第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What is the man doing?
A.Booking two tickets.
B.Taking a class.
C.Checking his baggage.
2.Where are the woman and Mike going during the vacation?
A.To London.  B.To Boston.   C.To Beijing.
3.Why is it a pity for the man?
A.He missed the news on TV.
B.He cant travel to the South.
C.He cant visit his friends.
4.What does the man mean?
A.He wants the fish and a side salad.
B.The fried fish is his favorite.
C.He isnt very hungry.
5.What are the speakers talking about?
A.A hospital.    B.A city.  C.A river.
6.What is the mans plan?
A.To take a dress design course.
B.To watch a football game.
C.To take a trip to London.
7.Who is going to pick the man up?
A.The womans son.
B.The womans brother.
C.The woman.
8.What is wrong with the woman?
A.She has a stomachache.
B.She has a headache.
C.She has a bad cold.
9.What does the man want to do for the woman?
A.Buy her some medicine.
B.Give her a ride home.
C.Help with her homework.
10.What did the woman do tonight?
A.She went to the movies.
B.She attended a party.
C.She visited her friends.
11.How does the man feel?comparisons
A.Surprised.    B.Disappointed.  C.Angry.
12.What did the woman forget to do?
A.To call her father.
B.To ask for permission.
C.To review the rules.
13.Which law is the same in both of the speakers countries?
A.The law about drinking.
B.The law about smoking.
C.The law about teen health.
14.What does the man think of the traffic rules in England?
A.Interesting.    B.Unusual.   C.Helpful.
15.How many laws are mentioned in the conversation?
A.Three.    B.Four.     C.Five.
16.What is the last law that the woman mentioned?
A.Not damaging the litter bins.
B.Leaving litter once a week.
C.Not leaving litter in public places.
17.Which of the following do most English people today prefer for breakfast?
A.Hot or cold grain.
B.Baked beans.
18.What is the usual time for lunch in England?
A.From 11:30 to 1:00.
B.From 12:00 to 1:30.
C.From 11:30 to 1:30.
19.Where do English people usually put their fish and chips?
A.In a plastic bag.
B.In a paper box.
C.In a piece of paper.
20.Which of the following is the old­fashioned meaning of “tea”?
A.A time to snack.
B.The last main meal of a day.
C.A time to have tiny cakes and sweets.
答案:1~5 ACBAC 6~10 CBABB
11~15 CAABB 16~20 CABCB
(Text 1)
M:Are there train tickets to London on September 1st? Id like two tickets for the first­class cabin.
W:Let me check. Yes, there are.
(Text 2)
M:Ill leave for London next Monday, and then Ill fly to Boston from there. Do you have any vacation plans, Michelle?
W:Mike and I will travel to Beijing to see my parents for the Spring Festival.
(Text 3)
W:Have you seen the news on TV that theres been serious flooding in the South?
M:Yes, I have. My friends and I have got to cancel our travel plans.
W:What a pity! I know youve been looking forward to it for months.
(Text 4)
W:Are you ready to place your order?
M:I havent decided yet. Can you give me some advice?
W:Sure! Our special today is the fried fish with rice.
M:The fish sounds nice. Can I get that with a side salad?
(Text 5)
W:Is the River Thames still polluted?
M:It certainly used to be. I remember it used to smell awful, and if you fell in, you had to be taken to hospital.
W:That sounds terrible!
M:But in the 1960s, they cleaned it up, and in fact its now one of the cleanest city rivers in the UK.
(Text 6)
W:Hello, Jack! Its Emily.
M:Hi, Emily! How has your dress designing been going in London?
W:Pretty good. And how was your football game in Paris?
M:It was great. We won — and I was named the best player of the game.
W:Congratulations! Youre always the best.
M:Thanks. Oh, did I tell you about my trip to London?
W:Yes. When are you coming?
M:I will be arriving at around 3 oclock tomorrow afternoon.
W:Oh, dear. I cant meet you at the airport because I have an appointment with my sons headmaster then, but I can ask my brother Bob to pick you up.
