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Unit 2 Iconic Attractions
Learning About Language
1.fallen过去分词,作前置定语made by nature过去分词短语,作后置定语。
过去分词是非谓语动词形式之一。过去分词保留着动词的部分特 性,有完成或被动含义,可带状语构成过去分词短语。在句法功能上, 过去分词(短语)与形容词或副词作用类似,在句子中可充当定语、状语、 宾语补足语、表语等成分。
这位年轻的女画家雄心勃勃,她想把她的画陈列(display)在画廊里, 但她不知道这些画是否会很受欢迎。在父母的鼓励(encourage)下,她按 计划(plan)展出了她的作品。这些画得(paint)很漂亮的作品一经展出,人 们就赞不绝口。她和她的父母都对这个结果感到满意(satisfy)
The young woman painter was ambitious and she warted her paintings displayed ir the g
allery, but she wondered whether they would be very popular. Encouraged by her parents, she had them shown as planned. Oree the beautifully painted works were or show, the people praised them a lot. Both she ard her parents were satisfied with the result.
Unit 2 Learning About Language
I.单句语法填空A heavy sandstorm is going to envelop our city. It is unwise to have your car washed (wash).
1.There is nothing changed(change) here since I left this town.
2.Ordered(order) over a week ago, the books are expected to arrive now.
3.When asked(ask) for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very intere
sting and rewarding.
4.In art criticism, you must assume the artist has a secret message hidden(hide) within the work.
5.The audience seated(seat) before TV set are listening to his stories with their eyes fixed on him.
6.Absorbed (absorb) in the research work, he had no time to make any trip.
7.The young man became much tired(tire) of the work and wanted to quit it.
8.The children will get confused (confuse) if they are asked to learn too much at a time.
9.There was a puzzled(puzzle) expression on the girl's face.
n.完成句子It is said that listening to music makes a person feel relaxed when he is tired.
1.The suggestion made bv the foreign expert was adopted by the manager.
2.Besides the tips aaadv mentioned in the article, she advises people not to put things in piles.
3.Jim has retired, but he still remember the happy time spent with his students.
4.The new apartment built a few months tho is large enough to accommodate 200 people.
1.1need a new passport so I will have to have mv photographs taken. 我需要一个新护照,所以我将不得不拍照片。
7.English is a language shared bv several diverse cultures.
8.Ordinary soap, used correctlv, can deal with bacteria effectively. 如果正确使用的话,普通的肥皂可以有效地处理细菌。
understandable9.Earth Day, marked on 22 April, is an annual event aiming to raise public awareness about environmental protection.
10.It is obvious that the flowers that her friends gave her as a gift will die unless watered.
Kangaroos have long been a nuisance to many Australian farmers. Keeping these kinds of animals away from their crops and water supplies has become a continuous fight. A traditional way has been a series of the huge screaming(尖叫)from loudspeakers. Researchers have found that kangaroos often become used to these man-made sounds and take little notice of them.
Australian farmers could be about to get an unusual new weapon(武 器)to protect their crops from kangaroos. Researchers in Melbourne have found that kangaroos can be frightened away by the loud sound of their own large feet. It appears to be quite a breakthrough. This is the noise these animals make when they feel danger before running away quickly. Using the animals' own alarm system could be what angry farmers have been looking for.
Animal rights protectors are happy about this new finding. When people complain that the number of kangaroos has risen quickly, they say that a large number of kangaroos have been killed or injured on Australian roads by cars and trucks. Also, they don't want several
million to be shot dead every year by human beings. Researchers, who are hoping to develop their footstep sound technology, believe it could also be used to lead kangaroos away from busy highways. The protectors are in favor of this solution which can prevent kangaroos from being harmed and also please the farmers.
【文章大意】本文是说明文。在澳大利亚由于袋鼠数量增长较快,它们 经常破坏农民的庄稼。研究者们发明了一种预防和保护的方法,用袋鼠 的脚步声驱逐袋鼠。这样既能保护袋鼠不被农民杀害又能解决袋鼠破 坏庄稼的问题。
1.What problem do kangaroos bring to Australian farmers?
A.Breaking into houses.
B.Making noises.
C.Frightening farmers.
D.Destroying crops.
