1. 写在前⾯的话
该项⽬为php编程语⾔提供了⼀系列允许你读写不同⽂件格式的电⼦表格的类,像Excel(BIFF).xls、Excel 2007 (Office
OpenXML).xlsx、CSV、Libre/OpenOffice Cacl .ods、Gnumeric、PDF、HTML等等。该项⽬围绕微软的OpenXML标准和PHP建⽴。
2. 前提条件
2.1. 软件需求
2.2. 安装说明
2.3. 开始
2.4. 有⽤的链接和⼯具
2.4.1. OpenXML / SpreadsheetM
2.4.2. 常见问题
3. 教程
3. 结构
3.1. 原理
3.2. 惰性加载
3.3. 电⼦表格载⼊内存
3.4. 读写句柄
3.5. 平滑接⼝
4. 创建电⼦表格
4.1. PHPExcel类
4.1.1. 从⽂件中加载⼯作簿
4.1.2. 创建新的⼯作簿
4.2. 配置设置
4.2.1. 单元缓存
4.2.2. 语⾔/本地化
4.3. 从内存中清除⼯作簿
4.4. ⼯作表
4.4.1. 添加⼯作表
4.4.2. 复制⼯作表
4.4.3. 删除⼯作表
4.5. 存取(访问)单元
4.5.1. 通过坐标设置单元格的值
4.5.2. 通过坐标检索单元格
4.5.3. 通过列和⾏设置单元格的值
4.5.4. 通过列和⾏检索单元格的值
4.5.5. 循环单元格
4.5.6. Using value binders to facilitate data entry
4.6. PHPExcel recipes
4.6.1. Setting a spreadsheet’s metadata
4.6.2. Setting a spreadsheet’s active sheet
4.6.3. Write a date or time into a cell
4.6.4. Write a formula into a cell
5. Locale Settings for Formulae
4.6.6. Write a newline character “\n” in a cell (ALT+”Enter”)
4.6.7. Explicitly set a cell’s datatype
4.6.8. Change a cell into a clickable URL
4.6.9. Setting a worksheet’s page orientation and size
4.6.10. Page Setup: Scaling options
4.6.11. Page margins
4.6.12. Center a page horizontally/vertically
4.6.13. Setting the print header and footer of a worksheet 4.6.14. Setting printing breaks on a row or column
5. Show/hide gridlines when printing
4.6.16. Setting rows/columns to repeat at top/left
4.6.17. Specify printing area
4.6.18. Formatting cells
4.6.19. Number formats
4.6.20. Alignment and wrap text
4.6.21. Setting the default style of a workbook
4.6.22. Styling cell borders
4.6.23. Conditional formatting a cell
4.6.24. Add a comment to a cell
5. Apply autofilter to a range of cells
4.6.26. Setting security on a spreadsheet
4.6.27. Setting data validation on a cell
4.6.28. Setting a column’s width
4.6.29. Show/hide a column
4.6.30. Group/outline a column
4.6.31. Setting a row’s height
4.6.32. Show/hide a row
4.6.33. Group/outline a row
4.6.34. Merge/unmerge cells
5. Inserting rows/columns
4.6.36. Add a drawing to a worksheet
4.6.37. Reading Images from a worksheet
4.6.38. Add rich text to a cell
4.6.39. Define a named range
4.6.40. Redirect output to a client’s web browser 4.6.41. Setting the default column width
4.6.42. Setting the default row height
4.6.43. Add a GD drawing to a worksheet
4.6.44. Setting worksheet zoom level
5. Sheet tab color
4.6.46. Creating worksheets in a workbook
4.6.47. Hidden worksheets (Sheet states)
4.6.48. Right-to-left worksheet
5. Performing formula calculations 5.1. Using the PHPExcel calculation engine 5.2. Known limitations
5.2.1. Operator precedence
5.2.2. Formulas involving numbers and text
6. Reading and writing to file
6.1. PHPExcel_IOFactory
6.1.1. Creating PHPExcel_Reader_IReader using PHPExcel_IOFactory
6.1.2. Creating PHPExcel_Writer_IWriter using PHPExcel_IOFactory
6.2. Excel 2007 (SpreadsheetML) file format
6.2.1. PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007
6.2.2. PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007
6.3. Excel 5 (BIFF) file format
6.3.1. PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5
6.3.2. PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5
6.4. Excel 2003 XML file format
6.4.1. PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2003XML
6.5. Symbolic LinK (SYLK)
6.5.1. PHPExcel_Reader_SYLK
6.6. Open/Libre Office (.ods)
6.6.1. PHPExcel_Reader_OOCalc
6.7. CSV (Comma Separated Values)
6.7.1. PHPExcel_Reader_CSV
6.7.2. PHPExcel_Writer_CSV
6.8. HTML
6.8.1. PHPExcel_Reader_HTML
6.8.2. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML
6.9. PDF
6.9.1. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF
6.10. Generating Excel files from templates (read, modify, write)
7. Credits 50
Appendix A: Valid array keys for style applyFromArray()