1.Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A. Language is a means of vocal communication.
B. Language is not instrumental.
C. Language is social and conventional.
1. When language is used to get information from others, it serves an             function.
    A. informative            B. directive            C. interrogative
2. The most important sociological use of language is the           function, by which people establish and maintain their status in a society.
    a. performative    b. interpersonal    c. phatic    d. metalingual
1.             deals with the way in which speech sounds are produced.
    a. Acoustic phonetics        b. Articulatory phonetics
    c. Segmental phonology    d. Suprasegmental phonology
2. Which of the following is a main branch of linguistics?
    A. Macrolinguistics.
    B. Psycholinguistics.
    C. Sociolinguistics
3. The study of physical properties of the sounds produced in speech is closely connected with            .
    A. articulatory phonetics
    B. acoustic phonetics
    C. auditory phonetics
1. Which of the following does not belong to the computational linguistics?
a) machine translation
b) corpus linguistics
c) speech recognition
d) empirical study
1. Saussure took a(n)         view of language, while Chomsky looks at language from a         point of view.
    A. psychological  B. sociological
    C. pragmatic          D. linguistic
2. According to F. de Saussure,         refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.
    A. parole        B. performance        C. langue        D. Language
1. Of the consonants /p/, /t/, /k/, /f/, /m/, /z/ and /g/, which has the features of voiceless and velar?
      A. /k/          B. /p/        C. /g/          D. /t/
2. The vowel             is a low back vowel. 
      a. /i:/        b. /u/        c. /æ/          d. /a:/
3. Point out which item does not fall under the same category as the rest, and explain the reason in ONE sentence.
      A. /f/    B. /z/    C. /v/    D. /k/    [Focus on manner of articulation]
    【答案】D (Reason: A, B and C are fricatives, but D is a plosive.)
1. Which two terms can best describe the following pairs of words: table—tables, day + break—daybreak.
    A. inflection and compound
    B. compound and derivation
    C. inflection and derivation
2. Compound words consist of             morphemes.
    A. bound        B. free        C. both bound and free
1. Vocabulary change in language can include all except             .
    a) addition of new words
    b) simplification of word forms
    c) loss of words
    d) changes of word meaning
2. Words like brunch, guesstimate are examples of             .
    a. acronyms    b. contractions  c. blends      d. cohyponyms
3. The word UN is formed in the way of             .
    A. acronymy      B. clipping      C. initialism      D. blending
4. Language has been changing, but such changes are not so obvious at all linguistic aspects except that of             .
 a. phonology    b. lexicon          c. syntax          d. semantics
5. “Wife”, which used to refer to any woman, stands for “a married woman” in modern English. This phenomenon is known as            .
  A. semantic shift            B. semantic broadening
  C. semantic elevation        D. semantic narrowing
1. ________ refer to the relationship that linguistic units have with other units because they may occur together in a sentence.
    a. Syntagmatic relations    b. Hypotactic relations
    c. Paradigmatic relations    d. Paratactic relations
2. _____________ refers to the relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at particular place   in structure, or between one element present and the others absent.
  a. Syntagmatic relation    b. Paradigmatic relation       
    c. Co-occurrence relation
1. For structuralists, ________is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents.
