Question1: Is marriage an impediment or help to one’s career development?
In the essay Of Marriage and Single Life, Bacon prefers marriage to single life. He thought, for signal men, “Unmarried men are best friends, best masters, best servants, but not always best subjects, for they are light to run away, and almost all fugitives are of that condition.” and for signal women, “Chaste women are often proud and froward, as presuming upon the merit of their chastity.”
Bacon’s words can be true and correct today. As far as I am concerned that no matter before or now, marriage is a help to one’s career development. As an old proverb says, a man should get married when he is old enough, and so should a woman and there is also an old saying in China, family first, career second. What do marriage and family mean to a man? It means that he is not only his parents’ son, but also his wife’s husband, and even more, his children’s father. He has his own family and has more responsibility than before. He has more burdens on his shoulders. These burdens and responsibility of his own family make him have to put his whole heart to develop his career so that his family will get cast-ir
on guarantees and have a good life. Surely, the above words are the same to women. For example, in times of war, the soldier who had family would be more desperate and motivated than the soldier was signal and the morale of the army that all the soldiers had wives would be higher than the army that soldiers were single. Their own marriage and families motivated them and made them want to go back alive, so they would concentrate on the war and want to win the war. As Bacon said in the essay Of Marriage and Single Life, “For soldiers, I find the generals commonly in their hortatives, put men in mind of their wives and children; I think the despising of marriage amongst the Turks, maketh the vulgar soldier more base.” At the same time, marriage can make people learn how to love other people and be love by other people. Marriage and family make people more responsible and loving, make deeper love between spouses and make life more wonderful. The ability to love and be loved is the most precious of gifts given to people, which should be highly treasured. The ability to love and be love is vital to anyone’s career, because love is going to move. When a person loves his family and treasures his marriage, he must cherish his career and want to develop it.
Question2: In your own words, summarize the character of the Knight from the brief introduction in this excerpt.
The knight displays many traits which make him seem almost too good to be true, and a true gentleman that rarely exists in reality. The knight has three main admirable traits, making him the most liked traveler in “The Canterbury Tales”, and filled with the romantic color. From the brief introduction in this excerpt, obviously, the knight has the most valued and honorable characters. First of all, the knight is of high quality. He is the meaningful form of a gentleman and shows his kindness and understanding to everyone who he keep a contract with. He has a good manner and generous. The knight strongly feels that any proper person should display courtesy and elegance at all times. Secondly, he cherishes chivalry and his principle. He believes in the ideals of chivalry, and always stays true to its principles. He is honest, faithful and truthful. The knight knows what he should do and what he shouldn’t do. He do something under his principle that can make him gain honor and reputation. The last character of the knight is that the knight showed valour and skill on the battlefield. He fights in the holy war and serves the Lord. He is loya
l to the king and brave in the battle. He get respect by winning every battle. The main character, the knight is the perfect gentleman and he is worthy being respected. 
Question3: What is your ideas about death, do you think Death can be swelling with pride today?
I think that death can be swelling with pride today.
We are all mortals and as mortals, we must face the sad thing, death. Everyone should face death correctly. When we talk about death, we must be involved in life, because death and life go together and are inseparably intertwined. For ourselves, on the one hand, we should cherish our own life and be in awe of death, because everyone only has once life and it is beyond mortal power to bring a dead man back to life. At the same time, actually, our lives not only belong to our own, but also belong to our parents, relates and even lovers. Our treasure to our lives amount to respect to our parents, relates and lovers. Once our parents give birth to us, we have the responsibility that they give us at that time. Just think about it. If one day, we would suddenly die, how sad our parents woul
d be! It is an irresponsible thing. On the other hand, we should not be afraid of death but to respect death. As an old saying in China, “People inherent in a death or weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a goose feather.” For other people, we should respect their life or death. To someone dying, we need to encourage them to live up and to someone dead, we should jut remain silence.
In the modern society, with the development of technology and medical technology, man’s life is longer and longer. More and more people are not afraid death any more. However, just in such a technologically advanced society, death can be swelling with pride. In the superficiality, the neon glamour and the cheap prettiness of life today, some death seem to be worth being proud of particularly. Someone died for his or her dream and for the thing that he or she insisted for the whole life. For example, the woman pilot, Yu Xu, although she does not die owing to fight to protect our country, her death is still swelling with pride. Yu Xu is not like common people who is aim to earn more money so that they give up their own dreams. She even gave up any other better things to realize her flying dream that she persisted in it during her whole life. The example of Yu Xu is only one of th
ese great death. Actually, around us, maybe there are many other great death like this example though we do not want them happened. In a word, life is great and death is great, too. Death can be swelling with pride today. 
