不少⽹站在登陆或者操作时都需要⾕歌⾝份验证器(Google Authenticator),就是说在输⼊⽤户名和密码之后还需要输⼊⼀个动态密码,⽽这个动态密码由⼿机APP⾕歌⾝份验证器⽣成,不但不依赖于⽹络,还会每30秒⾃动更新,是不是很强⼤?⾕歌验证器是⾕歌公司推出的⼀款动态⼝令⼯具,解决⼤家的google账户遭到恶意攻击的问题。开启⾕歌验证器的登陆两步验证(即Google Authenticator服务)后⽤户登陆时需要输⼊额外由⼿机客户端⽣成的动态密码。这样,即便你的交易所的账号和密码被攻破后,还需要打开⼿机的⾕歌验证器,输⼊⼀个6位数的动态密码(30秒变化⼀次)验证后,才能登⼊你的交易所。
1、 如果您使⽤的是 iOS 系统( iPhone、iPad ),请访问 App Store ,搜索 Google ⾝份验证器( Google Authenticator ),点
如果您使⽤的是 Android 系统(安卓⼿机),登录应⽤商店搜索 Google ⾝份验证器( Google Authenti
cator )下载。
三、验证码失败原因及分析不少⼈在使⽤过程中因为各种各样原因却卡在验证码上,收到“Invalid code"或者"Incorrect Code"或者"has expired"等验证码⽆效的消息,到底是什么原因呢?
开启Google的登陆⼆步验证(即Google Authenticator服务)后⽤户登陆时需要输⼊额外由⼿机客户端⽣成的⼀次性密码。
实现Google Authenticator功能需要服务器端和客户端的⽀持。服务器端负责密钥的⽣成、验证⼀次性密码是否正确。客户端记录密钥后⽣成⼀次性密码。
算法类保存为GoogleAuthenticator.php 的⽂件
$ga = new PHPGangsta_GoogleAuthenticator();
$mySecret = $ga->createSecret();
$checkResult = $ga->verifyCode('密钥secret', '动态验证code', 1);
if ($checkResult) {
echo '匹配! OK';
} else {
echo '不匹配! FAILED';
PHPGangsta_GoogleAuthenticator 实际⽅法
class PHPGangsta_GoogleAuthenticator
protected $_codeLength = 6;
* Create new secret.
* 16 characters, randomly chosen from the allowed base32 characters.
* @param int $secretLength
* @param int $secretLength
* @return string
public function createSecret($secretLength = 16)
$validChars = $this->_getBase32LookupTable();
/ Valid secret lengths are 80 to 640 bits
if ($secretLength < 16 || $secretLength > 128) {
throw new Exception('Bad secret length');
$secret = '';
$rnd = false;
if (function_exists('random_bytes')) {
$rnd = random_bytes($secretLength);
} elseif (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) {
$rnd = mcrypt_create_iv($secretLength, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);        } elseif (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
$rnd = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($secretLength, $cryptoStrong);            if (!$cryptoStrong) {
$rnd = false;
if ($rnd !== false) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $secretLength; ++$i) {
$secret .= $validChars[ord($rnd[$i]) & 31];
} else {
throw new Exception('No source of secure random');
return $secret;
* Calculate the code, with given secret and point in time.
* @param string  $secret
* @param int|null $timeSlice
* @return string
public function getCode($secret, $timeSlice = null)
if ($timeSlice === null) {
$timeSlice = floor(time() / 30);
$secretkey = $this->_base32Decode($secret);
// Pack time into binary string
$time = chr(0).chr(0).chr(0).chr(0).pack('N*', $timeSlice);
// Hash it with users secret key
$hm = hash_hmac('SHA1', $time, $secretkey, true);
// Use last nipple of result as index/offset
$offset = ord(substr($hm, -1)) & 0x0F;
// grab 4 bytes of the result
$hashpart = substr($hm, $offset, 4);
// Unpak binary value
$value = unpack('N', $hashpart);
$value = $value[1];
// Only 32 bits
$value = $value & 0x7FFFFFFF;
$modulo = pow(10, $this->_codeLength);
return str_pad($value % $modulo, $this->_codeLength, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
* Get QR-Code URL for image, from google charts.
* @param string $name
* @param string $secret
* @param string $title
* @param array  $params
* @return string
public function getQRCodeGoogleUrl($name, $secret, $title = null, $params = array())
$width = !empty($params['width']) && (int) $params['width'] > 0 ? (int) $params['width'] : 200;
$height = !empty($params['height']) && (int) $params['height'] > 0 ? (int) $params['height'] : 200;
$level = !empty($params['level']) && array_search($params['level'], array('L', 'M', 'Q', 'H')) !== false ? $params['level'] : 'M';
$urlencoded = urlencode('otpauth://totp/'.$name.'?secret='.$secret.'');
if (isset($title)) {
$urlencoded .= urlencode('&issuer='.urlencode($title));
return 'leapis/chart?chs='.$width.'x'.$height.'&chld='.$level.'|0&cht=qr&chl='.$urlencoded.'';
* Check if the code is correct. This will accept codes starting from $discrepancy*30sec ago to $discre
pancy*30sec from now.    *
* @param string  $secret
* @param string  $code
* @param int      $discrepancy      This is the allowed time drift in 30 second units (8 means 4 minutes before or after)
* @param int|null $currentTimeSlice time slice if we want use other that time()
* @return bool
public function verifyCode($secret, $code, $discrepancy = 1, $currentTimeSlice = null)
if ($currentTimeSlice === null) {
$currentTimeSlice = floor(time() / 30);
if (strlen($code) != 6) {
return false;
for ($i = -$discrepancy; $i <= $discrepancy; ++$i) {
$calculatedCode = $this->getCode($secret, $currentTimeSlice + $i);
if ($this->timingSafeEquals($calculatedCode, $code)) {
return true;
return false;
* Set the code length, should be >=6.
* @param int $length
* @return PHPGangsta_GoogleAuthenticator
* @return PHPGangsta_GoogleAuthenticator
public function setCodeLength($length)
$this->_codeLength = $length;
return $this;
* Helper class to decode base32.
* @param $secret
* @return bool|string
protected function _base32Decode($secret)
if (empty($secret)) {
return '';
$base32chars = $this->_getBase32LookupTable();
$base32charsFlipped = array_flip($base32chars);
$paddingCharCount = substr_count($secret, $base32chars[32]);
$allowedValues = array(6, 4, 3, 1, 0);
if (!in_array($paddingCharCount, $allowedValues)) {
return false;
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) {
if ($paddingCharCount == $allowedValues[$i] &&
substr($secret, -($allowedValues[$i])) != str_repeat($base32chars[32], $allowedValues[$i])) {
return false;
$secret = str_replace('=', '', $secret);
$secret = str_split($secret);
$binaryString = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($secret); $i = $i + 8) {
$x = '';
if (!in_array($secret[$i], $base32chars)) {
return false;
for ($j = 0; $j < 8; ++$j) {
$x .= str_pad(base_convert(@$base32charsFlipped[@$secret[$i + $j]], 10, 2), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);            }
$eightBits = str_split($x, 8);
for ($z = 0; $z < count($eightBits); ++$z) {
$binaryString .= (($y = chr(base_convert($eightBits[$z], 2, 10))) || ord($y) == 48) ? $y : '';
return $binaryString;
* Get array with all 32 characters for decoding from/encoding to base32.
* @return array
protected function _getBase32LookupTable()
return array(
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', //  7
'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', // 15
'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', // 15
'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', // 23
'Y', 'Z', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', // 31
'=',  // padding char
* A timing safe equals comparison
* more info here: blog.ircmaxell/2014/11/its-all-about-time.html.    *
* @param string $safeString The internal (safe) value to be checked
* @param string $userString The user submitted (unsafe) value
* @return bool True if the two strings are identical
private function timingSafeEquals($safeString, $userString)
if (function_exists('hash_equals')) {
return hash_equals($safeString, $userString);
$safeLen = strlen($safeString);
$userLen = strlen($userString);
if ($userLen != $safeLen) {
return false;
$result = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $userLen; ++$i) {
$result |= (ord($safeString[$i]) ^ ord($userString[$i]));
// They are only identical strings if $result is
return $result === 0;
