-- 查询各个学⽣的总分由⾼到低排序
select name, sum(score) as Totalscore from student group by name ORDER BY Totalscore DESC;
-- 平均分低于80分的学⽣及各科成绩
select name,
sum(case WHEN course='语⽂' then score ELSE 0 END)  语⽂,
sum(case WHEN course='数学' then score ELSE 0 END) 数学,
avg(score) as Totalscore from student group by name  HAVING avg(score)<80;
-- 各科平均分
select course, avg(score) as Totalscore from student group by course;
- 删除总成绩最⾼的学⽣此句在mysql中不⽀持请参考Sqlserver
--  delete from student where name in(SELECT  name FROM (select name, avg(score) as Totalscore from student group by name) as t ORDER BY t.Totalscore DESC limit 1); -- 语⽂⼤于80分的减五分此句在mysql中不⽀持请参考Sqlserver
update student set score=score-5
WHERE  name (
select name from student  where score>80 and course='语⽂'
) AND  course='语⽂'
-- 某⼀位学⽣的某⼀门成绩排名
select name,course,score,
(select count(*) from student t1 where course ='数学'and t1.score > t2.score)+1as名次
from student t2  where course ='数学'and name ='学渣许⽼师⼉'order by score desc;
-- 统计
select name ,
sum(case WHEN course='语⽂'then score ELSE0END)  语⽂,
sum(case WHEN course='数学'then score ELSE0END) 数学,
sum(score) 总成绩,
avg(score) 平均分from student  group by name;
-- 每门课都⼤于80分的学⽣
select distinct name from student where name not in (select distinct name from student where score<=80);
select course 课程,sum(case when score between0and59then1else0end) as低于60不及格(个),
sum(case when score between60and80then1else0end) as 60⾄80良(个),
sum(case when score between81and100then1else0end) as 80值100优秀(个)from student
group by course;
-- 查询各个学⽣的总分由⾼到低排序
select name, sum(score) as Totalscore from student group by name ORDER BY Totalscore DESC;
-- 平均分低于80分的学⽣及各科成绩
select name,sum(case WHEN course='语⽂'then score ELSE0END)  语⽂,
发那科a柜的process iosum(case WHEN course='数学'then score ELSE0END) 数学, avg(score) as Totalscore from student group by name  HAVING avg(score)<80;
-- 各科平均分
select course, avg(score) as Totalscore from student group by course;
-- 删除总成绩最⾼的学⽣
delete from student where name in
(SELECT TOP1 name FROM (select name, avg(score) as Totalscore from student group by name) as t ORDER BY t.Totalscore DESC);
-- 语⽂⼤于80分的减五分
update student set score=score-5
WHERE  name in (
select name from student  where score>80and course='语⽂'
) AND  course='语⽂'
-- 查询某⼀位学⽣的某⼀门成绩排名
select name,course,score,
(select count(*) from student t1 where course ='数学'and t1.score > t2.score)+1as名次
from student t2  where course ='数学'and name ='学渣许⽼师⼉'order by score desc;
-- 统计curl代理命令
select name ,
sum(case WHEN course='语⽂'then score ELSE0END)  语⽂,
sum(case WHEN course='数学'then score ELSE0END) 数学,
sum(score) 总成绩,
avg(score) 平均分from student  group by name;
-- 每门课都⼤于80分的学⽣
select distinct name from student where name not in (select distinct name from student where score<=80);
select course as课程,sum(case when score between0and59then1else0end) as低于60不及格(个),
sum(case when score between60and80then1else0end) as 60⾄80良(个),
sum(case when score between81and100then1else0end) as 80值100优秀(个)from student
group by course;
-- 统计是否及
SELECT  course as课程,
FROM  student
GROUP BY  course; 
-- 查询各个学⽣的总分由⾼到低排序
select "name",sum("score") as Totalscore from "student" group by "name" ORDER BY Totalscore DESC;
-- 平均分低于80分的学⽣及各科成绩
select "name",
sum(case WHEN "course"='语⽂'then "score" ELSE0END)  语⽂,
sum(case WHEN "course"='数学'then "score" ELSE0END) 数学,
avg("score") as average from  "student" group by "name"  HAVING avg("score")<80;
-- 各科平均分
select "course", avg("score") as  average from "student" group by "course";
-- 删除总成绩最⾼的学⽣
delete from "student" where "name" in(
SELECT "name" FROM(select "name", avg("score") as Totalscore from
"student"  group by "name" ORDER BY Totalscore DESC) where rownum =1
-- 语⽂⼤于80分的减五分
update "student" set "score"="score"-5
WHERE  "name" in (
select "name" from "student"  where "score">80and "course"='语⽂'
) AND  "course"='语⽂'
-- 查询某⼀位学⽣的某⼀门成绩排名
select "name","course","score",(select count(*) from "student" t1 where "course" ='数学'and t1."score" > t2."score")+1as名次from "student" t2  where "course" ='数学'and "name" ='学渣许⽼师⼉'order by "score" desc;
-- 统计
select "name" ,
sum(case WHEN "course"='语⽂'then "score" ELSE0END)  语⽂,
sum(case WHEN "course"='数学'then "score" ELSE0END) 数学,
sum("score") 总成绩,
avg("score") 平均分from "student"  group by "name";
-- 每门课都⼤于80分的学⽣
select distinct "name" from "student" where "name" not in (select distinct "name" from "student" where "score"<=80);
-- 统计是否及格
SELECT  "course" as课程,
SUM(CASE WHEN "score">=60THEN1ELSE0END) as及格,
SUM(CASE WHEN "score">=60THEN0ELSE1END) as不及格
FROM  "SYSTEM"."student"
GROUP BY  "course";
