Unit Test
Unit 1 “Where are you from?”
Part 1 Listening Comprehension
Section A
A. Listen to the conversation. Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. The thief is ________.
A. short            B. bald            C. muscular
2. The thief’s hair is ________ and ________.
A. long; black        B. short; blond        C. dark; curly
3. The thief had a scar on his ________.
A. arm            B. leg                C. cheek
B. Listen to the teacher introduce himself. Then choose the best answer to each question.
4. What does Mr. Fischer teach?
A. Art.            B. English.            C. Science.
5. What kind of hair does Mr. Fischer have?
A. He has long, brown hair.
B. He is bald.
C. He has short hair.
6. How tall is Mr. Fischer?
A. He is very tall.        B. He is very short.        C. He is of medium height.
7. Where might Mr. Fischer be at the moment?
A. In a lab.            B. At home.            C. In Room S106.
C. Listen to the advertisement. Then choose the best answer to each question below.
8. How many products are being advertised?
A. One.            B. Two.            C. Four.
9. Which food is not mentioned in the advertisement?
A. Pasta.            B. Potatoes.            C. Fruit.
10. How many free bottles will be sent to a potential customer?
A. Two.            B. Three.            C. One.
Section B
Listen to the following sentences and write down what you hear on the lines.
1. I always sleep better after getting a massage. It helps me ________.
2. Carrie has a facial every month. She says it makes her face look ________.
3. Your fingernails look ________. You should get a manicure.
4. Kurt always gets his hair dyed ________.
5. I’m going to the ________ salon. Talk to you later. 
Part 2 Vocabulary and Structure
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expression from the box.
celebrate    aunt        single        romantic    length
tradition    album        frame        known as    cousin
1.Your __________ is the child of your uncle or aunt.
2.Her __________ was small, with a rather fussy manner.
3.I couldn't understand a(n) __________ word she said! 
4.May kept a photograph of her mother in a silver __________ on the table. 
5.When I was younger, I had __________ ideas of becoming a writer. 
6.We've put the best wedding photos into a(n) __________.
7.In keeping with __________, they always have turkey on Christmas Day
8.blondThe movie is nearly three hours in __________. 
9.We always __________ our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner
10.She is __________ a great beauty.
B. Match the words to the definitions.

1. honeymoon
2. wedding
3. invitation
4. engaged
5. congratulations
A.having agreed to marry sb.
B.to tell someone that you are happy because they have achieve something
C.a marriage ceremony, and the meal or party that usually follows it
D.a spoken or written request to sb. to do sth. or to go somewhere
E.a holiday/vacation taken by a couple who have just got married
C. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. Is that Aunt _______ cat?
A. Terry’s            B. Terrys            C. Terrys’
2. This is our _______ table.
A. teachers            B. teacher’s            C. teacher
3. Lily’s and _______ birthdays are both in May.
A. Janes            B. Jane’s            C. Janes’
4. The _______ names are James and Tom.
A. boys            B. boy’s            C. boys’
5. That’s _______ bookstore.
A. Louis’            B. of Louis’s            C. Louis
6. Is that Uncle _______ rabbit?
A. Olivers            B. Olivers’            C. Oliver’s
7. This is my _______ bicycle.
A. friends            B. friend’s            C. friend
8. Bryan and _______ wedding is in August.
A. Rachels’            B. Rachels            C. Rachel’s
9. The _______ names are Jane and Lina.
A. girls’            B. girl’s            C. girls
10. The _______ toilet is over there.
A. womens            B. women’s            C. womens
D. Complete the passage, choosing appropriate words.
Hello everyone. I would like you all to meet 1.______ (me / my) best friend, James. 2._______ (He / His) is a student at Harvard University. His family comes from Italy. James has a sister. 3._______ (She / Her) name is Natalia. James lives with his family in Boston.
