Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Text-Reader
Dines, Gail
ISBN-13: 9780761922612
Table of Contentshtml网站下载
Part 1: A Cultural Studies Approach to Gender, Race, and Class in Media
1. Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture - Douglas Kellner
2. The New Media Giants: Changing Industry Structure - David Croteau and William Hoynes
3. The Meaning of Memory: Family, Class and Ethnicity in Early Network Television - George Lipsitz
4. Naked Capitalists - Frank Rich
5. Hegemony - James Lull
6. Women Read the Romance: The Interaction of Text and Context - Janice A. Radway
7. Black Sitcom Potrayals - Robin R. Means Coleman
8. The Whites of Their Eyes: Racist Ideologies and the Media - Stuart Hall
9. Hetero Barbie? - Mary F. Rogers
10. Popular Culture and Queer Representation: A Critical Perspective - Diane Raymond
11. White Negroes - Jan Nederveen Pieterse
12. Inventing the Cosmo Girl: Class Identity and Girl-Style American Dreams - Laurie Ouellette
13. Living Single and the 'Fight for Mr. Right': Latifah Don't Play - Kristal Brent Zook
14. "Who(se) am I: Ownership, Identity and Multitextual Readings of Women in Hip Hop" - Imani Perry
15. Queer 'n' Asian on - and off - the Net: The Role of Cyberspace in Queer Taiwan and Korea - Chris Berry and Fran Martin
Part II. Marketing a Consumer Culture
16. Space Jam: Media Conglomerates Build the Entertainment City - Susan G. Davis
17. Kids for Sale: Corporate Culture and the Challenge of Public Schooling - Henry A. Giroux
18. The Greatest Story Ever Sold: Marketing and the O.J. Simpson Trial - George Lipsitz
19. The New Politics of Consumption: Why Americans Want So Much More Than They Need - Juliet Schor
20. Nike, Social Responsibility, and the Hidden Abode of Production - Carol A. Stabile
21. " You've Never Had a Friend Like Me": Target Marketing Disney to a Gay Community - Sean Griffin
22. Advertising and the Political Economy of Lesbian/Gay Identity - Fred Fejes
23. Sex, Lies and Advertising - Gloria Steinem
24. In Spite of Women: Esquire Magazine and the Construction of the Male Consumer - Kenon Breazeale
Part III. Advertising and Identities
25. Image-Based Culture: Advertising and Popular Culture - Sut Jhally
26. "The More You Subtract, the More You Add": Cutting Girls Down to Size - Jean Kilbourne
27. Cosmetics: A Clinique Case Study - Pat Kirkham and Alex Weller
28. "Con-fusing" Exotica: Producing India in Advertising - Sanjukta Ghosh
29. Advertising and People of Color - Clint C. Wilson II and Felix Gutierrez
30. Current Perspectives on Advertising Images of Disability - Beth A. Haller and Sue Ralph
31. Selling Sexual Subjectivities: Audiences Respond to Gay Window Advertising - Katherine Sender
32. Gender and Hegemony in Fashion Magazines - Diana Crane
Part IV. The Violence Debates
33. Television Violence: At a Time of Turmoil and Terror - George Gerbner
34. Advertising and the Construction of Violent White Masculinity: From Eminem to Clinique for Men - Jackson Katz
35. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Teachers Voice Concern - Diane E. Levin and Nancy Carlsson-Paige
36. Lay Theories of Media Effects: Power Rangers at Pre-School - Ellen Seiter
37. Lessons from Littleton: What Congress Doesn't Want to Hear About Youth and Media - Henry Jenkins
38. Hidden Politics: Discursive and Institutional Policing of Rap Music - Tricia Rose
39. The Pornography Debates: Beyond Cause and Effect - Karen Boyleui设计需要用到哪些软件
40. Pornography and the Limits of Experimental Research - Robert Jensen
41. Mass Market Romance: Pornography for Women is Different - Ann Barr Snitow
42. Everyday Pornography - Jane Caputi
43. King Kong and the White Woman - Gail Dines
Part V. TV By Day
44. Gendered Television: Femininity - John Fiske
45. Daze of Our Lives: The Soap Opera as Feminine Text - Deborah D. Rogers
46. Women Watching Together: An Ethnographic Study of Korean Soap Opera Fans in the United States - Minu Lee and Chong Heup Cho
47. " I Think of Them As Friends": Interpersonal Relationships in the Online Community - Nancy K. Baym
48. " No Politics Here": Age and Gender in Soap Opera "Cyberfandom" - Christine Scodari
49. Consuming Pleasures: Active Audiences and Soap Opera - Jennifer Hayward
50. Cathartic Confessions of Emancipatory Texts? Rape Narratives on the Oprah Winfrey Show - Sujata Moorti
51. The Mediated Talking Cure: Therapeutic Framing of Autobiography in TV Talk Shows - Janice Peck
52. The Case Against Sleeze TV - Jo Taverner
53. Sitting Ducks and Forbidden Fruit - Joshua Gamson
Part VI. TV By Night
54. Why Television Keeps Re-creating the White Male Working-Class Buffoon - Richard Butsch
55. The Fox Network and the Revolution in Black Television - Kristal Brent Zook
56. Representing Gay Men on American Television - Kylo-Patrick R. Hart
57. What's Wrong with this Picture? The Politics of Ellen's Coming Out Party - Susan J. Hubert
58. Once in a Lifetime: Constructing "The Working Woman" Through Cable Narrowcasting - Jackie Byars and Eileen R. Meehan
59. In Their Prime: Women in Nighttime Drama - Karen Lindsey
php文件查看60. Workplace Dramas, Ensemble Casts, 1990s Style - Donald Bogle
61. This Is For Fighting, This Is For Fun: Camerawork and Gunplay in Reality-Based Crime Shows - Fred Turner
62. Here Comes the Judge: The Dancing Itos and the Televisual Construction of the Enemy Asian Male - Brian Locke字符串长度就是字符串中字符的个数
63. Ling Woo in Historical Context: The New Face of Asian American Stereotypes on Television - Chyng Feng Sunhidden through time
64. Jewish Women on Television: Too Jewish or Not Enough? - Joyce Antler
Part VII. The Internet
65. The Titanic Sails On: Why the Internet Won't Sink the Media Giants - Robert McChesney
66. " Where Do You Want to Go Today?" Cybernetic Tourism, the Internet, and Transnationality - Lisa Nakamura
67. Television and the Internet - Ellen Seiter
68. Dating on the Net: Teens and the Rise of "Pure" Relationships - Lynn Schofield Clark
69. Staking Their Claim: Women, Electronic Networking, and Training in Asia - Rhona O. Bautista
70. The Cherokee Indians and the Internet - Ellen L. Arnold and Darcy C. Plymire
A List of Media Activist Organizations
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Editors
About the Contributors