基于MATLAB Robotics Tools的机械臂仿真
【摘要】在MATLAB环境下,对puma560机器人进行运动学仿真研究,利用Robotics Toolbox工具箱编制了简单的程序语句,建立机器人运动学模型,与可视化图形界面,利用D-H参数法对机器人的正运动学、逆运动学进行了仿真,通过仿真,很直观的显示了机器人的运动特性,达到了预定的目标,对机器人的研究与开发具有较高的利用价值。
Abstract:For the purpose of making trajectory plan research on puma560 robot,in the MATLAB environment,the kinematic parameters of the robot were designed. Kinematic model was established by Robotics Toolbox compiled the simple programming statements,the difference was discussed between the standard D-H parameters,and the trajectory planning was simulated,the joints trajectory curve were smooth and continuous,Simulation shows the designed parameters are correct,thus achieved the goal. The tool has higher economic and practical value for the research and development of robot.
tool工具箱Key words:robot;trajectory planning;MTALAB;simulation