PartⅠVocabulary and Structure
Directions:There are15incomplete sentences in this part.You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or works from the4choices marked A.,B.,C.and D.then you should write the letter in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.
1.Don’t get discouraged.Learning a new language_______a lot of effort.
B.would take
C.has taken
2.Californians,in fact,seem to have_______but politics on their minds.
3._______I could say anything more,Holmes had rushed off towards the station.
4.It was a wonderful vacation----we________every minute of it.
A.are enjoying
B.have enjoyed
D.will enjoy
5.”What do you think we should do?”she said,______to her husband.
< turn
6.How I wish I________the chance to attend college when I was your age.
B.had had
C.have had
7.I don’t want to go skating,and_________,the ice is too thin.
8._______his knowledge of the mountainous village,Tom was selected as our guide.
A.Regardless of
B.In spite of
C.On account of
D.Instead of
9.______better treatment,the doctor told him a lie,saying his illness was nothing serious.
10.In this new course,you_______how to deal with communication problems.
B.will learn
C.have learned
D.are learning
11.I have been in love with movies_______I first went to the cinema.
12.It seems reasonable_______that peopled behaviour is influenced by what they see on TV.
< conclude
13.This book is to remind you of what you already know________inspire you to put it into use.
14.It stormed all day,during________time the ship sank.
15.The investors realize that it is highly improbable that events will turn out as_______.
< expect
PartⅡReading Comprehension
Directions:There are5reading passages in this part.After reading each passage,you will find some questions or unfinished statements.For each question or statement there are4choices marked A.,B.,C.,and D.You should choose the most appropriate answer and write the letter in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.
Questions16to19are based on the following passage.
Student Profiles at ABC University.
16.Who wish to be teachers upon graduation?
A.Thanh and Michelle.
B.Michelle and Thanh.
C.Tyson and Natalie.
D.Natalie and Cindy.
17.Who is most likely the busiest student on Fridays?
18.Who majors in electrical engineering?
19.Whose future work will involve finance?
Questions20to23are based on the following passage.
I love that when learning a new foreign language,I seem to discover a new way of thinking and,most importantly,a new way of relating to people.
When learning another language,you also put yourself in another culture and this teaches you other ways of doing life.You learn to accept other peoples?behaviour better and start to value the fact that learning about another culture and embracing(接受)different customs helps you appreciate more your own.
I am currently living in Vibo Valentia in Southwest Italy.Most people here are very friendly and like to chat anywhere and anytime.Every time my work colleagues and I say-goodbye to each other?I seem to be the only one rushing to leave to get to my next appointment.Everyone else stays even after they have said their goodbyes more than twice.
At first,I couldn't understand why my colleagues would continue chatting after they had formally said goodbye.However,after having spent over a week here,I have learn that staying behind to chat is the way local people show they are interested in you and that is quite nice!
I am slowly learning to be more flexible with my schedule,and I now make sure I have plenty of time between appointments so I can join conversations without having to constantly be in a rush.
20.According to the author,the most important thing for learning a new foreign language is_____?
21.What did the author find about his colleagues in Vibo Valentia at first?
A.They liked saying goodbye before chatting.
B.They rushed to leave after saying goodbye.
C.They had no other appointments after work.
D.They still stayed behind after they said goodbye.
22.Why do Italian people continue chatting after work according to the passage?
A.They are interested in you.
B.They have plenty of time.
C.They are tied to their schedules.
D.They are used to rushing around.
23.How has the author changed after spending some time in Italy?
A.He has conversations with his colleagues,
B.He gives longer time between appointments.
C.He is constantly in a rush.
D.He becomes nicer to people.
Questions24to27are based on the following passage.
Humans have long turned to the dog for its nose,especially in its ability to hunt,track missing people,and search for drugs-But there is a new challenge:Bomb-detecting dogs now have to learn to find the increasingly common Improvised Explosive Devices(IEDs)(临时组装的)that can be assembled from materials not dangerous by themselves.“So we’re now asking dogs not just to fin
d a needle in a haystack(干草堆)一now the problem is more like saying to the dog we need you to find any sharp object in the haystack,”says Clive Wynne,a professor at Arizona State University.
Wynne directs the study that develops methods to train dogs to identify a wide variety of ingredients that could be used to make bombs.The dogs not only have to detect whether explosive materials are present,they also have to determine if the chemicals they smell could combine to form an explosive mixture.The dogs need to learn that when combined with other elements,even sugar could be used in a bomb.“we want the dogs to grasp the concept of‘this might explode’”.
Wynne says the big problem is that IEDs are just that---improvised and completely unsteady.A dog’s nose can be over a thousand times more powerful than a human’s nose.Some agencies spent billions of dollars over the last15years trying to create a technical replacement for the nose of the dog,and at the end of all that they just had to admit“No,we cannot get close”.Wynne thinks his team can develop bomb sniffing(嗅,闻)dogs that can detect IEDs at a small part of that price.All it takes is patience.
24.According to the passage,the new task of bomb-detecting dogs is to learn______.
< detect materials that can be used to make bombs
< recognize materials that look like bombs
< search for various needles in a haystack
< identify drugs in a large pile of materials
25.The word“ingredients”(Line2,Para.2)is closest in meaning to_______.
26.According to the passage,a dog’s nose______?
A.Can’t be improved
B.is not replaceable
C.can be as powerful as a human nose
D.is equal to a technical machine
27.Why is it difficult to train dogs to detect IEDs,according to Wynne?
A.Dogs are unwilling to sniff IEDs.
B.IEDs can be replaced by other things.
C.It’s too expensive to get dogs trained
D.IEDs can be made from various materials.
Questions28to31are based on the following passage.
Food writer Bee Wilson has a message of hope for parents struggling to get their children to eat vegetables:“As parents,we have a far greater power than we think we have to form children’s tastes,”says Wilson.
In her new book,First Bite,Wilson examines how genetics(遗传),culture,memory and early feeding pa
tterns contribute to our food preferences.She says that a child’s ability to judge good food can be formed even before birth.And this insight can be helpful for parents who want their children to eat well and healthfully.
“One of the main things we know about taste is that liking is a consequence of familiarity,so the things that our mothers eat,even before we’re born,affect the way we'll respond to those flavors.When we later encounter them,they seem familiar.“There have been remarkable studies done showing that if someone eats a lot of garlic when she's pregnant,the baby will grow up to love garlic.
Wilson,a mother of three,notes that babies are most open to trying new flavors between the ages of four and seven months.But,Wilson adds,even if parents miss introducing a food during the so-called“flavor window”,all hope is not lost.
“It not that the flavor window is shut and we can never learn to love bitter green vegetables.Humans can learn to love new flavors at any age,”Wilson says.“One of the amazing things about our relationship with food is how malleable(可塑的)it is.But we don't usually as adults give ourselves an opportunity to change.”
28.According to Bee Wilson,a child’s food tastes________.
A.can't be changed by anyone
B.can be influenced by parents
C.will not develop even if he eats a lot of vegetables
D.will stay the same even if he eats well and healthfully
29.The word“preferences”(Line2,Para.2)is closest in meaning to_____.
30.Which life period of a baby is referred to as the flavor window?
A.The time between4and7months of age.
B.The period before a baby is3years old.
C.The days when a baby tries new flavors.
D.The months when a baby eats vegetables.
31.What can we conclude from the passage?
A.We can never learn to love bitter green vegetables.
B.We can always change our food tastes if we choose to.
C.When the flavor window is shut,our food taste is formed.
D.Parents often miss the chance to introduce foods to kids.
Questions32to35are based on the following passage.
Earth Day was the brainchild of Gaylord Nelson,a United States Senator from Wisconsin.After seeing the environmental destruction caused by the1969oil spill in Santa Barbara,California,Nelson wanted to find a way to raise public consciousness of the need for greater environmental protections.
The result was the first Earth Day on April22,1970.On that day,over20million Americans took part in a variety of rallies(集会),meetings,demonstrations and activities,all targeted at highlighting the need for protecting Earth and our environment for future generations.Thousands of colleges and universities also
