一、单选( 每题参考分值2.5分 )
1、--Do you think the football players played very well last night?  -- __________.
A. They were not nervous at all
B. They were still young
C. They played naturally
D. They couldn’t have done better
2、Which is ________,an elephant or a tiger?
A. strong
B. stronger
C. strongest
D. the strongest
3、--Can I speak to Mr. Wang, please?---- ____________
A. Who are you?
B. I’m Wang
C. Speaking
D. Are you John?
4、Scientists around the world are working hard to ______a cure for Aids.
A. invent
B. discover
C. look
D. search
5、My uncle ____in London. I'll _____with him for a few days.
A. lives; stay
B. stays; live
C. stays; stay
D. lives; live
6、It was a very long day _____Tom. He didn't get home from school ___six o'clock.
A. for, until
B. for, by
C. to, since
D. to, at
7、There ____ a lot of traffic at this time of day, so you'd better ____more careful.
A. has; be
B. have; been
C. is; be
D. are; are
8、The waiter or the waitress usually gives us a _____before we order dishes in a restaurant.
A. menu
B. bill
C. list
D. form
9、Dad and Mom are too busy to help us. Let's do it______.
A. herself
B. himself
C. themselves
D. ourselves
10、—Who knows the way to the airport?
—_____of them knows the way to the airport.
A. All
B. Both
C. Neither
D. Every
11、—Do you speak English or French in Canada?
—______,but, I prefer French.
A. Neither
B. Both
C. Either
D. All
12、When she was young, she___ at ten in the evening and she soon____.
A. fell asleep; went to bed
B. slept; went to bed
C. went to bed; fell asleep
D. fell asleep; slept
13、______he was out of the room, he turned back and knocked at the teacher's door again.
A. Before
B. Since
C. As soon as
D. Until
14、—Who made a phone call to me just now ,David?
—I don't know, but is was a girl's_____.
A. sound
B. singing
C. noise
D. voice
15、To ______ the child’s quick recovery, five doctors took turns looking after him day and night.
A. ensure
B. undertake
C. promise
D. indicate
16、 No sooner _____ themselves in their seats in the theater_____ the curtain went up.
A. they have seated, before
B. they had seated, than
C. had they seated, when
D. had they seated, than
17、Equipped with modern facilities, today’s libraries differ greatly from ______.
A. those of the past
B. the past
C. which of the past
D. these past
18、--Have you been to New Zealand?
--No, I’d like to , ______.
A. too
B. though
C. yet
D. either
19、 I enjoy the movie very much. I wish I _____ the book from which it was made.
A. have read
B. had read
C. should have read
D. am reading
20、I can't understand this passage _______there are no new words in it.
A. if
B. because
C. though
D. and
replaceable21、He changed his name,    that nobody would find out what he had done before.
A. having thought
B. to think
C. thinks
D. thinking
22、---Mary, can I use your computer now? ---- ___________.It doesn’twork.
A. That’s all right
B. I’m afraid not
C. You’re welcome
D. It doesn’t matter
23、You are late. If you ____ a few minutes earlier, you _____ him here.
A. came, would meet
B. had come, would have met
C. come, will meet
D. had come, would meet
24、—Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?
—Oh, _____is  OK. I'm free today and tomorrow.
A. either
B. none
C. neither
D. both
25、Of all the students, Linda draws _____ carefully.
A. very
B. much
C. more
D. most
26、At first they worried about the situation but things _______ quite satisfactory.
A. went on
B. carried on
C. turned out
D. tried out
27、I ___light blue ____dark blue.
A. like; than
B. prefer; to
C. prefer; than
D. like; to
28、─ Please write down the telephone number.
─ Sorry, but I have no _________ to write on.
A. pen
B. ink
C. paper
D. time
29、—What would you do _______the lost library book?
—I would try to find it or pay _____it.
A. about; for
B. for; to
C. with; to
D. with; for
30、Why not look up the new word in a dictionary ______you don't know it?
A. if
B. that
C. though
D. whether
31、My parents will go there by taxi because it is raining________.
A. badly
B. hardly
C. probably
D. heavily
32、The old man looked at me with his mouth wide open _____ to say something to me.
