Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matching
The problem: given a (short) pattern and a (long) text, both strings, determine whether the pattern appears somewhere in the text. Last time we saw how to do this with finite automata. This time we'll go through the Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm, which can be thought of as an efficient way to build these automata. I also have some working C++ source code which might help you understand the algorithm better.
First let's look at a naive solution.
suppose the text is in an array: char T[n]
and the pattern is in another array: char P[m].
One simple method is just to try each possible position the pattern could appear in the text.
Naive string matching:
for (i=0; T[i] != '\0'; i++)
for (j=0; T[i+j] != '\0' && P[j] != '\0' && T[i+j]==P[j]; j++) ;
if (P[j] == '\0') found a match
There are two nested loops; the inner one takes O(m) iterations and the outer one takes O(n) iterations so the total time is the product, O(mn). This is slow; we'd like to speed it up.
In practice this works pretty well -- not usually as bad as this O(mn) worst case analysis. This is because the inner loop usually finds a mismatch quickly and move on to the next position without going through all m steps. But this method still can take O(mn) for some inputs. In one bad example, all characters in T[] are "a"s, and P[] is all "a"'s except for one "b" at the end. Then it takes m comparisons each time to discover that you don't have a match, so mn overall. Here's a more typical example. Each row represents an iteration of the outer loop, with each character in the row representing the result of a comparison (X if the comparison was unequal). Suppose we're looking for pattern "nano" in text "banananobano".
0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11
T: b  a  n  a  n  a  n  o  b  a  n  o
i=0: X
i=1:    X
i=2:      n  a  n  X
i=3:          X
i=4:            n  a  n  o
i=5:                X
i=6:                  n  X
i=7:                        X
i=8:                            X
i=9:                              n  X
i=10:                                X
Some of these comparisons are wasted work! For instance, after iteration i=2, we know from the comparisons we've done that
T[3]="a", so there is no point comparing it to "n" in iteration i=3. And we also know that T[4]="n", so there is no point making the same comparison in iteration i=4.
Skipping outer iterations
The Knuth-Morris-Pratt idea is, in this sort of situation, after you've invested a lot of work making comparisons in the inner loop of the code, you know a lot about what's in the text. Specifically, if you've found a partial match of j characters starting at position i, you know what's in positions T[i]...T[i+j-1].
You can use this knowledge to save work in two ways. First, you can skip some iterations for which no match is possible. Try
overlapping the partial match you've found with the new match you want to find:
i=2: n  a  n
i=3:    n  a  n  o
Here the two placements of the pattern conflict with each other -- we know from the i=2 iteration that T[3] and T[4] are "a" and "n", so they can't be the "n" and "a" that the i=3 iteration is looking for. We can keep skipping positions until we find one that doesn't conflict:    i=2: n  a  n
i=4:      n  a  n  o
Here the two "n"'s coincide. Define the overlap of two strings x and y to be the longest word that's a suffix of x and a prefix of y. Here the overlap of "nan" and "nano" is just "n". (We don't allow the overlap to be all of x or y, so it's not "nan"). In general the value of i we want to skip to is the one corresponding to the largest overlap with the current partial match:
String matching with skipped iterations:
while (i<n)
for (j=0; T[i+j] != '\0' && P[j] != '\0' && T[i+j]==P[j]; j++) ;
if (P[j] == '\0') found a match;
i = i + max(1, j-overlap(P[0..j-1],]));
Skipping inner iterations
The other optimization that can be done is to skip some iterations in the inner loop. Let's look at the same example, in which we skipped from i=2 to i=4:
i=2: n  a  n
i=4:      n  a  n  o
In this example, the "n" that overlaps has already been tested by the i=2 iteration. There's no need to test it again in the i=4 iteration. In general, if we have a nontrivial overlap with the last partial match, we can avoid testing a number of characters equal to the length of the overlap.
This change produces (a version of) the KMP algorithm:
KMP, version 1:
