A file with the .epub  is a popular file format used for storing eBooks and other types of content. EPUB, short for electronic publication, was named the official standard of the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) in September 2007.
.epub的是⼀种流⾏的⽂件格式,⽤于存储电⼦书和其他类型的内容。 EPUB是电⼦出版物的缩写,于2007年9⽉被指定为国际数字出版论坛(IDPF)的正式标准。
什么是EPUB⽂件? (What Is an EPUB File?)
EPUB files can store words, images, stylesheets, fonts, metadata details, and tables of content. They are considered layout agnostic, meaning that screen size doesn’t affect the formatting—EPUB files can display content on screens as small as 3.5″. This and the fact it’s a freely available standard is why a majority of eReaders support EPUB files.
EPUB⽂件可以存储单词,图像,样式表,字体,元数据详细信息和⽬录。 它们被认为与布局⽆关,这意味着屏幕尺⼨不会影响格式-EPUB ⽂件可以在⼩⾄3.5英⼨的屏幕上显⽰内容。 这是它免费提供的标准,这就是为什么⼤多数电⼦阅读器都⽀持EPUB⽂件的原因。
我如何打开⼀个? (How Do I Open One?)
Because of their widespread use, more hardware eReaders support EPUB files than any other eBook file format. You can open an EPUB file whether you’re using a Kobo, Barnes & Noble Nook, or even on your desktop using one of the many
free programs, such as or . The notable exception here is Kindle. You cannot read an EPUB file directly on a Kindle, but
there are ways to convert one to something the Kindle can use.
由于其⼴泛使⽤,因此与其他任何eBook⽂件格式相⽐,更多的硬件电⼦阅读器⽀持EPUB⽂件。 ⽆论您是使⽤Kobo,Barnes&Noble Nook,还是使⽤许多免费程序之⼀(例如或在桌⾯上,都可以打开EPUB⽂件。 此处值得注意的例外是Kindle。 您⽆法直接在Kindle上阅读EPUB⽂件,但是可以通过多种⽅法将其转换为Kindle可以使⽤的⽂件。
iPhone and Android devices come preloaded with their own applications to open eBooks—iBooks and Google Play. If you’re trying to open one on your desktop, you’ll probably want a third-party application.
iPhone和Android设备已预装了⾃⼰的应⽤程序,可以打开电⼦书-iBooks和Google Play。 如果您尝试
If you use Windows 10, Microsoft Edge can display EPUB files natively. If Edge isn’t already to handle EPUB files, right-click on the file, point to the “Open With” menu, and then click the “Microsoft Edge” option.
如果使⽤Windows 10,Microsoft Edge可以本地显⽰EPUB⽂件。 如果尚未Edge处理EPUB⽂件,请右键单击该⽂件,指向“打开⽅式”菜单,然后单击“ Microsoft Edge”选项。
Update: The new, Chromium-based version of Microsoft Edge doesn’t support EPUB files. If you’ve updated, you’ll need .
更新:Microsoft Edge基于Chromium的新版本不⽀持EPUB⽂件。 如果已更新,则需要。
Edge will then open up a new tab with your book displayed in the same format it uses for Reader View.
Edge随后将打开⼀个新标签,其中您的图书以与Reader View相同的格式显⽰。
Of course, Edge isn’t going to give you the best reading experience. We’d still recommend using something like Calibre, which can open any number of eBook formats.
当然,Edge不会给您最好的阅读体验。 我们仍然建议您使⽤Calibre之类的东西,它可以打开任何数量的eBook格式。
我如何转换⼀个? (How Do I Convert One?)
Just like any other file format, you need specialized software to handle converting EPUB into a different format. If you try to change the extension, you could wind up with a corrupt and unusable file.
就像任何其他⽂件格式⼀样,您需要专门的软件来处理将EPUB转换为其他格式。 如果尝试更改扩展名,则可能会得到损坏且⽆法使⽤的⽂件。
Unless you’re using Kindle, , your eReader probably already supports EPUB, and all you have to do is open the file on your eReader or smartphone device. But you can ; you just have to convert it first.
除⾮您使⽤Kindle,否则您的eReader可能已经⽀持EPUB,⽽您所要做的就是在eReader或智能⼿机设备上打开⽂件。 但是您可以; 您只需要先转换即可。
For this, we again recommend Calibre. It not only lets you open and view eBooks, but it also has a powerful tool that can convert your file into one of 16 different formats, including the that your Kindle can open.
为此,我们再次推荐Calibre。 它不仅使您可以打开和查看电⼦书,⽽且还具有功能强⼤的⼯具,可以将⽂件转换为16种不同格式中的⼀种,包括Kindle可以打开的。
update是什么If you aren’t too keen on downloading third-party software, or you only have a book or two to convert and don’t want to bother, some websites can perform the conversion for you.
Some free online file conversion sites include , , , and . All of these work fine, though DocsPal is probably the simplest to use.
⼀些免费的在线⽂件转换站点包括 , , 和 。 所有这些⼯作都很好,尽管DocsPal可能是最简单的使⽤⽅法。
Just head on over to any of those websites, upload your file(s), choose the format to which you want to convert, and the website handles the rest! Some require you to enter a valid email address so they can email you the file when it is done converting.
只需转到这些⽹站中的任何⼀个,上传您的⽂件,选择要转换为的格式,然后⽹站即可处理剩下的⼀切! 有些要求您输⼊有效的电⼦邮件地址,以便他们在完成转换后可以通过电⼦邮件将⽂件发送给您。
