1.The enemy officer______to kill the child if she wouldn’ t tell the secret.(D)
A. warned
B. afraid
C. scared
D. threatened
2.They thought that he had done nothing wrong and had a clear______.(B)
A. character
B. conscience
C. spirit
D. honor
3.Everything is a bit depressing at the moment but I carry on in the belief that good times are just______.(D)
A. around a corner
B. near the corner
C. in the corner
D. around the corner
4.The whole committee at once______with the chairman’ s suggestion.(B)
A. turned in
B. fell in
C. put in
D. took in
5.A person______a foreign language must be able to use the language______all his own.(A)
A. learning , forgetting
B. to learn, to forget
C. using , but
D. who learns , to forget
6.After seeing the movie______.(C)
A. the book was read by him
B. the book made him want to read it
C. he wanted to read the book
D. the reading of the book interested him
7.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see______the next year.(A)
A. carried out
B. carrying out
C. carry out
D. to carry out
8._____they will have a good harvest this year is still unknown.(A)
A. Whether
B. If
C. Which
D. That
9.Some of the greatest scholars are incapable when it comes to______ on their knowledge to others.(A)
A. passing
B. pass
C. have it passed
D. having it passed
when it comes to意为“谈到……;涉及……”,to为介词,后跟动名词。having it passed,此处it指代不明。
10.As you treat me, ______will I treat you.(C)
A. as
B. like
C. so
D. and
11.The new technology has proved to be______the greatest value in the present day agriculture.(A)
A. of
B. in
C. on
D. with
12.Will you pay cash for the goods, madam, or would you like them ______to your account?(A)
A. charged
B. paid
C. recited
D. priced
解析:本句的意思是:夫人,您是用现金付款,还是把账记到你的账户上呢?动词词义辨析题:charged意为“把……记在某人账上”;paid意为“付款”,pay somebody for something意为“为某事物向某人付钱”;pay(money)forsomething意为“买某东西付(多少钱)”,pay后不能直接跟买的东西,因此不能用于此处;recited意为“背诵,朗诵”;priced意为“定价,标价”。
13.We will never give in_____they might do or say about our plan.(C)
A. no matter how
B. how
C. whatever
D. although
14.Whom______this pair of glasses belong to and whose_____the glasses on the table?(C)
A. does; is
B. do; are
C. does; are
D. do; is
解析:“this/the pair of+名词”作主语,谓语动词用单数;glasses,trousers,clothes等复数名词作主语,谓语动词则用复数。
15.We were______for two hours in the traffic and so we arrived late.(B)
A. kept on
B. held up
C. put down
D. broken down
解析:本句的意思是:我们在途中被堵了两个小时,所以迟到了。动词短语辨析题:keepon继续;hold up阻碍,延误;put down写下,放下;break down损坏。
16.People like beautiful things, but the beautiful_____not always the useful.(C)
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
解析:the+形容词/.ing形式/过去分词(表示一类人或事物)做主语时,谓语动词常用复数,但表示一种抽象概念或品质时,谓语动词常用单数。题中the beautiful is not always the useful意为“好看的不一定总是有用的”。
17.I can’ t remember when exactly the Robinsons left_____city , I only remember it was ______Monday.(D)
A. the ; the
B. a ; the
C. a; a
D. the; a
解析:leave the city离开这座城市。a Monday一个星期一,表泛指。
18.The old couple wanted to see their daughter______the young manager.(A)
A. marry
B. marrying
C. to marry
D. married
解析:本句的意思是:这对老夫妇希望看到他们的女儿和那位年轻的经理结婚。非谓语动词的用法:see后如跟有非谓语动词结构做宾语补足语,可有两种形式:①see somebody doingsomething意为“看见某人正在做某事”;②seesomebody do something意为“看见某人做了某事”。根据句意可知,强调的是这件事的实现,而不是事情发展的过程,故选A。
19.I’d rather you______ in other people’ s affairs.(B)
A. would not interfere
B. didn’t interfere
C. should not interfere
D. don’ t interfere
解析:本句的意思是:我希望你不要干预别人的事。虚拟语气题:在would rather,would sooner等后面引导的宾语从句中,谓语动词需要用虚拟语气,用一般过去时表示现在或将来要做的事,用过去完成时表示对过去事情的假设。
20.She has bought a pair of glasses, which she can never______when reading books.(D)
A. do with
B. do up
C. do away
D. do without
解析:本句的意思是:她买了一副眼镜,没它看书不行。动词短语搭配题:do without中without的宾语是which,指代glasses,故D项是正确答案;do with与原句表达意思相反;do up意为“收拾,整理”;do away意为“处理”。
21.No one was______in the accident.(C)
A. damaged
B. wounded
C. injured
D. suffered
22.The room was so quiet that she could hear the______of her heart.(B)
A. hitting
B. beating
C. striking
D. tapping
23.The selling price of that house and______ $25 ,000.(C)
A. many furniture are
B. some furniture is
C. the furniture is
D. many pieces of furniture are
解析:本句的意思是:那套房子连同家具的售价是25,000美元。主谓一致题:本句的主语为The selling price,所以谓语应用单数形式,而且furniture为不可数名词,故选C。
手机unknown是什么意思24.______ driving to work, Mr. Randolph usually goes to his office by train.(B)
A. Without
B. Instead of
C. As well as
D. In spite of
25.The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once______with each other.(C)
A. they had quarreled
B. they have quarreled
C. have they quarreled
D. had they quarreled
26.This novel is______a good book, but there are many that______better.(D)
A. very, are
B. rather, is
C. quite, is
D. quite, are
27.It’ s still early in the morning. There isn’ t______in the office.(A)
A. anyone
B. everyone
C. nobody
D. any people
28.She likes to keep things rather than throw them______.(D)
A. out
B. off
C. down
D. away
29.On Sundays I prefer______at home to______out.(C)
A. to stay; go
B. stay; going
C. staying; going
D. staying; go
30.Not only ______ very well, but also______well.(C)
A. she cooks; does she dance
B. she cooks; she dances
C. does she cook; she dances
D. does she cook; does she dance
31.He is______ nervous______ he moved about the room all the time.(C)
A. such; that
B. that; that
C. so; that
D. so; as
32.At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly______ to another subject.(B)
A. committed
B. switched
C. favoured
D. transferred
33.Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful ______through the window.(D)
A. vision
B. look
C. picture
D. view
34.I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, ______something occurred which attracted my attention.(C)
A. unless
B. until
C. when
D. while
35.The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at______chemist’ s.(D)
A. each
B. some
C. certain
D. any
36.Only under special circumstances______to take make-up tests.(A)
A. are freshmen permitted
B. freshmen are permitted
C. permitted are freshmen
D. are permitted freshmen
37.I’m afraid you have no______but to come along with us.(C)
A. possibility
B. permission
C. choice
D. selection
A. error
B. mistake
C. fault
D. duty
39.Chinese arts have won the ______of a lot of people outside China.(B)
A. enjoyment
B. appreciation
C. entertainment
D. reputation
40.John was later for the business meeting because his flight had been ______by a heavy storm.(D)
A. kept
B. stopped
C. slowed
D. delayed
