Tutorials目录中每个工程是一个次级子目录。每个工程的目录下有下列子目录:import, parts, domains, mesh, 和transfer。他们分别代表:
• import/: 要导入到ICEMCFD中的集合模型交换文件,比如igs,STL等;
• parts/: CAD模型
• domains/: 非结构六面体网格文件(hex.unstruct), 结构六面体网格分区文件(domain.n), 非结构四面体网格文件(cut_domain.1)
• mesh/: 边界条件文件(family_boco, boco),结构网格的拓扑定义文件(family_topo, topo_mulcad_out), 和Tetin几何文件(tetin1).
• transfer/: 求解器输入文件(star.elem), 用于Mom3d.的分析数据
duplicate part referenceReplay 文件是六面体网格划分的分块的脚本
第二章ICEM CFD Mesh Editor界面
The Mesh Editor, 创建修改网格的集成环境,包含三个窗口
• The ICEM CFD 主窗口
• 显示窗口
• The ICEM CFD 消息窗口
主窗口中除了图形显示区域,外,还有6个radio按钮:File, Geometry, Meshing, Edit Mesh and Output.
The File Menu
The File menu 包含
• Open, Save, Save as, Close, Quit, Project dir, Tetin file,
Domain file, B.C file, Import geo, Export geo, Options, Utilities,
Scripting, Annotations, Import mesh, DDN part.
The Geometry Menu
The Geometry menu 模型修补和编辑,边界条件的设置,调用ICEM CFD DDN。它包含• DDN tools, Bound conds, Repair, Utilities, Global setup.
• Surface, Curve, Point, Material, Density, Loop.
• Create, Delete, Modify, Mesh params, Change family,
The Meshing Menu
The meshing menu 包含ICEM CFD各种网格划分模块。只有用户拥有楼阁模块的license,他才可以使用这个模块。目前ICEMCFD提供下列模块:
• Hexa, Tetra, Global, Prism, Quad, AutoHexa, Mulcad/Padamm,
The Edit Mesh Menu
The Edit Mesh menu包含必要的网格编辑功能, 粗化、平滑合并等。具体的操作有:• Copy/move, Smooth, Refine, Coarsen, Merge, Extrude,
Diagnostics, Uncouple, Bandwidth, Change type, Change
family, Utilities, Edit nodes, Edit elements, Edit edges, Edit
Blocks, Edit subfaces, Repair
The Output Menu
The Output menu针对不同求解器进行边界条件的设置。此外用户可以调用Mom3d 和Visual3 进行网格自适应和可视化。可使用的功能有:
• Select solver, Bound conds, Solver params, Solver input,
Run solver, Visual3, Mom3d, RAMM-ICE
Note: The ICEM CFD 后处理模块Visual3, 网格优化模块Mom3d, 以及与RAMM-ICE的内燃机网格接口必须有另外的license
The Utilities Cluster
• Help: connects the user to the ICEM CFD on-line help
• Orient: 控制显示坐标
• View: 定制显示属性
• Undo: 操作反悔
• Redo: 撤销反悔
• Print: 打印
• Shell: 调用一个X-Term命令窗口
The display window, 处于屏幕右边, 允许控制按照family, geometric entity, element
type and user-defined subsets来显示.
Important: Since some functions are performed only on the entities shown, the Display window is a very important feature to use when isolating the particular entities to be modified.
Color-coded and customizable, display by family, as defined in the mesher interface, is available in this window.
When this button is toggled on, the user has control over the
display of geometric entities. The Opts button beside for each
entity type allows control over the display characteristics.
Note: Based on the domain file chosen, this toggle button will
either be labeled “unstructured” or “structured,” or be absent
altogether if no domain file is specified.
• Structured or Unstructured: Aside from display of the mesh
based on element type, for even greater power, ICEM CFD
allows the user to create custom subsets; the careful display of
which allows a great deal of control in the mesh operations.
• Display Subset: This toggle button allows you to define subset
of your model based on a set of numerous attributes, including
element type, screen selection, coordinate position, etc.
第三章ICEM CFD Tetra四面体网格划分器
