第16讲 小升初综合语法
l. Sally spent $200 0n that dress. (对画线部分提问)
  ________ ________ does Sally's dress cost?
2. Dick often travels with his friends by plane. (对画线部分提问)
  ________ ________ Dick often travel with his friends?
3. Linda was late for school. She got up late.  (对画线部分提问)
  ________  ________ Linda late for school?
4. Please bring me the admission ticket. (保持原意不变)
  Please bring the admission ticket, ________ ________.
5. Does Tony speak English well? (肯定句)
  Tony ________ English  ________.
6. Jack read Harry Potter three days ago.(否定句)
  Jack ________  ________ Harry Potter three days ago.
7. My father has been to Nanjing during his holidays.(对画线部分提问)
  ________ _______  your father      during his holidays?
8. Tom is the strongest“all the students here.(保持原意不变)
  Tom is ________ than any other ________ here.
9. I like spring best. My sister likes spring best, too.(保持原意不变)
  I like spring best and ________ ________my sister.
10. Miss Wang has been a Chinese teacher since 1992.(保持原意不变)
  Miss Wang has ________ Chinese________ about 18 years.
11. The shirt cost him much money. (改为否定句)
  The shirt               him much money.
12. David is a very careful worker. (改为感叹句)
                    David does his work!
13. This answer is wrong. That answer is also wrong.(保持原句意思)
            this answer         that one is right.
14. You mustn’t smoke here. (保持原句意思)
You                      to smoke here.
15.Mary hoped that she would get “A” in the physics test. (改为简单句)
Mary hoped                   an “A” in the physics test.
Lesson 16 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求
If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car:' Sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder.' If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!
a useful book  a U.S.A team  an honest boy 
零冠词的用法:交通工具(用byon foot;一日三餐;球类运动;
He is in hospital. 他生病住院了。
He is in the hospital. 他在医院里。(不一定生病了,可能是探望朋友)
He was in bed because he had a bad cold. 他因为感冒卧床。
He sat in the bed,reading a novel. 他坐在床上,读一本小说。
1 It's time for     dinner. Kings are at       table.
A. /,the        B. the, the        C. The,/        D./,/
2 -What do you usually have for       breakfast?
-I often have       bread and milk.
A./,/        B./,the            C. a,/        D. the, the
3 Don't give up, try for       second twice.
A. the        B. a            C./            D. an
4 Would you go for       walk with me after supper?
A. the,/        B. a,/            C./,the        D./,a
5 There isn't water or air on the moon, and     man can't live on it.
A. a        B. the            C. one        D./
6     more you read English,     better you'll learn.
A. The, the    B./,/            C. A, a        D. The, a 
1.     family only eat     dinner together, not other meals.
A. / …/          B. The … /        C. The … the      D. The … a
2. For a long time,  they walked without saying    word. Jane was the first to break      silence .
B. a …the        B. a … /          C. A …a          D. / …/
When she left    college, she got a job as      reporter in a newspaper office.
A. the …the      B. a … the        C. / …the        D. / …a
The policeman caught the chief by    arm.
A. the            B. a              C. his              D. an
5.  I happened to find      one-dollar note in her drawer      other day.
A. a …an        B. a … /        C. an …the          D. a …the
6.  He hasn’t come down for      lunch. He is still in      bed.
a …a      B. the … the        C. / …/            D. / …the
以元音字母+y结尾的单词,直接加sboy-boys  toy-toys
名词所有格,表物是谁的,若为生命词,加“’s”即可行, 词尾有s,仅加
并列名词后,各自和共有, 前者分别加,后者最后加;
若为无生命词,of所有格, 前后须倒置,此是硬规则。
如果是无生命的名词则用of表示所有格,这里需要注意它们的顺序与汉语不同,A of B要翻译为B的A。
1. Help yourself to _________.
A. some chickens        B. a chicken        C. some chicken        D. any chicken
2. ________ it is today!
A. What fine weather                    B. What a fine weather
C. How a fine weather                    D. How fine a weather
3. Which is the way to the __________?
A. shoe factory        B. shoes factory        C. shoe’s factory        D. shoes’ factory
4. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them.
A. are studying        B. is studying        C. be studying        D. studying
1. He dropped the      and broke it.
  A. cup of coffee    B. coffee’s cup      C. cup for coffee      D. coffee cup
2. This is a      to every one of us.
  A. a useful advice                    B. an useful advice 
C. one of useful advices                  D. a piece of useful advice
3. Jane did a very good      . The manager was satisfied with her      .
  A. work… job      B. job … work    C. work … business  D. business …works
10. Peter carried one of the      for the teacher.
  A. box of books      B. boxes of books    C. boxes of book      D. books’ boxes
11. Under the tree are    bikes.
  A. Tim and Jack’s                  B. Tim’s and Jack’s
C. Tim’s and Jack                D. Tims’ and Jacks
12. We used to stay at      for the weekend.
  A. the Browns’    B. Browns        C. Brown’s            D. the Brown
13. Four      were hurt in the car accident. But luckily no      were lost.
  A. persons … life              B. people … lives
C. peoples … lives                  D. people … life
14. ----  Is the    a winter flower?
  ----  No, I think it’s an autumn flower.
  A.  chrysanthemum    B. lotus        C. peony        D. carnation
Twenty-five past three
Five to five
年龄表达,特别注意复合形容词 ten-year-old;
“…….岁了” in one’s 整数的基数词复数  in her thirties
1. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam.
A. two month        B. two-month        C. two month’s        D. two-months
2. ._______ trees are cut down in the forests every year.
A. Thousand        B. Thousands        C. Thousand of        D. Thousands of
3. Our sports meeting will be held ________.
A. on 24, Tuesday, April                B. in April 24, Tuesday
C. on Tuesday, April 24                D. in April Tuesday 24
4. Our school will hold a sports meeting next week. Tom and I will be in
boys'           .
A.800-metres-race            B.800-metres race
C.800-metre race            D.800 metre race
5. I'm very hungry, I have eaten two cakes, would you please give me       one?
A. more        B. three        C. a third    D. the third
6.       of the land in the world is covered by water.
A. Four three        B. Three four        C. Three fourth        D. Three fourths
6 We will have       holiday in the winter.
A. four weeks    B. a four-week    C. four week        D. a four weeks
1. Bill said they would have    holiday in summer.
  A. a two-month    B. two months      C. two-months    D. two month’s
2. ---- How far is it from your school to his?
  ---- It’s about      .
  A. 10 minutes walk                    B. 10 minute walk
C. 10-minutes walk                    D. 10 minutes’ walk
3.  I have heard the story        .
  A. a hundred time                    B. hundred times
C. hundreds of times                  D. a hundreds of times
4.      of the students in Grade Three      girls.
  A. Three-fifths … is                  B. Three-fifths … are
C. Three-fifth … is                  D. Three-fifth … are
5. We have learned about    during these years.
  A. several thousand words            B. thousand of words
C. three thousands words              D. thousands of words
6.      of the students of Grade      are boys.
  A. Three-fifths … Nine              B. Three-fifths … Ninth
C. Three-fifth … Nine                D. Three-fifths … the Ninte
7. A report says that about      of the English teachers in shanghai are under the age of 35.
  A. three-fifth      B. third-fifths      C. thirds-fifth        D. three-fifths
8. John told me he lived in    .
  A. Room 16    B. the Room 16  C. Number 16 the Room  D. Number 16 the Room
9. Can you see any photos in    picture?
  A. the second  B. two          C. second          D. the two
10. The Jinmao Tower in Shanghai is an    building.
  A. 88-stories tall    B. 88-story-tall    C. 88-story-high      D. 88-stories high
三个希望两答应,两个要求莫拒绝; 设法学会做决定,不要假装在选择。 
三个希望两答应:hopewishwantagreepromise 两个要求莫拒绝:demandaskrefuse 设法学会做决定:managelearndecide 不要假装在选择:pretendchoose
Mrs. P Black missed a beef bag. (P布莱克夫人丢了一个牛肉袋。) 
该句话中每个字母代表了一个动词或短语,这些动词要求后面跟动名词作宾语。这些动词分别是:  M=mind r=risk s=succeed inP=practiceB=be busy l=look forward toa=admitc=cant help k=keep on m=missi=insist ons=suggests=stope=enjoyd=delaya=avoidb=be wortha=adviseg=give up 
一感:feel;二听:hearlisten to;三让:makelethave;四看:seenoticewatchob-serve;半帮助:help
1. Don’t forget      the letter.
  A. to send        B. send              C. sending          D. being sent
2. The chair looks very old, but in fact it is very comfortable to      .
  A. sit            B. sit on            C. be sat            D. be sat on
3. Mother told me    the water before I drank it.
  A. boiling        B. boiled            C. boil            D. to boil
4. On my way home, I stopped      some food.
  A. buy          B. to buy              C. buying          D. bought
1. John was made    the car for a week as a punishment.
  A. to wash      B. washing            C. wash          D. to be washing
2. The sitting-room needs      , but it’ll have to wait until Saturday.
  A. be cleaning    B. to be cleaned      C. clean          D. being cleaned
3. The first thing I want to do is      .
  A. visit to him    B. to visit him          C. visiting him      D. visited him
4. It’s very nice      you to get me two tickets      the World Cup.
  A. for …of      B. of …for            C. to … for      D. of …to
5. ----I’m sorry, I    my exercise book at home.
  ---- Don’t forget      it to school tomorrow, please.
  A. forget ; to take  B. left ; to bring    C. forget ; to bring  D. left ; to take
6. I need some paper    .
  A. to write        B. to write on      C. to write in        D. writing
7. We are considering      a trip around the island.
  A. take          B. to take          C. to be taking      D. taking
8. I hope you don’t mind      at your newspaper.
  A. I look          B. my looking      C. I looking          D. my to look
9. I can’t help      he is still alive.
  A. thinking      B. think          C. to think          D. thought of
10. We are looking forward      our friends next week.
  A. to see        B. to seeing      C. to be seeing        D. shall see
11. He spent a lot of money      books and magazines.
  A. buy          B. buying        C. to buy            D. bought
12. The silkworm is an insect worth      .
  A. to know      B. knowing        C. to be known      D. being known
13. He hasn’t got used      in the countryside.
  A. live          B. to live          C. to living          D. living
14. Mr. Li spent the whole day yesterday      a report on noise pollution.
  A. writes        B. wrote          C. writing          D. to write
15. I remember      your DVD. You were talking on the phone at that time.
  A. to give back    B. giving back      C. to return        D. seeing
同级比较:同级比较用原形,as…as永不离;as…asnot,只言两者是同一,若是not so…as,后强前弱不看齐。
as ….as possible 尽可能地
as ….as one can 尽某人的可能
同级比较一般用as…as表示一样,这时谁强谁弱不能比较出来,而not so…as则表示后者比前者强,翻译为不如……”
1. This kind of shirts looks    and sells      .
  A. nice … well    B. nice … good    C. well … well      D. good …nice
2. He wasn’t    with the knife. He cut himself.
  A. careful enough    B. carefully enough  C. enough careful    D. enough carefully
3. The world has never had a bigger      concert than this one.
  A. alive          B. lively            C. live              D. living
4. Bill and Mike are brothers. But Mike seems      .
  A. more cleverer    B. a little cleverer    C. the cleverest      D. very clever
1. Their New Year’s Eve dinner tastes quite    .
  A. well            B. interesting        C. wonderful        D. wonder
2. When I entered the bedroom, he    .
  A. was asleep      B. slept            C. sleeping          D. has slept
3. The population of China is much      of Japan.
  A. more than      B. bigger than that  C. bigger than        D. more larger than
4. This problem is    easier than that one.
  A. much          B. much more      C. more            D. more much
5. Visitors in the orchard can eat as    fruit as they can.
  A. many          B. much          C. more            D. most
反意问句三要点,前后谓语正相反; 短句not如出现,必须缩写是习惯; 最后一点应注意,短句主语代词填。 
1. Few people knew how to use the Internet in the past,      ?
  A. did they      B. didn’t they    C. did he          D. didn’t he
1. There      a concert this evening. Yeah, exciting news.
  A. are going to be              B. is going to be 
C. is going to have              D. will have
2. When he was a college student, he      a waiter to make some pocket money.
  A. was used to work            B. worked as
C. was working as              D. used to working
感叹句,并不难,whathow放句前; 强调名词用what,其余用how很简单。 
1.It’s sunny today.
_____ _____ sunny day it is today!   
2.The children are working hard.
_____ _____ the children are working! 
3.They live a happy life today.
_____ _____ _____ life they live!
4.The film is very wonderful.
_______ _______ the film is!
1._______ carefully the boy does his homework!
A. How                        B. How an        C. What                       D. What an
2.I miss you very much. _______ I want to see you!
A. How                        B. How an        C. What                       D. What an
3.Oh, ________ mistake you’ve made! It’s too bad.
A. How                        B. How a        C. What                       D. What a
4._______ delicious your supper is!
A. How                        B. How an        C. What                       D. What an
I was working….
Was I working…?
I was not working….
He/She/It was working…
Was he/she/it woking…?
He/She/It was not working…
We/You/They were working..
Were we/you/they working?
We/You/They were not working.
I have worked….
Have I worked…?
I have not worked….
He/She/It has worked…
Has he/she/it woked…?
He/She/It has not worked…
We/You/They have worked..
Have we/you/they worked?
We/You/They have not worked.
I had worked….
Had I worked…?
I had not worked….
He/She/It had worked…
Had he/she/it woked…?
He/She/It had not worked…
We/You/They had worked..
Had we/you/they worked?
We/You/They had not worked.
They had worked for fourteen hours when I left.
[] ---I’ll plan a visit to Hong Kong if it ____ tomorrow .
--- Really ? I think I ________with you .
A. don’t rain , go B. won’t rain , go
C. isn’t rain , will go D. doesn’t rain , will go
[] He was sure that he his wallet in the office .
A. left B. would leave C. had left D. has left
[] When she _____ at the door, my mother _____ some washing.
A. knocked… did B. was knocking… did
C. knocked… was doing D. knocks… is doing
[] ----______ you ever ________ Tom before ?
---- No, I _____ him just two minutes ago.
A. Did, know ; met B. Have, known ; have met
C. Have, known; met D. Did, know; had met
[] Mr. Smith _____ short stories, but he ____ a TV play these days.
A. is writing…is writing B. is writing… writes
C. writes… is writing D. writes… writes
[] — How did the accident happen?
— You know, it difficult to see the road clearly because
it .
A. was…was raining B. was…had rained
C. is…is raining D. was…rained
[] -- How long ______ you __________England , Sue ?
-- Since two years ago.
A. have, been to B. have , gone to C. have , been in D. have ,
moved to
[] It ______ two years since he _______ the Party.
A. is; has joined B. was; joined
C. has been; joined D. had been; joined
[] The meeting has been off for two hours .
It _______________________since _______________.
The meeting ___________________two hours ago.
1. The American writer finished translating the work at______age of 75.
A.a          B. an            C. the            D. /
2. There are many more______in the factory than before.
  A. woman workers                B. women workers
C. woman’s workers              D. women’s workers
3.  I’ve tried on plenty of shoes, but______of them fit me.
A.None        B. neither        C. either          D. no
4. He lent me a hand whenever I was______.
A.at trouble    B. at troubles    C. in trouble        D. in troubles
5. There is a picture of his______on his desk.
A.families’      B. family        C. families        D. family’s
6. I know it’s no use getting angry, but sometimes I just couldn’t______myself.
A. help        B. get          C. hold          D. tell
7. ______of the children in the kindergarten gets a gift from their teachers. 
A.Every        B. Each        C. Everyone      D. Everybody
8. How did you______run into the well-known chemist?
A.at the first      B. the first      C. in the first      D. first
9. How much______twenty-four divided by six?
A.comes        B. is            C. come          D. are
10. We need creative designers to turn the product into______.
    A. something more interesting          B. more interesting something
    C. something more anxious            D. more anxious something
11. This is______letter I have got from him this month.
A.a seventh      B. the seventh      C. the seven      D. one seventh
12.The old couple liked to go for a walk______dusk.
A.on            B. in              C. at            D. during
13.The answer given by him was less than______.
A.Satisfied      B. satisfy          C. satisfying      D. to satisfy
14.Life in the village is different from______in the city.
A.the life        B. that            C. it            D. one
15. ______more, no one really cares what you enjoy doing after work.
A.How’s        B. How        C. What          D. What’s
16.______you read, ______you’ll find to write.
A.The less… the more difficult      B. The less… the easier
C. The more… the more difficult      D. The more… the less easy
17.  How many times have you______to Europe?
A.go          B. went          C. gone          D. been   
18. He was told that his boss______to the office in the afternoon.
A.would come    B. will come    C. has come      D. is coming
19. ______some fruit in the morning is good for us.
A.To having      B. Have        C. Having        D. In having
20.I was working on my computer______he entered the room.
A.so            B. when        C. after          D. since
21.He asked me about my study______he met me.
A.whoever        B. whatever      C. however      D. whenever
22.The sports meet will be______if it’s rainy this Friday.
A.put on          B. put off        C. set on        D. set off
23.The kid wants to______all his pocket money on the fancy toy.
A.spend        B. pay          C. take out        D. cost
24.There______a cup of coffee and several pieces of cake on the desk.
A.has            B. have          C. are            D. is
25.The young mother did all she could to prevent her baby______getting hurt.
A.From          B. against        C. of            D. before
  Reading Comprehension(15%)
Passage 1
    Simon and Levi were farmers. Each lived on a hillside, and between them was a valley. One year, the winter was very cold and the ground was almost frozen. Simon worried that his neighbor didn’t have enough food for his wife and children. So one night, when clouds covered the moon, Simon walked across the dark valley and left a bundle of wheat in Levi’s field.Levi was worried that Simon did not have enough food for his family.That same night, he brought a bundle of wheat to Simon’s field. The next morning, when Simon and Levi counted their bundles of wheat, they were surprised to find the same number as the day before. “Tonight, I will bring two bundles.” Simon said to his wife.Levi called to his wife and children, “Help me pack up two bundles of wheat.Tonight I will bring them to Simon’s field. ” That night, the moon shone brightly on the two farmers.Now they saw each other and understood.They ran to each other and hugged. And to this day, people in the valley remember Simon and Levi when they help their neighbors.
1.Simon and Levi __________.
A . had their own families                  B.lived together above a valley
C . took care of each other every day          D.worked in the fields with their families
2.One night, Simon carried a bundle of wheat across the valley to _________.
  A . his own field                  B.his children’s field
  C . Levi’s field                    D. Levi’s children’s field
3.It was on a ________ night that Simon and Levi first did the same thing to each other.
  A . cloudy        B.snowy      C . moonlit        D. windy
4. Simon found the same number of bundles of wheat in his field as the day before because _________.
  A.his wife and children worked as hard as before.
  B. he left one more bundle in his own field.
  C. Levi left a bundle of wheat in his field
  D. he couldn’t remember clearly what had happened
5.The story of Simon and Levi was ________  by people in the valley.
  A . joked about                    B.laughed about
  C . clearly remember              D. written down
Passage 2
Most of the computer and video games designers are male. Not surprisingly, so are most of the players. But as Bob Dought reports, the industry says it wants to get more males interested and involved in games.
The entertainment Software Associationss says only 35 percent of the players are women. The average age of the players is 29. But experts say females enjoy different kinds of games than males do. Males generally like computer games with competition and social interaction.
One series of games that many girls and women do like to play is The Sims. Sims are simulated(模拟)people. Players guide groups of these electronic people through different situations and decide what they will do. There are games titles like The Sims House Party and The Sims Hot Date.
The company that prdeces them, Electronic Arts, says at least 50 percent of the players are women. A spokeswoman says the games are about buliding relationships. So they appeal tp females. They must appeal to lots of players. The Sims is the best-selling computer  game of all time.
6.What is NOT TRUE according to the first paragraph?
A. Most players of computer and video games are male.
B. All the game proprograms are designed by males.
C. The industry hopes that more females will play computer or video games.
D. Bob Doughty is probably a news reporter.
7.In playing computer and video games, men and women       .
A.have the same interests                B.have more or less the same interest
C.are different in their taste                D. Share some common topics
8.The word “violence” in Paragraph 2 means all of the following EXCEPT “      ”.
A.blood            B.killing            C.fighting            D.cooperation
9.The Sims is popular among girls and women because it gives them a chance      .
A.to enjoy a family life                B.to be in different situations
C.to be housewives                    D.to make fight-or-fight decisions
10..What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Men are interested in new kinds of computer games.
B.Women are more concerned about their relationship with other people.
C.About 50 percent of computer and video game players are women.
D.Electronic Arts produces a lot of computer games every year.
Passage 3
What’s the tallest height from which you’ve fallen?
Your bike? A ladder?
We’re sure you’ve never fallen 23 miles. But that’s just what Felix Baumgartner will try to do on Monday.
The Austrian parachutist(跳伞运动员)has already jumped from 13 miles and 18 miles up. But the jump on Monday would break the world record of 19.5 miles. That record was set in 1960.
Baumgartner will reach the height inside something that looks like a space capsule. A giant ballon will carry it up into the sky. He will fall at 690 miles per hour when he jumps out of the capsule.
Baumgartner says he is looking forwarding to his giant leap. “I feel like a tiger in a cage waiting to get our,” he said. The one thing that could stopm him from doing that is bad weather in New Mexico, where the jump will take place.
Needless to say, kids, don’t try this at home.
11.Baumgartner is a parachutist from       .
A.Australia        B.Austria        C.Mexico                D.New Mexico
12.It is recorded that someone else has fallen from a height of        miles.
A.13            B.18                    C.19.5                D.23
13.Baumgartner will stay inside a kind of        before he jumps dpwn.
A.cage            B.capsule        C.balloon                D.space
14.How does Buamgartner feel about his “giant leap”?
A.Scared.        B.Angry.                C.Nervous.            D.Excited.
15.The last line of the story is a        to kids.
A.suggestion        B.warning            C.joke                D.guess
Section V Writing
Please write a short composition based on the given topic.
What do you enjoy doing on weekends?
