The story of the "Hulu Wa" (葫芦娃) or "The Legend of the Calabash Brothers" is a well-known Chinese animation series that was first aired in the 1980s. The story centers around seven brothers who were born from seven calabash seeds and each have unique abilities that help them protect their village from various monsters and evil creatures.
The seven brothers are named after their gourds and each has a different color:
transform英文1. Red Gourd - Bravest and strongest of the brothers with powerful fire attacks
2. Orange Gourd - Fastest brother who can create tornadoes and wind attacks
3. Yellow Gourd - Has the ability to emit powerful beams of light
4. Green Gourd - Amazing physical strength and ability to control plants and vines
5. Cyan Gourd - Has the power to control water and create powerful whirlpools
6. Blue Gourd - Has the ability to transform into any object or creature he wishes
7. Purple Gourd - Has the spirit of an old man who can heal injuries and sickness
Together, the calabash brothers work as a team to fight off evil spirits and monsters, while teaching important values like teamwork, bravery, and kindness to the audience. The series continues to be popular with children and adults worldwide.
