize mass-production. It can suit the salariat’s demand.
