abandon abdomen abide absurd academic academician academy acrobat acrobatic acrobatics acute adjacent adore aesthetic, esthetic ( develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically) affiliate afford affordable afterward(s) agony aid aim aisle album AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) alcohol ale all (all but all out with all) alphabet alphabetic(al) altitude ammunition anecdote angel anger anguish annoy annoyance antenna apparatus appeal appealing appetite arbitrary archive area arena argue argument array arrive arrival (depart arrive ) (departure arrival) arrogance arrogant artery vein artillery ask assassin assassinate assassination athlete athletic atlas attain attitude auxiliary aviation awe awesome awful awkward axe axis \
bachelor spinster bachelor ( a Bachelor of Arts ) master ( a Mater of Science ) doctor ( a Doctor of Literature) bacon bacterium badminton baffle balance balcony bamboo bang banner flag banquet barber bargain bark barn barren beam beauty belong belongings bench bet beverage bias prejudice (bias toward/for against) (be biased/in favour of) Bible bibliography bill bin bingo biscuit bishop biscuit bishop bizarre blackmail blade blame blaze bleak blink bloc blouse blunt blur blush boast boastful bolt bonus boom boost booth bore boring botanical botany bottle bottom bottomless bounce bowel bowling boycott boyhood brain branch brew brewery bribe bribery bride bright brighten brilliant brim bring brink brisk brittle broker brook broom brown browse browser bruise brunch brush bubble (bubble economy ) buck (buck up) bucket buffet snack bug bulletin notice bully burden load tax burdensome burglar burial burst bury bush beat about the bush business on business no holiday bust but button buzz
cable calorie cancel canvas carbohydrate carbon cardinal carpet carve category
cater cathedral catholic cement cemetery census censor censorship cereal ceremony chain chamber chance by chance take a chance chancellor chaos (in chaos)( in a mess) chaotic chap chapel check (check in) (check out) chew chin china (piece of china) choke cholesterol chorus (in chorus ) chunk (a slice of bread) clan (race clan tribe) clap claw nail clay clergy click cliff climax clinical cloak coast coastal clone clumsy cluster coalition coarse coat cocaine coke coil collar college collide collision colonel column comb comedy comet comic comedy------comedy tragedy----tragic commence complexion compliment condolence condom confederation Confucian Confucianism console contaminate pollute contemplate contrive cork corner corridor cosmetic cosy/cozy cottage couple coupon crawl crazy crew cricket crisp crown crowning crude cruel cruelty crumble crust cry crystal cube square curb cubic cucumber cue cunning curb curfew curse curve cute cynical
damp dare dart dash database datum dawn debris decay decree deem defiance (in defia
nce) defy degree delicacy delicate demonstrate deplore deteriorate deterioration devil diamond diet dietary digital dilemma diligent dirty disciplinary discipline disciplined discreet discrepancy disguise disgust disgusting dismay dispatch, dispatch disperse dissipated distil(l) dive(submerge plunge) divine divorce separation ( sue for a divorce) dock dodge dot drain drainage drastic dread dreadful dream dreamy drill drum dull dwarf dwell (dwell on /upon) dweller welling dye dynamic(al) dynasty (found/establish a dynasty)
earnest ebb echo eclipse ecosystem edge ego elastic elasticity elite embark endanger endangered endeavo(u)r endorse enhance enthusiasm enthusiastic entire entity environment episode epoch equip (furnish, equip, decorate, ornament) equipment erase escort eternal ethnic eve evil exaggerate exam examine excerpt excite exciting excited excitement exile exotic expect expectation unexpected
fable fabulous faculty fade faint fairy fake fast fasten fatigue fatty feather federal federation feeble ferry fertile feudal fever fibre/-ber fierce filter filtrate finger fish ( fish for) fisherman fist flame flank flap flare flash flaw fling
flavo(u)r =smell + taste flip flood floor foam fog foggy foil fold forestry forge fork formidable fossil foster foul fountain fragrance frame franc frantic fraud freight friction frost (fog snow frost hail ) frown fruit fruitful frustrate (discourage) (foil, defeat) fry fume fun (for/in fun) (make fun of) function functional funny fur fuss (make a fuss of)
ga(u)ge gadget galaxy gallery gallon gallop (amble trot canter gallop) gamble gang gap garbage rubbish garbage garden garlic garment gasp gear germ get ghost giggle giraffe glamo(u)r gland gloom gloomy glossary glue golf goods gorgeous gossip gown grab grant granted greedy greet greeting grid grill grin grind groan grocery groove gross gruel guitar gut gym gymnasium