Unit 1测试卷
1、A、happy    B、hungry    C、thirsty_______________
2、A、tired     B、hard      C、sofa_______________
3、A、hot      B、cold      C、warm______________
4、A、house   B、bear      C、soup_______________
5、A、beside   B、between  C、under_______________
1、This bed is too hard._______________
2、Goldilocks is afraid._______________
3、This soup is too cold._______________
4、She is hungry._______________
5、There are some in the kitchen._______________
( )1、They are in the fridge.
( )2、There are three bears in front of me.
( )3. This bed is just right.
( )4、She is hungry and thirsty.
( )5、There is some soup on the table.
1、害怕__________  2、太硬__________    3、太软__________
4、在...旁边_______  5、在...和...之间________6、在...前面__________
7、in the forest__________8、hungry and thirsty.__________
9、too cold__________ 10、too hot__________
( )1、There ____ any juice in the fridge.
A、are        B、is          C、isnt
( )2、--Where is your sister?  --____.
A、At seven.   B、Beside my mother.  C、My fathers.
( )3、--Can Liu Tao ___ football?  --No, he _____.
A、plays, cant B、playing, can   C、play, cant
( )4、Three bears ____ a new house.
A、am         B、is           C、are
( )5、--Im _____.  Heres a cake for you.
A、thirsty       B、hungry      C、cold
( )6、This soup is just _____. I can have it.
A、hot        B、cold          C、right
( )7、Liu Tao sits ____ Mike and Yang Ling.
A、on         B、in          C、between
( )8、There arent ____ cakes in the fridge.
A、some         B、any        C、a
( )9、How many____ are there in your house?
A、room        B、a room     C、rooms
( )10、There ___ some apples and there ___ a bed and two chairs in Bettys room.
A、is, are        B、are, is      C、is, is
1、This bed is too____ . I cant sleep.
2、She is h____ and thirsty.
3、This soup is too h____.
4、An old tiger lives in the ___.
5、There_____ some ________ in the zoo.
1、There are some oranges in the basket .(改为否定句)
2、There is a woman in front of the house.变复数
3、There are three bears in front of her.(对划线部分提问)
4、There are some cakes in the kitchen.(对划线部分提问)
5. There are some apples in the tree.变为一般疑问句
1、three, in, bears, front, are, her, there, of(.)
