"Clarify" is a verb that means to make something clear or understandable. It is often used in situations where there is confusion or misunderstanding. Here are some common uses and collocations of "clarify":
1. Clarify + information/facts/details: "Please clarify the information provided in the report."
2. Clarify + a statement/position/point: "The speaker clarified his position on the issue."
3. Clarify + a concept/idea/term: "The teacher clarified the concept of gravity to the students."
4. Clarify + intentions/motives: "I would like to clarify my intentions for applying to this job."
5. Clarify + instructions/directions: "Can you clarify the instructions for this assignment?"
6. Clarify + confusion/misunderstanding: "Let me clarify any confusion you may have abo
ut the project."
Overall, "clarify" is used to emphasize the act of making things clear or removing confusion in various contexts.
