replaceableLesson 8-1    Alcohol
Alcohols are characterized by the presence of OH (hydroxyl group) attached to a carbon atom. Aliphatic alcohols may be considered to be derived from hydrocarbons in which an sp3 bonded hydrogen atom has been replaced with OH:
R—H    (Alkane)                  R— OH    (Alcohol)
They may also be considered as derivatives of water in which one of the hydrogens has been replaced with an alkyl group, R—.
H—O—H    (Water)            R— 0—H    (Alcohol)
Since hydrocarbons may contain primary, secondary, or tertiary hydrogens, the same classes of alcohols are capable of existence. The following examples illustrate the typical members of each class:
CH3CH2OH    (CH3)2CHOH      (CH3)3COH
l°Alcohol      2°Alcohol        3°Alcohol
  Ethyl alcohol  (Isopropyl alcohol)  (t-butyl alcohol)
1. Oxidation Reaction of C—H Bond
Alcohols may be considered to be the first product of oxidation of the alkanes in the oxidation scheme, which eventually produces carbon dioxide and water. Alcohols might be expected to be subject to further oxidation .This has been found to be the case as long as a hydrogen atom (a -hydrogen) remains bonded to the carbon atom which has already been partially oxidized.1 The following equations illustrate the structural changes which occur; it should be emphasized that they do not illustrate the mechanistic steps of the reactions [(1) and (2)].
The above reaction involve the C—H bond. Since 3° alcohol have no a-hydrogen atom bonded to the partially oxidized carbon atom, they resistant to further oxidati
2. Reaction of O—H Bond
The proton bonded to oxygen of an alcohol is much more acidic than protons bonded to carbon. This difference can be readily accounted for on the greater electronegativity of oxygen, which polarizes the 0—H bond."  The hydrogen on oxygen is replaceable by sodium for example (3).
This reaction is analogous to the liberation of hydrogen by reaction of an acid and a metal. The order of reactivity of alcohols in this reaction is : l°>2°>3°.The reason for this order of reactivity is believed to be the result of the inductive effects of alkyl groups. Utilizing the relative electronegativity value of 2.1 for hydrogen and 2.5 for carbon, the H—C may be represented as follows: Hδ+ -> Cδ-. Thus, the larger the number of such bonds, as in the i-butyl group, the greater the combined electron release effect would be expected.® As the combined electron release effect increases, the greater the destabilizing effect on the alkoxide anion, which th
us accounts for the observed order of reactivity: 1°>2°>3°.
Lesson 8-1    Alcohol
乙醇      异丙醇    叔丁醇
