2013年英语专四真题及答案(dá àn)解析汇总

2013年英语专四真题及答案(dá àn)解析--汇总(huìzǒng)
【2013年英语专四真题及答案(dá àn)解析--听写(tīngxiě)部分参考答案】              
What is a dream for?
  One theory is that we dream to release the deep, secret desires. We do not express these desires in real life because of the rules of polite society. Another theory is that dreams allow us to solve problems that we can't solve in real life. We go to sleep with a problem and wake up with the solution. This may be a way to use our dreams rather than a purpose of dreaming. If you believe that your dreams are important, then analyzing them may help you to focus on the problem and help you to find the solution. The modern image is that dreams are the brain's way of cleaning up the computer’s hard disk. Dreams organize the events of the day into folders and delete what is not needed. But we all know
that very little of what we dream is concerned with what happened to us that day.
2013年英语专四真题及答案(dá àn)解析--语法部分】
51. Facing the board of directors, he didn’t deny __________ breaking the agreement.
A. him    B. it    C. his    D. its
解析:本题考查动名词的逻辑主语。动名词可以有自己的逻辑(意义)主语,一般可以用名词所有格Tom's,代词宾格如him(口语),书面语情况下一般用物主代词histheir。本题选C,但我还是要吐槽,因为根本就不需要多此一举添加his, he didn't deny breaking the agreement完全正确,比原题要精简地道许多,从写作角度来看,his根本是多余的,当然纯粹考察语法的话选C
52. Xinchun returned from abroad a different man. The italicized part functions as a (n) _______.
A. appositive (同位语) B. object C. adverbial D. complement.
解析:此题恐怕是最受争议的题目了,有人认为选A,有人认为选D。根据English Grammar: A University Course一书,“The Subject Complement (主语补足语) is the obligatory constituent which follows a copular verb(系动词) and which cannot be made subject in a passive clause: 比如Who’s there? It’s me/It’s I. She became a tennis champion at a very early age. Feel free to ask questions!” 一般语法书也是这么说的,有的书上把这种情况下接的名词叫做predicate noun/nominative,接的形容词叫做predicate adjective。该书接着说“As well as be and seem, a wide range of verbs can be used to link the subject to its Complement; these add meanings of transition (become, get, go, grow, turn) and of perception (sound, smell, look) among others,” 比如I know it sounds stupid. The situation becomes even worse. 这些一般语法书也会提到,但是题目里的都不是这种现象,很多语法书对主语补语的介绍也就到此为止。好在这本书多介绍了一点,但情况很微妙。此书又说 More problematic is the constituent following other verbs that could be used intransitively with the same meaning, as in:
Saint Ethelbert was born a Saxon princess. (she was born)
He returned a broken man. (he returned)
He died young. (he died)
We shall consider such constituents as Complements on the strength of the possible paraphrase containing be (When he returned he was a broken man; When he died he was young).
53. Which of the following is a compound word (复合词)?
A. Nonsmoker   B. Deadline  C. Meanness    D. Misfit
解析:首先(shǒuxiān)要知道什么是复合词。A compound is a word that consists of m
ore than one free morpheme。所谓(suǒwèi)morpheme词素是最小的音义结合体,其最大的特点是不能再被分割为更小的音义结合体。而free morpheme是指能独立存在使用的词素,bound morpheme则是必须依附于其他单位的词素,比如前缀后缀属于bound morpheme,如pre--ment,在单词shipment里,ship就是free morpheme-ment则是bound。因此四个选项里只有transition用法搭配deadline是由两个free morpheme构成(dead + line),其他三个都有Bound morpheme比如non, ness, mis-等。
54. Which of the following sentences contains subjunctive mood?
A. Lucy insisted that her son get home before 5 o'clock.
B. She used to drive to work, but now she takes the city metro.
C. Walk straight ahead, and don't turn till the second traffic lights.
D. Paul will cancel his flight if he cannot get his visa by Friday.
解析(jiě xī): subjunctive mood是指虚拟语气,四个选项里只有(zhǐyǒu)Ainsist属于(shǔyú)虚拟语气用法,其中that从句(cónɡ jù)里省略了should
55. The following determiners(限定词) can be used with both plural and uncountable nouns EXCEPT __________.
A. more    B. enough    C. many    D. such
解析(jiě xī):限定词的用法是近几年专四的热门考点,诸如somemanybothalleach等用法究竟如何还是希望大家多翻阅语法书和词典。这道题看似有点难度,也许你从来不知道哪个限定词可以接名词复数和不可数名词,但好在备选项里每个单词你都可以去接名词试试就知道了,比如more money, more trees; enough money, enough trees; many money?, many trees; such big trees, such behavior.所以选C
