1.As the old saying goes, politeness costs ________ and gains everything.
A.everything    B.anything    C.something    D.nothing
2. I think “heroes in harm’s way(逆行者)” must be one of the ________ words on the Internet last year.
A.hottest    B.widest    C.cleverest    D.driest
3.—Liu Cixin is full of ________.
—He is always coming up with new ideas which can make his novels so attractive.
A.instruction    B.invitation    C.introduction    D.invention
4.My ankle (踝关节) was hurt in the running race, and the pain ______ until I couldn’t walk any more.
A.came    B.got    C.increased    D.changed
5.You must promise me that you’ll survive, that you won’t give up, no matter what happens, no matter ______ hopeless.
A.what    B.when    C.how    D.who
6.Lessons can be learned to face the future ________ history cannot be changed.
A.though    B.as    C.since    D.unless
7.—Good news! A company producing a special battery will be set up in my city.
—That’s true! A series of new policies(政策) have _________ the use of new-energy cars recently.
A.pushed in    B.pushed for    C.put out    D.put through
8.According to the research, twins may look ________ the same, but are quite different in personality.
A.closely    B.exactly    C.widely    D.clearly
9.When I write down what I am showing thanks to, it’s always for things that money ______buy.
A.needn’t    B.shouldn’t    C.may not    D.can’t
10.—Why isn’t he showing up at your birthday party?
—He is racing ________ the clock to finish his report on his team’s project.
A.beyond    B.over    C.against    D.through
11.The company announced the new model of their product ________ the next year.
A.will come out    B.would come out    C.came out    D.comes out
12.- What are you doing, Jack?
-I am searching for some information about the Blue Moon. I wonder _____________.
A.that it will appear next time    B.why does it look blue
C.when was it found for the first time    D.whether it represents something lucky
13.—Look at this mess! How much time do you think we need to clear it up?
—It is a big job, but ________. Let’s all get started now.
A.many hands make light work    B.the more, the better
C.the early bird catches the worm    D.actions speak louder than words
14.—Jessica has just learned Chinese for three months.
—________! Her Chinese is so good.
A.You got it    B.You can’t be serious
C.I couldn’t agree more    D.That’s not the case
Since our twins began to walk, my wife and I have kept telling them that our sliding glass door is just a window. The reason is clear. If we admit (承认) it is a door, they will want to go outside again and again. It will drive us crazy. The kids surely know the ___15___ but we insist that it’s only a window, which has kept them from ___16___ in opening the door.
I hate lying to the kids. One day they will ___17___ that everything they have known about windows is a ___18___.
I wonder if ___19___ should always tell the truth no matter the consequence (结果). I have a strong ___20___ that the lie we are telling is doing mentally harm to our children. Windows and doors have important metaphorical (比喻) meanings. I’m telling them they can’t open what they surely know is a door. What if later in ___21___ they come to a metaphorical door, like a chance to get a well-paid job, and ___22___ opening the door a
nd taking the chance, they just look at it and wonder, “What if it isn’t a door? That is, ‘What if it isn’t a ___23___ chance?’”
Maybe there is no need to have such fear. But I shouldn’t lie to my kids. I have regretted having told lies. I should just keep saying, “No, we can’t go outside now.” Then when they come to other doors in life, real or metaphorical, they won’t hesitate (犹豫) to open them and walk ___24___.
15.A.result    B.method    C.truth    D.danger
16.A.succeeding    B.suggesting    C.managing    D.comparing
17.A.invent    B.discover    C.produce    D.introduce
18.A.fact    B.dream    C.lie    D.challenge
19.A.parents    B.twins    C.teachers    D.classmates
20.A.doubt    B.fear    C.need    D.thought
21.A.time    B.reply    C.life    D.history
22.A.because of    B.instead of    C.lead to    D.manage to
23.A.real    B.fixed    C.similar    D.traditional
24.A.along    B.across    C.through    D.above
25.Linda has myopia. Maybe her ______ has myopia, too.
A.parent    B.teacher    C.cousin    D.friend
26.Which can show the change in the number of myopia children as they grow?
A.        B.        C.        D.
27.What can we learn from the reading?
①Reasons for myopia                ②The number of myopia
③Ways to stay away from myopia      ④Proper food for myopia kids
A.①②④                B. ①③④            C.①②③            D.②③④
Dear Audrey,
You are much older now, and hopefully wiser, although sometimes that’s not the case. Yo
u have probably forgotten about me.
