Exercises ( Units One – Five)
I. Vocabulary and structure
1.On my way to school, I saw people ______ advertisements and sample products.
A. conveying
B. creating
C. discarding
D. distributing
2.The professor thought that I was making good progress in my studies and told me
to _____ my good work.
A. keep up
B. go ahead with
C. hold back
D. come up with
3. His marked changes in personality were ______ by a series of unfortunate events in life.
A. brought out
B. brought to
C. brought up
D. brought about
4. Jane’s anger could not be _____ when the conversation turned to the criticism of her own father.
A. held on
B. held out
C. held back
D. held up
5. _____ with the picture, Mary tore it to pieces.
A. Dissatisfying thoroughly
B. To dissatisfy thoroughly
C. To be thoroughly dissatisfied
D. Being thoroughly dissatisfied
6. Because my TV set _____ I could not watch the football game broadcast live last night.
A. broke up
B. broke off
C. broke down
D. broke out
7. Don’t forget _____ when you are finished with the electronic iron.
A. to turn it off
B. to have turned it off
C. turning it off
D. having turned it off
8. As a cleaning woman, her _____ duties include cleaning the desks and mopping the floor.
A. continuous
B. routine
C. initial
D. constant
9. This road will never end, and it ______ goes all around the world.
A. possibly
B. probably
C. likely
D. could
10. Many American Indians ____ contact with ghosts, so they disposed of the bodies
of dead relatives immediately.
A. frightened
B. dazzled
C. dreaded
D. scared
II. Cloze
Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you __1__ wonder how it is possible for us to __2__ people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the _3__ that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child— __4__ an animal, such as a pigeon—can learn to recognize faces. We all __5__ this ability for granted.
We also tell people apart __6__ how they behave. When we talk about someone’s personality, we mean __7__ in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks, and feels that __8__ that individual different from others.
Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someone’s perso
nality __9__ words is somewhat easier than __10__ his face. If you were asked to describe what a “nice face”looked like, you __11__ have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a “nice person,” you __12__ begin to
think about someone who was kind, __13__, friendly, warm, and so forth.
There are many words to describe __14__ a person thinks, feels, and acts. Gordon Allport, __15__ U.S. psychologist, found nearly 18,000 English words __16__ differences in people’s behavior. And many of us use this information as a __17__ for describing, or typing, a __18__. Hippies, bookworms, _19__, military types—people are described with such __20__.
1. A. sometimes B. ever C. always D. anytime
2. A. spot B. locate C. know D. recognize
3. A. features B. characteristics C distinctions D. qualities
4. A. or even B. and also C. and then D. and too
5. A. have B. use C. take D. regard
6. A. in B. by C. from D. with
7. A. the manners B. the means C. the ways D. the patterns
8. A. causes B cause C. makes D. make
9. A. with B. by C. in D. using
10. A. describe B. describing
C. to describe
D. description of
11. A. will B. would C. shall D. should
12. A. may B. can C. might D. will
13. A. considerate B. considerable C. considering D. concerned
14. A. why B. when C. how D what
15. A. a B. an C the D. that
16. A. characterizing B. characterize
C. characterized
D. to characterize
17. A. base B. foundation C. point D. criterion
18. A. person B. personality C. man D. woman
19. A. politicians B. scholars
C. professionals
D. conservatives
20. A. nouns B. jargon C. nicknames D. terms
III. Fill in each blank with a preposition or an adverb.
Some men spend their whole lives trying to forecast the weather. Such people collect exact information (1)_____ the weather(2)_____ all parts(3)___ the world. Men are sent (4)____ various places (5)___the earth’s surface to collect information(6)____ the winds, air pressure, changes(7)____ temperature, rainfall and cloudiness.
Each place sends its information (usually (8)____ wireless) (9)___ certain times each day (10)_____ the central office where the weather information(11)______ all these places can be examined. The information received is put (12)______(13)____a map (14)_____ the world called a weather chart. (15)_____ such a chart, it is possible to work (16)______, say, the direction(17)___ which a wind-storm is moving.
