(1). Dicto Simpliciter Fallacy(绝对判断谬误):
It occurs when an acceptable exception is ignored or eliminated
For example:
1. The Plane is the fastest tool of transportation. Therefore, every time when we go for a business trip, we should take the plane.
2. Tertiary education is important, so everyone in China should study hard for a bachelor degree.
comparisons(2). Hasty Generalization Fallacy(草率结论谬误)
It reaches an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence.
For example:
1. Lucy is a prime student. Mary is a prime student. Steve is a prime student, too. Therefore, all the students in this college are prime students.
2. I haven’t seen a UFO; Jason hasn’t either; Ms Yan hasn’t probably; so no UFO in the world at all.
(3).Post Hoc Fallacy (牵强附会)
It is a logical fallacy of the questionable cause that states, "Since that event followed this one, that event must have been caused by this one."
For example:
1. Don’t sing this song. Each time you sing this song, I get sick.
2. That old man is very wealthy, so he must be very healthy.
3. Your eyes are really big, so you must have very good eyesight.
(4). Contradictory Premises Fallacy (矛盾前提谬误)
The conclusion is contradictory to the premise
For example:
1. This is the mightiest sword which is able to shatter any shield, and that is the most indestructible shield which is capable of enduring any stroke.
2. If God can do anything, can he make a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it? And If God is all powerful, can he put himself out of existence and come back with twice the power he had before?
(5). Ad Misericordiam Fallacy(诉诸同情,文不对题)
It is also called an appeal to pity. It is a fallacy in which someone tries to win support for an argument or idea by exploiting the opponent's sympathy or guilt.
For example:
1. Maybe I am not qualified enough for this job, but think about my poor living conditions, my two twin girls who are now in hospital.
2. “ Why are you late for class again?” “ Because I got up late this morning, and unfortunately I fell down from my bike when riding to school.”
(6). False Analogy Fallacy(错误类比谬误)
It is a fallacy in which an argument is based on misleading, superficial, or implausible comparisons.
For example:
1. Since we have moon cakes in the Moon Festival, why don’t we have spring cakes in the Spring Festival?
2. Before the building of the library, we all studied in the classroom. So I think you should also study in the classroom.
(7). Hypothesis Contrary to Fact(与事实相反的假设)
For example:
1. If TV were not invented, today people would never have such wonderful entertainment by watching TV programme.
2. If the paper hadn’t been invented by the talented Chinese, there wouldn’t have been so many books in the world.
(8). Poisoning the Well (投毒下井)
It involves trying to discredit what a person might later claim by presenting unfavorable information about the person.
For example:
1. Don't talk to Sam, for he's a scoundrel.
2. I suggest that you do not listen to any word from Pro Smith, for he is a real jerk. I think he is some sort of eurocentric fascist."