QCanvas 类提供了一个高级的平面图形编程接口,它可以处理大量的像线条、矩形、椭圆、文本、位图、动画等这些画布项,画布项可以较容易的做成交互式的(例如做成支持用户移动的)。
Qcanvas 对象是理想的数据表现方式,它已经被消费者用于绘制地图和显示网络拓扑结 构。它也可用于制作快节奏的且有大量角的平面游戏。
图九 在Qtopia 中用QCanvas 实现的小行星游戏
QCanvas 类提供了一个高级的平面图形编程接口,它可以处理大量的像线条、矩形、椭圆、文本、位图、动画等这些画布项,画布项可以较容易的做成交互式的(例如做成支持用户移动的)。
Qcanvas 对象是理想的数据表现方式,它已经被消费者用于绘制地图和显示网络拓扑结 构。它也可用于制作快节奏的且有大量角的平面游戏。
图九 在Qtopia 中用QCanvas 实现的小行星游戏
画布模块提供了一个名为QCanvas的高度优化的二维绘图区。 画布可以有任意数量的QCanvasItems。画布项则可以有任意的形状、尺寸和内容,在画布中能自由的移动,并且能被检查出是否有冲突。画布项能被设置成在画布中自动地移动以及使画布项支持QCanvasSprite。(如果你需要三维绘图请看Qt的OpenGL模块。)
画布模块使用文档/视图模型。QCanvasView 类是被用来显示画布的特定视图。多视图能同时在同一画布中显示。每一个视图在画布中使用一个任意的变换矩阵,以便能使其容易的实现诸如缩放的特性。
∙ QCanvasItem--一个所有画布项的抽象基类。
∙ QCanvasEllipse--椭圆或者“饼的部分”。
∙ QCanvasLine--线条部分。
∙ QCanvasPolygon--多边形。
∙ QCanvasPolygonalItem--一个含有非矩形形状的基类。大多数画布项都派生于此类。
∙ QCanvasRectangle--矩形。此类矩形不能被倾斜或旋转。绘制可旋转的矩形使用QCanvasPolygon。
∙ QCanvasSpline--多重贝塞尔曲线。
∙ QCanvasSprite--活动的图片。
∙ QCanvasText--文本字符串。
更多的专门的项能够通过继承画布项类来实现。从一个QCanvasItem的派生类(通常为 QCanvasPolygonalItem)来实现比直接从QCanvasItem继承更容易。
QCanvasRectangle Class Reference
[canvas module]
[canvas module]
The QCanvasRectangle class provides a rectangle on a QCanvas.
#include <qcanvas.h>
Inherits QCanvasPolygonalItem.
List of all member functions.
Public Members
∙ QCanvasRectangle ( QCanvas * canvas )
∙ QCanvasRectangle ( const QRect & r, QCanvas * canvas )
∙ QCanvasRectangle ( int x, int y, int width, int height, QCanvas * canvas )
∙ ~QCanvasRectangle ()
∙ int width () const
∙ int height () const
∙ void setSize ( int width, int height )
∙ QSize size () const
∙ QRect rect () const
∙ virtual int rtti () const
Protected Members
∙ virtual void drawShape ( QPainter & p )
∙ virtual QPointArray chunks () const
Detailed Description
The QCanvasRectangle class provides a rectangle on a QCanvas.
This item paints a single rectangle which may have any pen() and brush(), but may not be tilted/rotated. For rotated rectangles, use QCanvasPolygon.
The rectangle's size and initial position can be set in the constructor. The size can be set or changed later using setSize(). Use height() and width() to retrieve the rectangle's dimensions.
The rectangle can be drawn on a painter with drawShape().
Like any other canvas item rectangles can be moved with QCanvasItem::move() and QCanvasItem::moveBy(), or by setting coordinates with QCanvasItem::setX(), QCanvasItem::setY() and QCanvasItem::setZ().
See also Graphics Classes and Image Processing Classes.
Member Function Documentation
QCanvasRectangle::QCanvasRectangle ( QCanvas * canvas )
Constructs a rectangle at position (0,0) with both width and height set to 32 pixels on canvas.
QCanvasRectangle::QCanvasRectangle ( const QRect & r, QCanvas * canvas )
Constructs a rectangle positioned and sized by r on canvas.
QCanvasRectangle::QCanvasRectangle ( int x, int y, int width, int height, QCanvas * canvas )
Constructs a rectangle at position (x, y) and size width by height, on canvas.
QCanvasRectangle::~QCanvasRectangle ()
Destroys the rectangle.
QPointArray QCanvasRectangle::chunks () const [virtual protected]
Simply calls QCanvasItem::chunks().
void QCanvasRectangle::drawShape ( QPainter & p ) [virtual protected]
Draws the rectangle on painter p.
Example: canvas/canvas.cpp.
Reimplemented from QCanvasPolygonalItem.
int QCanvasRectangle::height () const
Returns the height of the rectangle.
QRect QCanvasRectangle::rect () const
Returns the integer-converted x(), y() position and size() of the rectangle as a QRect.
int QCanvasRectangle::rtti () const [virtual]
Returns 5 (QCanvasItem::Rtti_Rectangle).
See also QCanvasItem::rtti().
Reimplemented from QCanvasPolygonalItem.
void QCanvasRectangle::setSize ( int width, int height )
Sets the width and height of the rectangle.
QSize QCanvasRectangle::size () const
Returns the width() and height() of the rectangle.
See also rect() and setSize().
int QCanvasRectangle::width () const
Returns the width of the rectangle.