专题06  读后续写原卷版)

67. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
“Tiki!” I yelled desperately.
Our dog, Tiki, had slipped out the door earlier that evening. Now I was searching the neighborhood trying to find him. My seven-year-old son, Jordan, was following behind.
I was worried about Jordan. He had lost so much already. The last few months had been difficult. After getting divorced, I could no longer afford our house in Indianapolis. Jordan and I moved in with my parents in northern Indiana. Jordan missed his friends and his old school. Losing his childhood dog was the last thing he needed.
We called out Tilki’s name until it was completely dark. We were forced to return home, empty-handed.
“Mom it’s all new here. What if Tiki can’t find Grandma’s house?” asked Jordan. “It’s okay,” I said. “He’s wearing his collar and dog tag (标牌).” It was at that moment that I realized Tiki’s tag listed our address and phone number in Indianapolis. If someone found him, they’d have no way to reach me. I felt sick to my stomach.
The next day, I kept asking around to see if anyone had pushedspotted him. But after two weeks, I began to lose hope.
One afternoon, I found Jordan crying in his room. “At school, we had to write about our wi
shes,” he said. “I wrote, ‘I wish my dog would come home.’ Mrs. Rush hung our papers in the hallway. Every time I see my paper, I feel sad.” My heart broke for him.
So later that week, when he put on a stained shirt from his old school back in Indianapolis, I just let it slide. If it helped him get through the school day, that was more important than looking put-together.
When he got home that afternoon, he told me the school custodian (管理员) had asked him about his shirt. “I told him we just moved here from Indianapolis,” said Jordan.
The next day, I got a call from Mrs. Rush. “I’m calling on behalf of our school custodian,” she began. “His grown daughter found a dog a few weeks ago, and he thinks it might be yours.”
