"Explore" 是一个英语动词,表示探索、调查或研究某事物,通常涉及到发现、了解、查看或发展新领域。以下是一些与 "explore" 相关的常见词组和表达:
1. Explore the Possibilities:
- 意思:探索可能性。
- 例句:We need to explore the possibilities before making a decision.
2. Explore New Horizons:
- 意思:开拓新的领域。
- 例句:In order to grow, individuals should constantly explore new horizons.
3. Explore the Unknown:
- 意思:探索未知。
- 例句:Scientific research often involves exploring the unknown to make new discoveries.
4. Explore Different Options:
- 意思:尝试不同的选择。
- 例句:Before settling on a career path, it's important to explore different options.
手机unknown是什么意思5. Explore a New City:
- 意思:探索新城市。
- 例句:When traveling, it's always exciting to explore a new city and experience its culture.
6. Explore Nature:
- 意思:探索自然。
- 例句:Many people enjoy exploring nature through activities like hiking and camping.
7. Explore the Depths:
- 意思:深入探讨。
- 例句:The documentary aims to explore the depths of human emotion and psychology.
8. Explore the Wonders:
- 意思:探索奇迹。
- 例句:Scientists and researchers work together to explore the wonders of the universe.
9. Explore Different Cultures:
- 意思:了解不同文化。
- 例句:Traveling allows you to explore different cultures and broaden your perspective.
10. Explore the Potential:
- 意思:挖掘潜力。
- 例句:In business, entrepreneurs often explore the potential of new markets.
11. Explore New Avenues:
- 意思:开辟新途径。
- 例句:As a company, we are always looking to explore new avenues for growth.
"Explore" 的用法可以根据上下文而有所变化,但总体来说,它强调了一种主动的、积极的行为,即主动去发现、调查或研究某事物。