Design and Implementation of Java-Based Video Conference System
A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing University
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Degree of Master of Engineering
Supervised by Prof. ***
Supervised by Associate-Prof. ***
Specialty: Software Engineering
College of Software Engineering of Chongqing
University, Chongqing, China
(2)在网络上利用SIP协议和IP组播技术实现了多点之间的媒体流通信。系统开发上利用到的技术主要有包括java多媒体技术、java网络编程、多播技术等。具体实现的功能包括:文本传输功能,实现对会议中的文件进行传输,并利用java 的输入输出机制,对文件进行上传、下载、传输、编辑等操作。
With the development of the Internet and progress, network and computer application has spread to all aspects of the society. For a gradual expansion of collectivization enterprise that, efficient mode of management and work methods, the direct impact on the position in the market competition. Kangda environmental group (full name: **environmental protection industry group Co., LTD.) presides over 18 points/subsidiaries, sewage treatment plants and projects department, group headquarters or in the branches of various kinds of office held a meeting, not only has spent a lot of time and money, also give company management bring the great inconvenience. Therefore, there must be a new way to solve * environmental protection, meeting, the meeting of the group company faces, the low efficiency of more realistic problem. The author in the deep research, put forward the development of video conferencing system plan which was described in detail by using Java related technology, based on the development of video conferencing system SIP protocol process in detail.
The study included two parts: (1) using SIP protocol complete signaling the multi-point call control, so as to achieve meeting management. (2) using your RTP agreement and Java related technical multimedia communication.
Through this system development made the following several aspects of achievements:
(1) Video conference server, its realization of the main features include: preside over the meeting, handling meetings, end meetings, The client, its main function is to attend the meeting, participation file management operation.
(2) On the network using SIP protocol and IP multicast technology to achieve the multi-point between media circulation letter. System development by using the technology mainly include Java multimedia technology, Java network programming, multicast technology, etc. A concrete realization features include: text transmission function, realization of meeting files in the transmission, and USES Java input/output
mechanism, on files uploaded, download, transmission and editing operations.
(3) Realized the audio and video conversation function, to realize the remote conversation function.
Adopt Java network programming technology as well as the IP multicast technique, the audio and video network transmission, uploading, ripping, format conversion operation.java技术介绍百度百科
The system after many tests, already in* environmental group's internal developement trends, operation stability is good. To the company on management to bring efficiency, save the management cost and improve the management efficiency.
Key words: video conference, SIP, RTP, Java technologies
摘  要..............................................................II 目  录..............................................................IV 1 绪 论.. (1)
1.1研究背景及意义 (1)
1.2 国内外研究现状 (2)
1.2.1 国内外发展现状及存在的问题 (2)
1.2.2 视频会议发展趋势 (2)
1.2.3 某集团视频会议系统功能介绍及同类产品对比 (3)
1.2.4软件视频会议系统的前景 (4)
1.3 本文研究的目的及主要内容 (5)
2 关键技术分析 (6)
2.1 H.323通信标准概述 (6)
2.2 SIP与H.323的比较 (6)
2.2.1SIP的优越性 (7)
2.2.2 SIP协议简介 (8)
2.3 SIP消息概述 (9)
2.3.1 SIP请求消息 (9)
2.3.2 SIP响应消息 (10)
2.4 实时传输协议RTP (10)
2.5 java开发技术介绍 (11)
2.5.1 java多媒体技术 (11)
2.5.2 java网络编程技术 (12)
3 视频会议系统的分析及设计 (14)
3.1 需求分析 (14)
