基于SSM的Web⽹页聊天室系统设计与实现 毕业论⽂+项⽬源码及数据库⽂件、
摘 要
本论⽂在JSP技术和MVC设计模式的基础上,对WEB即时通讯系统进⾏了需求分析和总体设计,框架采⽤Spring + Springmvc + Mybatis,前端设计使⽤Amaze UI,弹窗和分页使⽤Layer以及JQuery,数据库使⽤Mysql,并最终使⽤流⾏的Eclipse开发环境实现了整个系统。通过运⾏和测试,本聊天系统功能基本完善且运⾏稳定,能够满⾜客户在实际使⽤中的需求。
关键词:WEB聊天;JSP;SSM;Eclipse;Amaze UI
Abstract: With the rapid development of social economy and the construction of a global village, people now in normal life due to normal working life, caused many relatives and can’t meet for a long time.The lack of communication caused by weak feelings of many people.And with the support of the rapid development of network technology now, every day more and more people choose the network to communication, such as commonly used the PC QQ, mobile WeiXin, But now most popular communication software need to download and install a dedicated client to realize communication.
Based on JSP technology and MVC design patterns, this paper carries on the demand analysis and the overall design on the WEB chat system., the Spring + Springmvc + Mybatis is used as the framework, Amaze UI is used as the front design, Layer and JQuery is used as the popups and paging, Mysql is used as the database, and the whole system is realized in the popular Eclipse development environment. The testing result shows that the functions of the chat system is basically
perfect and run smoothly, it can meet the needs of users in actual use.
Keywords: WEB chat; The JSP; SSM; The Eclipse; Amaze UI
⽬ 录
第1章 前 ⾔ 1
1.1 论⽂研究的⽬的和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究综述 2
1.3 论⽂研究的内容和取得的成果 2
第2章 即时通讯聊天系统开发涉及技术简介 4
2.1 Spring简介 4
2.2 SpringMVC简介 4
2.3 MyBatis简介 5
2.4 AmazeUI简介 5
2.5 开发⼯具介绍 5
2.5.1 Eclipse集成开发环境 5
2.5.2 Tomcat服务器 6
第3章 即时通讯聊天系统需求分析和总体设计 7
3.1 系统可⾏性分析 7
3.1.1 法律可⾏性分析 7
3.1.2 技术可⾏性分析 7
3.1.3 经济可⾏性分析 7
3.1.4 操作可⾏性分析 7
3.2 需求分析 7
3.2.1 登陆页⾯ 8
3.2.2 个⼈信息页⾯ 8
3.2.3 设置页⾯ 8
3.2.4 注销页⾯ 8
3.2.5 ⽤户页⾯ 8
3.2.6 聊天页⾯ 9
3.2.7 在线列表页⾯ 9
3.2.8 图灵机器⼈功能 9
3.3 系统总体设计 9
3.3 系统总体设计 9
3.3.1 SSM框架配置 9
3.3.2 即时通讯聊天系统总体设计 12
3.3.3 路由设计 13
3.3.4 ⽤户登录界⾯ 14
3.3.5 ⽤户聊天主界⾯ 14
3.3.6 数据库设计 15
第4章 系统实现及效果分析 17
4.1 ⽤户登录界⾯ 17
网站源码在线4.2 ⽤户聊天主界⾯ 18
4.2.1 状态栏模块 19
4.2.2 功能栏模块 19
4.2.3 ⽤户列表模块 22
4.2.4 ⽤户聊天模块 22
结 论 26
致 谢 27
参考⽂献 28
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