Longma n
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a indefi nitearticl e S1, W1
abando n v W3
abilit y n S2, W1 able adj S1, W1 aboutprep S1, W1 aboutadv S1, W1 aboveadv S2, W1 aboveadj W3 abroad adv S2, W3 absenc e n S3, W2 absolu te adj S2, W3 absolu telyadv S1, W3
absorb v W3
abusen S2, W3 academ ic adj W2 accept v S1, W1 accept ableadj S3, W3
access n S2, W1 accide nt n S2, W2 accomm odati on n S2, W2
accomp any v W2 accord ing to prep S2, W1
accoun t n S1, W1 accoun t v S3, W2 accura te adj S2, W3 accuse v W3
achiev e v S2, W1 achiev ement n S3, W2
acid n W3
acknow ledge v S3, W3 acquir e v W2
across adv S1, W1
act n S1, W1
act v S2, W1
action n S1, W1
active adj S2, W2
activi st n S3
activi ty n S2, W1
actorn W3
actual adj S1, W2
actual ly adv S1, W1
ad n S3, W3
adaptv W3
add v S1, W1
additi on n S3, W1
additi onaladj S3,
addres s n S2, W2
addres s v S2, W2
adequa te adj S3, W3
adjust v W3
admini strat ion n S2,
admini strat ive adj
admire v S3
admiss ion n W3
admitv S2, W1
adoptv S3, W2
adultn S2, W2
adultadj W3
advanc e n S2, W2
advanc e v W3
advanc ed adj W3
advant age n S2, W1
advert n S3
advert ise v S3, W3
advert iseme nt n S3
advert ising n W3
advice n S2, W2
advise v S2, W2
advise r n S3, W3
affair n S2, W1
affect v S2, W1
afford v S1, W3
afraid adj S1, W2
afterprep S1, W1
aftern oon n S1, W2
afterw ardsadv S2,
againadv S1, W1
agains t prep S1, W1
age n S1, W1
aged adj W3
agency n S3, W1
agentn S3, W2
aggres siveadj S3
ago adv S1, W1
agreev S1, W1
agreem ent n S2, W1
agricu lture n W2
aheadadv S1, W2
aid n S2, W2
aim n S2, W2
aim v S2, W2
air n S1, W1
aircra ft n S2, W2
airlin e n S2, W3
airpor t n S3, W3
alarmn S2
albumn S3, W3
alcoho l n W3
aliveadj S2, W3
all determ inerS1,
all adv S1, W1
allowv S1, W1
allowa nce n S2, W3
all rightadj S1, W2
almost adv S1, W1
aloneadj S2, W1
alongadv S1, W1
alongprep S1, W1
alongs ide adv W3
alread y adv S1, W1
also adv S1, W1
alterv S3, W3
altern ative adj S2,
altern ative n S2, W3
althou gh
conjun ction S1, W1
altoge theradv S2,
always adv S1, W1
amazin g adj S2
ambiti on n W3
ambula nce n S3
amongprep S2, W1
amount n S1, W1
an indefi nitearticl e
S1, W1
analys e v W3
analys is n S3, W1
analys t n W2
ancien t adj W2
and conjun ction S1,
angern W3
anglen S3, W3
angryadj S3, W3
animal n S1, W1
announ ce v S2, W1
announ cemen t n S3,
annoyv S3
annual adj S2, W2
anothe r determ iner
S1, W1
answer n S1, W1
answer v S1, W2
antici patev S3
anxiet y n S3, W3
anxiou s adj S3, W3
any determ inerS1,
any adv S2
anybod y pron S1,
anyhow adv S3
anyone pron S1, W1
anythi ng pron S1,
anyway adv S1, W2 anywhe re adv S1, W3
apartadv S2, W1 apartm ent n S2, W3 apolog ize v S2 apolog y n S3 appare nt adj W2 appare ntlyadv S1, W2
appeal n S2, W1 appeal v S3, W3 appear v S2, W1 appear ancen W2 applen S2, W3 applic ation n S1, W1
applyv S1, W1 appoin t v S2, W2 appoin tment n S2, W2
apprec iatev S2, W3 approa ch v S2, W2 approa ch n S2, W1 approp riate adj S2, W1
approv al n S2, W3 approv e v S3, W2 approx imate adj S3, W3
archit ect n W3 archit ectur e n S3, W3
area n S1, W1 arguev S2, W1 argume nt n S1, W1 arisev S3, W2
arm n S1, W1 armedadj S3, W3 army n S1, W1 around adv S1, W1 arrang e v S2, W2 arrang ement n S2, W2
arrest v W3
arriva l n W3
arrive v S2, W1
art n S1, W1
articl e n S2, W1
artifi cialadj S3
artist n S3, W2
as prep S1, W1
as conjun ction S1,
ashame d adj S3
asideadv S3, W3
ask v S1, W1
asleep adj S2
aspect n S2, W1
assess v S2, W2
assess mentn S3,
assign mentn S2
assist v S3, W3
assist ancen S3, W2
assist ant n S3
associ ate v S3, W2
associ ation n S3,
assume v S2, W1
assump tionn S2,
assure v S2, W3
at prep S1, W1
atmosp heren S3,
attach v S2, W2
attack n S2, W2
attack v S3, W2
attemp t n S2, W1
attemp t v S2, W2
attend v S2, W2
attent ion n S2, W1
attitu de n S2, W1
attorn ey n S2, W3
attrac t v S2, W2
attrac tionn W3
attrac tiveadj S2,
audien ce n S2, W2
aunt n S3, W3
author n W2
author ity n W1
automa tic adj S3
automa tical ly adv
S3, W3
autumn n W3
availa ble adj S1, W1
averag e adj S2, W2
averag e n S2
avoidv S2, W1
awakeadj S3
awardn S3, W2
awardv W3
awareadj S1, W1
awaren ess n W3
away adv S1, W1
awfuladj S1
awkwar d adj S3
baby n S1, W1
back adv S1, W1
back n S1, W1
back v S2, W3
back adj S2, W3
backgr oundn S2,
backwa rds adv S3
baconn S3
bad adj S1, W1
badlyadv S3, W3
bag n S1, W2
bake v S3
balanc e n S2, W2
balanc e v S3
ball n S1, W2
ban n W3
band n S2, W2
bang n S3
bang v S3
bank n S1, W1
bar n S1, W1
barrie r n W3
base v S1, W1
base n S2, W2
baseba ll n S3, W2
basicadj S2, W1
basica lly adv S1
basisn S2, W1
basket n S3
bat n S3
bath n S2, W3
bathro om n S2, W3
batter y n S2
battle n W2
be auxili ary verb S1,
be v S1, W1
beachn S2, W2
bean n S2
bear v S2, W2
beardn S3
beat v S2, W2
beat n S3
beauti ful adj S1, W2
beauty n S3, W2
becaus e conjun ction
S1, W1
becaus e prep S1,
become v S1, W1
bed n S1, W1
bedroo m n S1, W2
beef n S3
beer n S2, W3
before conjun ction
S1, W1
before prep S1, W1
before adv S1, W1
before handadv S3
beginv S1, W1
beginn ing n S1, W2
behalf n S3, W3
behave v S3, W3
behavi our n S2, W1 behind prep S1, W1 beingn S2, W3 belief n S3, W2 believ e v S1, W1 bell n S2, W3 belong v S2, W2 belowadv S2, W2 belt n S2, W3 benchn S2, W3 bend v S3, W3 beneat h adv W2 benefi t n S2, W1 benefi t v S2, W3 beside prep S3, W2 best adj S1, W1 best adv S1, W2 bet v S1
bet n S3
better adj S1, W1 better adv S1, W1 betwee n adv S1, W1 beyond prep S2, W1 bicycl e n W3
bid n W3
big adj S1, W1 bike n S2
bill n S1, W1
bin n S2
bird n S2, W2
birthn S2, W2 birthd ay n S1, W3 biscui t n S2
bit adv S1, W1
bit n S1, W1
bite v S2
bite n S3
bitter adj S3, W3 blackadj S1, W1 bladen S3
blamev S2, W3 blankadj S3
blessv S3
blindadj S2, W3 blockn S2, W2
blockv S3
bloken S2
blonde adj S3
bloodn S2, W1
blow v S2, W3
blow n S3, W3
blue adj S1, W2
boardn S1, W1
boat n S1, W2
body n S1, W1
boil v S3
boiler n S3
boilin g adj, adv S3
bomb n S3, W3
bone n S2, W2
bonusn S2
book n S1, W1
book v S2
boom n S3
boot n S2, W3
border n S3, W2
boredadj S3
boring adj S2
born v S1, W2
borrow v S2, W3
boss n S2, W3
both determ inerS1,
bother v S1, W3
bottle n S1, W2
bottom n S1, W3
bottom adj S1, W3
bounce v S3
boundadj S2, W3
bowl n S2, W3
box n S1, W1
boy n S1, W1
boyfri end n S3
brainn S2, W2
branch n S2, W2
braveadj S3
breadn S2, W3
breakv S1, W1
breakn S2, W2
breakf ast n S2, W2
breast n S3
breath n S3, W2
breath e v S3, W3
brickn S2, W3
bridge n S2, W2
briefadj S2, W2
briefl y adv S2, W3
bright adj S2, W2
brilli ant adj S2, W3
bringv S1, W1
broadadj S2, W2
brothe r n S1, W1
brownadj S2, W2
brushn S3
brushv S3
buck n S1
bucket n S2
buddyn S3
budget n S1, W2
bug n S3
buildv S1, W1
builde r n S3
buildi ng n S1, W1
bump v S3
bunchn S2
burn v S2, W3
burn n S3
burstv W3
bury v W3
bus n S1, W2
busine ss n S1, W1
busy adj S1, W2
but conjun ction S1,
but prep S2, W3
but adv S2, W3
butche r n S3
butter n S2
button n S2
buy v S1, W1
buyern S3, W3
by prep S1, W1
by adv S1, W1
bye interj ectio n S1
bye n S3
cabine t n S2, W2
cablen W3
cake n S2, W3
calcul ate v S2, W3
calcul ation n S2
calcul atorn S3
calend ar n S3
call v S1, W1
call n S1, W1
calm adj S3, W3
camera n S2, W3
camp n S3, W3
campai gn n S2, W1
can modalverb S1,
can n S2
cancel v S2
cancer n S2, W2
candid ate n W2
candle n S3
candyn S3
cap n S3
capabl e adj S2, W2
capaci ty n S3, W2
capita l n S3, W1
capita l adj S2, W3
captai n n W3
captur e v W3
car n S1, W1
card n S1, W2
care n S1, W1
care v S1, W2
career n S2, W2
carefu l adj S1, W2
carefu lly adv S2,
carpet n S2, W3
carrot n S3
carryv S1, W1
cartoo n n S3
case n S1, W1 cash n S2, W2 cash v S3
cast v W3
castle n W3
cat n S1, W3
catalo gue n W3 catchv S1, W1 catego ry n S2, W2 causen S2, W1 causev S1, W1
CD n S3, W3 ceasev W3
ceilin g n S3, W3 celebr ate v W3 celebr ation n S3 cell n S3, W2
cellph one n S2, W3 cent n S1, W1 centim etren S3, W3 centra l adj S1, W1 centre n S1, W1 centur y n S2, W1 cereal n S3
certai n adj S1, W1 certai nly adv S1, W1
certif icate n S3, W3 chainn S3, W2 chairn S1, W2 chairm an n S3, W1 challe nge n S2, W2 challe nge v S3, W3 champi on n W3 champi onshi p n W3 chance n S1, W1 change v S1, W1 change n S1, W1 channe l n S3, W2 chap n S2
chapte r n S3, W1 charac ter n S1, W1 charac teris tic n S3, W2
charac teriz e v W3
charge n S1, W1
charge v S1, W2
charit y n S3, W3
chartn S3, W3
chasev S3
chat n S2
cheapadj S1, W2
cheatv S3
checkv S1, W2
checkn S1, W3
cheekn W3
cheese n S2, W3
chemic al n S3, W3
chemic al adj W3
chemis t n S3
chemis try n S2
cheque n S2
cherry n S3
chestn S2, W3
chicke n n S2
chiefadj S2, W2
chiefn W3
childn S1, W1
childh ood n W3
chip n S2, W3
chocol ate n S2
choice n S1, W1
choose v S1, W1
chop v S3
chuckv S3
church n S1, W1
cigare tte n S2, W3
cinema n S3
circle n S2, W2
circui t n W3
circum stanc e n S2,
citize n n S2, W2
city n S1, W1
civiladj S3, W2
claimv S1, W1
claimn S2, W1
classn S1, W1
classi c adj W3
classi cal adj W3
classr oom n S3, W3
cleanadj S2, W2
cleanv S1, W3
cleane r n S3
clearadj S1, W1
clearv S1, W2
clearl y adv S1, W1
clerkn S3
clever adj S2
clickv S3
client n S2, W1
climat e n W3
climbv W2
clockn S2, W3
closev S1, W1
closeadj S1, W1
closeadv S2, W2
closed adj S3
closel y adv S3, W2
closet n S3
clothn S3
clothe s n S2, W2
cloudn S3, W3
club n S1, W1
clue n S2
coachn S3, W2
coal n S2, W2
coastn S3, W2
coat n S2, W3
code n S2, W2
coffee n S1, W2
coin n S3
cold adj S1, W1
collap se v S3
collar n S3
collea gue n S2, W2
collec t v S1, W2
collec tionn S2, W1
colleg e n S1, W2
colour n S1, W1
column n S3, W2
combin ation n S3,
combin e v S3, W2
come v S1, W1
comfor t n W3
comfor table adj S2,
comman d n W3
commen t n S1, W2
commen t v S3, W3
commer cialadj S3,
commis sionn S3,
commit v S2, W2
commit mentn S2,
commit tee n S3, W1
common adj S1, W1
commun icate v S3,
commun icati on n S2,
commun ity n S1,
compan y n S1, W1
compar e v S1, W1
compar isonn S3,
compet e v S3, W3
compet ition n S2,
compet itive adj S3,
compla in v S2, W3
compla int n S3, W3
comple te adj S2,
comple te v S2, W1
comple telyadv S1,blond
comple x adj S3, W2
compli cated adj S2
compon ent n W2
compre hensi ve adj W3
compri se v W3 comput er n S1, W1 concen trate v S2, W2
concen trati on n S3, W2
concep t n S3, W2 concer n n S1, W1 concer n v W3 concer ned adj S1, W1
concer ningprep W3 concer t n S3, W3 conclu de v S3, W2 conclu sionn S3, W2 condit ion n S2, W1 conduc t v W2 conduc t n W3 confer encen S2, W1
confid encen S2, W2
confid ent adj S3, W3
confin e v W3
confir m v S2, W2 confli ct n S3, W2 confus ed adj S3 confus ing adj S3 confus ion n S3, W3 congra tulat ion n S3 connec t v S2, W2 connec tionn S3, W2
consci ous adj S2, W3
consci ousne ss n W3 consen t n W3 conseq uence n S3, W2
consid er v S1, W1 consid erabl e adj S3, W1
consid erabl y adv S3
consid erati on n S2,
consis t v W3
consis tentadj S3,
consta nt adj S3, W3
consta ntlyadv S3,
consti tutev W3
constr uct v W3
constr uctio n n S3,
consul t v S3, W3
consum er n S3, W2
consum ption n W3
contac t n S2, W2
contac t v S2, W2
contai n v S2, W1
contem porar y adj
conten t n S3, W2
contes t n W3
contex t n S2, W2
contin ue v S1, W1
contin uousadj S3,
contra ct n S1, W1
contra st n W2
contri butev S3, W2
contri butio n n S2,
contro l n S1, W1
contro l v S2, W1
conven ientadj S3
conven tionn W2
conven tiona l adj W3
conver satio n n S1,
conver t v W3
convic tionn W3
convin ce v S3, W3
cook v S1, W3
cooker n S3
cookie n S3, W3
cool adj S2, W3
cool v S2
cooper ation n S3,
cope v S2, W3
copy n S1, W2
copy v S2
core n W3
corn n S3
corner n S1, W2
correc t adj S1, W2
correc t v S3
corrid or n S2, W3
cost n S1, W1
cost v S1, W2
cottag e n S3, W3
cotton n W3
couldmodalverb S1,
counci l n S2, W2
countv S2, W3
counte r n S3
countr y n S1, W1
countr yside n S3,
county n W2
couple n S1, W1
courag e n S3
course n S1, W1
courtn S1, W1
cousin n S2
coverv S1, W1
covern S1, W2
cow n S2
crackv S3
craftn W3
crashn S3
crazyadj S2
create v S2, W1
creati on n W2
creati ve adj W3
creatu re n W3
credit n S2, W2
credit card n S3, W3
crew n S3, W3
crimen S2, W2
crimin al adj S3, W2
crisis n S3, W2
criter ion n W2
critic n W3
critic al adj S3, W2
critic ism n S3, W2
critic ize v W3
crop n W3
crossv S2, W2
crossn S3, W3
crossadj S2
crowdn S3, W2
crownn W3
crucia l adj W2
crueladj S3
cry v S2, W2
cry n W3
cultur al adj W2
cultur e n S2, W1
cup n S1, W1
cupboa rd n S2
curiou s adj S3
curren cy n W2
curren t adj S2, W2
curren t n W3
curren tly adv S2,
curtai n n S3, W3
curven S3, W3
cushio n n S3
custom n W3
custom er n S1, W1
cut v S1, W1
cut n S2, W2
cute adj S2
cyclen S3, W3
dad n S1, W3
daddyn S1