Protocol for Sep-Pak C18 column (waters)
For 50-100mg column:
1.) Condition the column. All steps can be done quickly and the solution can be pushed through using a Pasteur Pipet bulb.
First condition with 1ml MeOH
Next 1ml 80% MeCN 20% 0.1% TFA
2ml 0.1% TFA
2.) Acidify your sample with 0.1%-1% TFA to a pH below 3.
NOTE: Usually several hundred microliters of 0.1% TFA is needed. For excess salt in samples more 0.1% TFA may be needed. Check using pH paper.
3.) Load sample onto the column with a slow drip.
4.) Wash column with 3ml 0.1% TFA. This step should be done quickly.
pushedNOTE: For samples containing excess salt do more washes.
5.) Elute sample with 1ml 80% MeCN in 0.1% TFA. Do this step with a slow drip and COLLECT the flowthrough.
6.) Dry in speedvac.
NOTE: For larger columns use larger volumes for washes.