Abby阿布整理 2008.05
4.5.6 多图表 解题关键
Topic 4-10: The graphs below show the marks obtained by students of l anguages on degree courses at a British university. The examination ma rk possible was 100 and the pass mark was 40. Summarise the informati on by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. (图贴不上,大家下载附件吧~ )
The graphs reveal the average grades achieved each year in a four-yea r modern languages degree program by students at a British university t ogether with their average final results.In both graphs,values refer to the decade from 1991 to 2000.
Figure l compares examination scores in French,German and Spanish f or each of the four years of the degree program.Although the scores w ere quite dissimilar in year one,with a difference of over 25% between t he highest and the lowest marks,these had more or less converged by year three,with only a 15% difference reappearing betw
een the highest and lowest grades in year four.(开头句为主题句,点明表1的主题,并对三个国家的分数做出对比。)
Figure 2 shows that nearly 60% of modern language students obtained either an upper second or a lower second class degree, while a further 20% were awarded a pass degree.Only 14% gained a first class degree and 9% actually failed the course.No comparisons can be made in this
case between individual languages.(一般英文段落的主题句会落在开头、中间或结尾。考试时,最好将开头句设为主题句,一目了然,结构清晰。)
In conclusion, there was a dramatic rise in marks for Spanish througho ut the four-year course, a less dramatic fall in marks for French,which were nevertheless the best for the period taken as a whole,whereas tho se for German showed very little change.Most students obtained second -class degrees.(210 words)(总结两个图表中得出的结论。)多图表模板
The graphs reveal _______. In both graphs,_______.(开头点明图表主题。)
Figure 1 compares ___________.
Figure 2 shows that __________,(分别对各个图表进行描述。)
In conclusion,there was ______, which were nevertheless _____for the period taken as a whole, whereas ________.(全文总结。)
Abby阿布整理 2008.05流程图常用词汇
1) firstly,the first step is to,the first stage involves,first of all,to begi n with 首先
2) secondly,the next step is to,in the next stage,in the following stag e, next,then,l
3) thirdly/finally,the last step is to,in the last stage最后
4) at the same time,simultaneously同时
5) consequently因此
6) before this在此之前
7) after this在此之后
8) during,in the course of在……期间
9) in order to/in order not to,in order that,so as to/so as not to为了流程图常用表达
1)The following diagraph shows the structure of _____.
2)The picture illustrates _____.
3)It mainly consists of _____.
4)It works as follows.
5)It always involves the following _____ steps.comparisons
6)The whole procedure can be divided into _____ stages.
7)The process starts from ______.
8) At the first/initial stage, _____ .
9) At the beginning of the cycle, _____ .
10) During the initial phase, _____.
11) The beginning of the whole cycle is marked by _____.
12)The second stage is _____.
13)The next step in the process is _____.
14) _____ is the last step in the procedure.
15) The final phase of the procedure is about _____.
16) In the final phase, _____.
17) Entering the final phase, _____.
18) _____ is the final stage.流程图模板
The flow chart maps the process in which _____________.(开头点明主题。)
In the first stage,___________________. Next,__________________.
There may be four results after _______________: __________________ ______.
In the first case,_______________________________________________ _______.
In the second case,____________________________________________ _______.
The other two results lead to __________ or to ___________stage direct ly.
In the intermediate stage,_____________. _________ may be channeled to _________. __________ are divided into _____________. The adjudi cation stage follows _______________. The _______ ends ___________ _____.(描写后两个阶段。)
Thus, the process diagram shows how __________________.(总结,与开头段呼应。)
