摘要  随着移动互联网技术的高速发展,已经成为人们沟通、交流、结算的主要工具,开展小程序的开发,为民众提供一个方便高效的娱乐工具。为满足人们对娱乐生活的需求,开发一款小程序的播放工具,方便用户可以随时随地的通过智能终端使用播放,系统使用开发者工具搭建音乐播放器框架,采用HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript开发程序界面,使用SQLite数据库存储音乐库数据,播放器实现了播放器、播放列表和音乐推荐,通过这些功能实现为用户提供高质量的娱乐体验。通过实现和运行表面播放器界面美观、运行流畅、使用便捷、安全稳定,是一款高效的娱乐工具,深受广大用户喜欢。
关键词: 音乐播放器小程序H5 语言
With the rapid development of mobile Internet technology, WeChat has become the main tool for people to communicate, communicate and settle accounts. WeChat small program development is carried out to provide a convenient and efficient entertainment tool for the p
ublic.To satisfy people's demand for entertainment, develop a WeChat playback tool for small programs, to cater for the needs of users can anytime and anywhere through the intelligent terminal, system USES WeChat developer tools to build music player framework, using HTML 5 and CSS 3, JavaScript development program interface, use SQLite database to store music library data, realized the player, playlists and music player recommendations, through these functions to provide users with high quality entertainment experience.Through the realization and operation of the surface of the player interface beautiful, smooth operation, convenient use, safe and stable, is an efficient entertainment tool, favored by the majority of users.
Key word: Music player;WeChat small program;H5 language
第1章 需求分析网页版音乐播放器
