Unit 4 Essay writing
Topic:  Stressful life for kidsunderstandable
Introduction: Thesis statement: Some parents tend to expect too much from their children
Cause 1: The harsh reality
Cause 2: The peer pressure
Cause 3: Parents’ love for their kids
Conclusion:  To set reasonable expectations for the kids is no easy, but is worth trying.
Compared with old days, a common phenomenon in modern times is that some parents tend to expect too much from children. As a consequence, teenagers tend to be under grea
t pressure. In my view, two factors contribute to such a situation.
  The harsh social reality faced by young people themselves serves as the primary cause. The amazingly rapid pace of innovation and technological advancement spark the development of AI, which further leads to a new round of division of labor. Jobs that used to be dependent on manual labor can now be undertaken by machines and robots. That’s why many companies are forced to downsize. Parents are getting so worried that they find themselves unconsciously expect a lot more from their children. In addition, peer pressure also makes parents anxious. It’s simply unbearable for parents to see their own kids lagging behind while the others are struggling with a busy schedule every day. Therefore, children have to follow their parents’ arrangements and enroll in various training classes beyond curricula in school.
  It is well understandable that parents want a promising future for their kids, but too often they set goals too high and pose too much stress for the young ones. The result, as can be well predicted, may turn toward an opposite direction. Therefore, it is suggestive for parents to learn to take a reasonable approach in planning for children’s studies.
